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  1. Justice1976

    Southern Baptist President advocates for LGBT rights.

    Back in the 1970's I knew of a good many churches who withdrew from the SBC for various reasons having to do with a drift to the left, both doctrinally and ministerially. When people like Adrian Rogers, Jerry Vines and Charles Stanley seized control in the eighties, I began to believe that the...
  2. Justice1976

    Christian Womanhood Divorce Lady

    Is she still up in that area and in the ministry?
  3. Justice1976

    Has Anyone Seen...

    i assumed you had read many experiences of those of us who attended in the early years. Does your experience differ greatly from what you read of the early years?
  4. Justice1976

    Has Anyone Seen...

    Do you feel your experience of thirty years ago was in line with those stories that you have read of much further back? Although I concede that Bro. Hyles was till very much alive when you finished, so I would expect that it is.
  5. Justice1976

    Has Anyone Seen...

    I understand that it takes a while to wash it out of your system, but I just wondered if more recent students ever came on and told their experiences. I understand that it would likely be taboo for a current student. From what time period is the most recent former student you have ever seen post...
  6. Justice1976

    Has Anyone Seen...

    I'm new here. Has anyone ever seen any students, say of the most recent decade (2014-2024) participate on this forum? I am curious as to the state of mind of today's HAC student. I wonder if their experience is similar to what we encountered in the 70's, 80's or 90's? If not, how so?
  7. Justice1976

    Where are they now? part 1

    Steve Ellis - Don't know Don Kidd - Don't know Arthur Harris - Caribbean missionary John Higgins - I think he died Eric Haffley (sp) - In Wisconsin ( a pastor, I think) Lee and Rich Wallace - Lives in Alabama Debbie Schaffer - Somewhere in the Northeast, PA or MA Dawn Seaton - Don't know Eddie...
  8. Justice1976

    2024 HAC and Missionaries

    I follow HAC on their alumni Facebook page. It's run by Steve Froelke, who I remember just a bit when I was there over forty years ago. They keep the page buttoned down very secure. For example, I placed a post on the page asking if there were any recent alumni directories, that I would possibly...
  9. Justice1976

    The Most Authentic Teachers at HAC

    Agree with you on Mrs. Evans. She was a little hard to evaluate as a teacher. I remember how she would always have one of her minions open the class and she would come in after about ten minutes. That was a put off for me. But otherwise, I had a generally favorable opinion of her. Bro. Godfrey...
  10. Justice1976

    Tales from the Tunnels

    I was at Balmoral in 76-77. Were you on Larry Allen’s or Steve Hazel’s floor? I don’t remember that incident but I don’t remember a lot from fifty years ago. My first real memory related to Balmoral is how depressed we were watching the 1976 election returns in the television room when Jimmy...
  11. Justice1976

    Tales from the Tunnels

    I confess that I have not read every post in this thread, not to mention many others on this forum. But the title of the thread made me think of something. Wasn't there a tunnel that ran underneath the new chapel? I don't believe that I ever went in it. However there was a rumor that someone...
  12. Justice1976

    The Most Authentic Teachers at HAC

    My experience ends in 1981, so I can't speak to anyone who came afterward, but I believe these were most authentic faculty in my time at HAC: Ed Reese, George Godfrey, Toby Weaver, Bruce Johnson and Maxine Barber. Sadly, I was not as appreciative of them while there as I grew to be later. These...
  13. Justice1976

    HAC chapel preachers & their sermons

    IMHO, Bill Pennell was a great pulpiteer. He could really bring memorable messages. I was saddened to hear of his demise so many years ago. I read something from one of his daughters some years back. She was obviously struggling. But the point she made that I feel compelled to share is how...
  14. Justice1976

    Why Did you Stay a Hacker?

    I was there from 1976-81. Did our time overlap? I hope you are healthy now. Enjoy today!
  15. Justice1976

    HAC chapel preachers & their sermons

    Max Helton -- Born To Die For those of you who came later, Dr. Helton was VP of the college in the initial years. He went on to start the NASCAR ministry and was well beloved. I thought a lot of him. A very competent man. The sermon in the 76-77 school year was about how every person and every...
  16. Justice1976

    Agenda 47: A strong conservative plan

    Absolutely correct. It's the latest boogey man the Dems have kicked out there hoping if will scare the hooey out of everyone. It's not even a Republican or a Trump document. Every special interest group from both ends of the spectrum put out position papers, hoping to influence candidates. They...
  17. Justice1976

    Christian Womanhood Divorce Lady

    I never heard that they were related, but obviously Mrs. Evans obviously had a big hand in the woman's life as a speaker in that group. Sherryh, what did you think of Mrs. Evans?
  18. Justice1976

    Christian Womanhood Divorce Lady

    Does anyone remember the lady that spoke at Christian Womanhood meetings on divorce? I think her last name was Hays. She was divorced and spoke on the evils of divorce, which was a bit novel for that place at the time. She also worked at the college and was helpful to me at times. I never...
  19. Justice1976

    How many?

    Perhaps it's too late to rebuild all of the details of David Hyles' story. I get a strong feeling that most everyone who knows the facts really don't wish to revisit experience, some dating back a half century. At bottom, he is an adulterer, grifter and a sex and porn addict. He is LIKELY more...