Where are they now? part 1


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Nov 30, 2018
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I'm a HAC grad. 75-79
looking for:
Steve Ellis
Don Kidd
Arthur Harris
John Higgins
Eric Haffley (sp)
Lee and Rich Wallace
Debbie Schaffer
Dawn Seaton
Eddie Paul Oats
Paular and Cindy (McCormick) Mercer
Joe Shore
Last edited:
I'm a HAC grad. 75-79
looking for:
Steve Ellis
Don Kidd
Arthur Harris
John Higgins
Eric Haffley (sp)
Lee and Rich Wallace
Debbie Schaffer
Dawn Seaton
Eddie Paul Oats
Paular and Cindy (McCormick) Mercer
Joe Shore
I assume you’ve tried Facebook….
Joe Shore is my friend I'll ask him for an update
I'm a HAC grad. 75-79
looking for:
Steve Ellis
Don Kidd
Arthur Harris
John Higgins
Eric Haffley (sp)
Lee and Rich Wallace
Debbie Schaffer
Dawn Seaton
Eddie Paul Oats
Paular and Cindy (McCormick) Mercer
Joe Shore
Aren't we all so helpful?
I'm a HAC grad. 75-79
looking for:
Steve Ellis
Don Kidd
Arthur Harris
John Higgins
Eric Haffley (sp)
Lee and Rich Wallace
Debbie Schaffer
Dawn Seaton
Eddie Paul Oats
Paular and Cindy (McCormick) Mercer
Joe Shore
Steve Ellis - Don't know
Don Kidd - Don't know
Arthur Harris - Caribbean missionary
John Higgins - I think he died
Eric Haffley (sp) - In Wisconsin ( a pastor, I think)
Lee and Rich Wallace - Lives in Alabama
Debbie Schaffer - Somewhere in the Northeast, PA or MA
Dawn Seaton - Don't know
Eddie Paul Oats - Pastors in MO
Paular and Cindy (McCormick) Mercer - I think he's in LA
Joe Shore -- Don't know
Don Kidd...... would he have been a "B" Sunday School teacher for Mrs Helton in Primary I?
There was a Primary I teacher named Kidd who would've been in HAC in the early to mid 70's, around the time
that the church auditorium was being enlarged..."A" Sunday School & Sunday church services were
being held at the Civic Center; "B" Sunday School was still meeting in the buildings on Sibley.
Facebook is a tool of the devil. Any self-respecting HACer would never be caught on Facebook.
Facebook has become widely used by IFB churches as have screens. Facebook is cheaper & much easier to maintain than a church website and since the average member and staff are over 50, facebook it is.