Agenda 47: A strong conservative plan

The 2025 plan gets attention as a strawman for what Trump is going to actually do...

The problem I have when he talks about tax cuts is it’s really not tax cuts for the average everyday American.

When he was in office the tax cuts he talks about for the working class gave me $2 more on my check. I have no idea what he’s talking about when he says stuff like this.

Maybe you or someone else can explain to me about the tax cuts he’s talking g about when it comes to our paychecks.

I’ve heard a lot of speakers at the RNC talk about the largest tax cut for average Americans. I look at my wife and say, I have no idea why they’re talking about. Maybe you or someone else saw it on ur check but I didn’t
The problem I have when he talks about tax cuts is it’s really not tax cuts for the average everyday American.

When he was in office the tax cuts he talks about for the working class gave me $2 more on my check. I have no idea what he’s talking about when he says stuff like this.

Maybe you or someone else can explain to me about the tax cuts he’s talking g about when it comes to our paychecks.

I’ve heard a lot of speakers at the RNC talk about the largest tax cut for average Americans. I look at my wife and say, I have no idea why they’re talking about. Maybe you or someone else saw it on ur check but I didn’t
would you have rather had 2 dollars less? - and higher prices on everything too? - including rent - utilities - fuel/gasoline - groceries - medical bills..... plus the fear criminals would be allowed to have their way with you because police were too afraid of lawsuits to do their jobs?....

...... oh wait.... that is what we have.. ... right now under biden....... ...... well nevermind then.... you must be really happy with the way things are.... to each his own then... i guess..... .. that why you are so upset with the political discussions here?...... you are afraid donald trump is going to spoil this wonderful deal you have under the obama biden plan?
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The 2025 plan gets attention as a strawman for what Trump is going to actually do...

what i heard was that the whole 2025 plan was nothing more than conservative ideas on how to counter the liberal democrats infamous agenda 21.... .which you never hear anyone talking about.... but which socialist democrats devised to completely change and destroy america and the rest of the free world .. ....and which they hoped - back when obama was elected - to already have up and running in full force by 2021...

the biggest reason they hate donald trump so much is that he disrupted that plan and restored some normalcy to the country - and to the way it was supposed to operate.... joes attempts to get the obama plan working again... (as if it ever did work)... have been disastrous.... .now they are trying to convince us this disaster under biden is better than the prosperity trump was able to make happen.. by scaring us with tall tales of what the bogey man trump will do this time if re-elected.....

what they bank on is a belief that the average american memory is so short they won;t remember what trump was doing before the chinese communists helped the democrats destroy the american economy with a manufactured virus....... unfortunately they might be right.... the average american memory doesn;t seem to last longer than 6 months...... ... although some say in reality it is actually a few months shorter than that...... i guess we will find out when the next election happens in 4 months from now..... provided the biden admin allows it to happen and doesn;t cook up some national emergency crisis to try and suspend it.....
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The 2025 plan gets attention as a strawman for what Trump is going to actually do...

Absolutely correct. It's the latest boogey man the Dems have kicked out there hoping if will scare the hooey out of everyone. It's not even a Republican or a Trump document. Every special interest group from both ends of the spectrum put out position papers, hoping to influence candidates. They are little more than wish lists of what the group WISHES someone might do.

My read on the Dems is they only have two points in the is election:

1. FEAR - of Trump and anything they see as a "step backward." And they try to instill fear into whoever will be impressionable.

2. Abortion -- this is all about the denial that a CHILD actually lives inside it's mother for about nine months prior to birth and that they aren't actually KILLING anything, which is all they are doing. The Dems want to protect killing in the name of healthcare, which is laughable.

The Dems have NO RECORD to run on. This is why NOW, after an assassination attempt and paying lip speak to "tamping down" the rhetoric, they CANNOT do so, because they have NOTHING else except "Orange man bad." They are stuck.
would you have rather had 2 dollars less? - and higher prices on everything too? - including rent - utilities - fuel/gasoline - groceries - medical bills..... plus the fear criminals would be allowed to have their way with you because police were too afraid of lawsuits to do their jobs?....

...... oh wait.... that is what we have.. ... right now under biden....... ...... well nevermind then.... you must be really happy with the way things are.... to each his own then... i guess..... .. that why you are so upset with the political discussions here?...... you are afraid donald trump is going to spoil this wonderful deal you have under the obama biden plan?
You didn’t answer my question.

When he uses “massive tax cuts” $2 is massive. I wasn’t complaining it was a sincere question
You didn’t answer my question.

When he uses “massive tax cuts” $2 is massive. I wasn’t complaining it was a sincere question
truthfully... i can;t answer that.... i don;t know anything about money or finances.... i get very confused trying to handle money and get cheated out of it easily.... ..... but i do know for a person making very little money and living off ramen noodles - 2 dollars a week more could be significant.... . but if a person has a higher income it wouldn;t be so much.... ....i also know that the lower taxes have effects on more than just the numbers on any one paycheck.... also comes out in the total economy overall.. in lower prices like i already mentioned - and greater buying power....... ....

but what you didn;t mention when you talked about the 2 dollar increase in your paycheck was - what was your tax refund like that year?....... did you get back more?... pay in less?.... have to pay in more?...... .... also.... what is your definition of average everyday american with regards to income?....... much less would you have to make for a 2 dollar increase to be worth something?...... how much more would you have to make to not even consider it spare change?....... it;s all different for different people.......

sorry.... maybe someone else here can provide a better answer that will make more sense........
Maybe you or someone else can explain to me about the tax cuts he’s talking g about when it comes to our paychecks.
I'd have to see your 1040s, but you're probably not as interested in an answer as your are in spouting liberal talking points.

In any case, a large part what you see in your paycheck reflects state and local and elective witholding as well. Your $2, if you're being truthful, is also a reflection of your tax bracket. I'd wager (pun intended) you're in a lower bracket, and you just aren't paying that much federal income tax (not to be confused with payroll tax) anyway.

But here's an article to help folks see the big picture.

I'd have to see your 1040s, but you're probably not as interested in an answer as your are in spouting liberal talking points.

In any case, a large part what you see in your paycheck reflects state and local and elective witholding as well. Your $2, if you're being truthful, is also a reflection of your tax bracket. I'd wager (pun intended) you're in a lower bracket, and you just aren't paying that much federal income tax (not to be confused with payroll tax) anyway.

But here's an article to help folks see the big picture.

Trump says he gave us the largest tax cut for the average American working people. Maybe you can share how much ur check went up?

Maybe others seen $50, $150, $200 increase I don’t know.

Still, no one is sharing how much their check has gone up.
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As a small business, I run nearly 3 million a year. Taxes range (due to accounting magic) $4,000. They are supposed to be double this year.
As a small business, I run nearly 3 million a year. Taxes range (due to accounting magic) $4,000. They are supposed to be double this year.
Wow! FFF, has done you right.
Trump says he gave us the largest tax cut for the average American working people. Maybe you can share how much ur check went up?

Maybe others seen $50, $150, $200 increase I don’t know.

Still, no one is sharing how much their check has gone up
well.. as for me... it;s coz i don;t know. ...(sorry).... .. i only get a regular paycheck from the part time shifts i do at a coffee shop.... (not starbucks - i got banned from there)... .and that work is inconsistent... .. and all those checks get directly deposited into an account my sister manages... and she handles all the tax stuff related to it... ...i also turn over to her all the money i earn...( and manage to make it home with)... through the various other jobs i do..... (teaching archery - cleaning and restocking the dive barge and decompression chamber if they have to use it - etc etc.)....i have been handed as much as 1000 dollars in ben franklins before for a days work on the barge... and as little as 150 depending.... but it all goes to her and she puts all that into the same account in my name and which i have a debit card for... all my buying and shopping etc is done by that debit card..........if i need or want something that costs more than what;s in the account she adds money to it to cover it... ..she also changes the pin to it regularly to safeguard both me and the account..... needless to say even if i didn;t know anything about political candidate i would choose to vote for whoever she votes for..... . and she;s even far more conservative than i am..... . a card carrying republican... ....(seriously - i have seen the card... ) .

Trump says he gave us the largest tax cut for the average American working people. Maybe you can share how much ur check went up?
LOL. Who cares about what you're alleging about your paycheck? It's meaningless.

Tell us about your 1040s.

How did you file, brah? Jointly? Head of Household? Single? How many dependants are you claiming? Did you itemize? What is your tax bracket?

Under the Trump tax cuts the standard deduction doubled. Didn't you notice that? The Dems sure did! I'll bet you'll notice when it gets cut in half when they expire. This is, of course, assuming you're one of the average American working people.

What else didn't you notice?
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The "No Tax on Tips" is intriguing. I personally do not believe anyone should ever have to live on "tips" although I am certain there are some in the service industry who are doing quite well catering to the "upper tier" who tip generously.

If an establishment paid their service personnel a respectable wage so they would not have to depend upon tips, how would this look? I do not mind my restaurant bill being 15-18% higher if it means the waitstaff are being properly taken care of.

I believe the IRS expends a significant amount of expense chasing after "tip" income so this would significantly cut their operating costs but fat chance any government agency would ever do anything to cut their operating expenses aside from denying essential services to the public!
LOL. Who cares about what you're alleging about your paycheck? It's meaningless.

Tell us about your 1040s.

How did you file, brah? Jointly? Head of Household? Single? How many dependants are you claiming? Did you itemize? What is your tax bracket?

Under the Trump tax cuts the standard deduction doubled. Didn't you notice that? The Dems sure did! I'll bet you'll notice when it gets cut in half when they expire. This is, of course, assuming you're one of the average American working people.

What else didn't you notice?
They keep raising the standard deduction to the point where I have nothing left to itemize! Used to be that my property taxes and insurance were deductible on my tax return and this significantly reduced my tax bill every year. Same went with all the exemptions for my kids when they were dependents. I really do not know whether raising the standard deduction is helping or hurting me. I pretty much lost any incentive there was for home ownership aside from the rising property values with along with commensurate rising property taxes and property insurance which has caused my monthly mortgage to increase about $300 over the last couple of years.

I have a $400K home mortgage. How big of a house do I need to have before I can itemize all of my mortgage expenses?
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They keep raising the standard deduction to the point where I have nothing left to itemize! Used to be that my property taxes and insurance were deductible on my tax return and this significantly reduced my tax bill every year. Same went with all the exemptions for my kids when they were dependents. I really do not know whether raising the standard deduction is helping or hurting me. I pretty much lost any incentive there was for home ownership aside from the rising property values with along with commensurate rising property taxes and property insurance which has caused my monthly mortgage to increase about $300 over the last couple of years.

I have a $400K home mortgage. How big of a house do I need to have before I can itemize all of my mortgage expenses?
You can see how the less affluent, and especially the families therein, are helped immensely by a doubling of the standard deduction, plus the child credit which doubled to $2k per child under 17.

But it's not only the standard deduction, and other credits, it's also the tax brackets, and the slashing of the tax rates there.

And we're only talking about federal income taxes, not payroll taxes, or state or local taxes.

My point is that an alleged $2 increase in the paycheck of one who likely files the 1040EZ, on wages earned at the local Burger Boy while living in his parents' basement, is no indicator of the benefits, or lack thereof of the Trump tax cuts.
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If an establishment paid their service personnel a respectable wage so they would not have to depend upon tips, how would this look? I do not mind my restaurant bill being 15-18% higher if it means the waitstaff are being properly taken care of.
I've encountered a few restaurants in Western Washington State that practice this. They tell you up front that their staff is paid a living wage and therefore tipping is not expected. I have found the staff in these establishments tend to seem like they are happy to be there and the service is good. The one place I've been to more than once has been great. Our bill at the end of dinner was about what we would have paid with tax and tip.

Mind you, we have not been to coastal Washington since the PAMICdemic so, no idea how things have changed. A meal at a cheap restaurant nowadays is way more than eating at top end places back in the day. I'm hearing that a local chain was used to like has gone down hill bad...
LOL. Who cares about what you're alleging about your paycheck? It's meaningless.

Tell us about your 1040s.

How did you file, brah? Jointly? Head of Household? Single? How many dependants are you claiming? Did you itemize? What is your tax bracket?

Under the Trump tax cuts the standard deduction doubled. Didn't you notice that? The Dems sure did! I'll bet you'll notice when it gets cut in half when they expire. This is, of course, assuming you're one of the average American working people.

What else didn't you notice?
You’re asking to much personal information on a site like this where most do not want their identity out there. Much less everything else you’re asking.

No love lost. If you refuse to take what I say at face value then it’s impossible to have a good faith conversation.

The only thing I’ll say is that I pay 25% in taxes every payday.

You definitely give vibes of an IFB Pastor.