Southern Baptist President advocates for LGBT rights.

Posted upstairs back in February.  You need to keep up.

Twisted said:
Back in the 1970's I knew of a good many churches who withdrew from the SBC for various reasons having to do with a drift to the left, both doctrinally and ministerially. When people like Adrian Rogers, Jerry Vines and Charles Stanley seized control in the eighties, I began to believe that the churches that withdrew in seventies had done so prematurely and that change was better accomplished by staying inside, rather than leaving and throwing rocks from the outside.

Forty years later, I see the drift worse than ever and I wonder how Bible believing congregations -- and I believe there are many in the SBC -- can continue to stay in. They have been fighting over women in pastoral position for the last several years. Like the Methodists, I predict they will be fighting over homosexuals in the ministry in a few short years. W.A. Criswell, R.G. Lee and John Wesley are turning over in their graves.
Back in the 1970's I knew of a good many churches who withdrew from the SBC for various reasons having to do with a drift to the left, both doctrinally and ministerially. When people like Adrian Rogers, Jerry Vines and Charles Stanley seized control in the eighties, I began to believe that the churches that withdrew in seventies had done so prematurely and that change was better accomplished by staying inside, rather than leaving and throwing rocks from the outside.

Forty years later, I see the drift worse than ever and I wonder how Bible believing congregations -- and I believe there are many in the SBC -- can continue to stay in. They have been fighting over women in pastoral position for the last several years. Like the Methodists, I predict they will be fighting over homosexuals in the ministry in a few short years. W.A. Criswell, R.G. Lee and John Wesley are turning over in their graves.
I am in the SBC in an SBC church. We have no drift to accepting the LGBTQ push. I just love it when people try to judge every church in the SBC by a few that will soon be removed from fellowship. I don't like how the bodies that the churches in the SBC give to are heading and how they have done, those organizations being the ERLC, the NAMB, Lifeway, and to some degree the IMB. Many of these churches that have started to drift are churches that have aligned closely with Rick Warren. Are YOU in an SBC church? Or are you here just flinging dung like a chimp in a tree? ;)
I’ve been a Southern Baptist most of my life. I follow the issues.

I don’t know how to respond to your last question.
Back in the 1970's I knew of a good many churches who withdrew from the SBC for various reasons having to do with a drift to the left, both doctrinally and ministerially. When people like Adrian Rogers, Jerry Vines and Charles Stanley seized control in the eighties, I began to believe that the churches that withdrew in seventies had done so prematurely and that change was better accomplished by staying inside, rather than leaving and throwing rocks from the outside.

Forty years later, I see the drift worse than ever and I wonder how Bible believing congregations -- and I believe there are many in the SBC -- can continue to stay in. They have been fighting over women in pastoral position for the last several years. Like the Methodists, I predict they will be fighting over homosexuals in the ministry in a few short years. W.A. Criswell, R.G. Lee and John Wesley are turning over in their graves.
My understanding is that each SBC church is autonomous. Some of the churches are not even fighting over it. They just started accepting it.

Society at large seems to ostracize those who believe homosexuality is wrong. The tide has shifted, and God's Word, to many, is irrelevant.
I’ve been a Southern Baptist most of my life. I follow the issues.

I don’t know how to respond to your last question.
You may follow the issues but I think you don’t understand the women as pastors issue.
There are some issues I may be concerned about in the SBC but women pastors is not one of them.
My understanding is that each SBC church is autonomous. Some of the churches are not even fighting over it. They just started accepting it.

Society at large seems to ostracize those who believe homosexuality is wrong. The tide has shifted, and God's Word, to many, is irrelevant.
What is the it you refer to?