How many?

it;s true.... and - sometimes girls just do stupid things.... my natural sister was like that... . she was very beautiful and could have gotten any guy she wanted... but she was also an exotic dancer and attracted some of the very worse kind of men... creepy and very dangerous men who would have stalked her - except for one thing... her boyfriend was far more dangerous than any of them were... .he was huge... very strong... but also a drug dealer and meth addict... and... he was also one of the bouncers at the bar she worked at... that;s how she met him... ...

she warned me about him before i ever met him - when we were still on the plane and she was bringing me over here... . she said she knew he was bad and she had no doubts that he would one day end up in prison for life.... but she kept him because he made her feel safe... and she believed he would never hurt her.... .. ...little did she know that his life sentence in prison would be handed down only a year later... and it would be for her murder.... he went into a meth filled rage one night at the dinner table and killed her with a butcher knife... ...i was there... .. and i saw the whole thing... .. i still see it sometimes in nightmares....
I will pray God will take those horrible memories away and replace them with good memories of her.

I'm so sorry for your sister and am saddened you had to witness this event.

I't must have been so difficult to have to recall these events when you testified. So glad he was put away for good.
I will pray God will take those horrible memories away and replace them with good memories of her.

I'm so sorry for your sister and am saddened you had to witness this event.

I't must have been so difficult to have to recall these events when you testified. So glad he was put away for good.
thank you..... . ...i never had to testify on that incident.... other than to tell police what had happened.......her boyfriend confessed to everything from the start.. .. .had even screamed at police at the house and told them to shoot him and kill him.... then told police at his hearing they should have killed him.. .......the story of all that happened that night.. ..(most of it anyway).... was written on the old don ebourne forum around the time i first joined the forum... .. then later i told more of it in other posts ... ...i gave the details of the murder itself ..what happened the moments before.. and what happened after that.... ..i was told i could attend his sentencing hearing if i wanted to but that i wouldn;t be asked any questions as police had overwhelming evidence on that case, and also other criminal cases against him that were still open.... but i did not go to it....

i did testify in a court hearing against my mom and some of her clients a year and half before that happened.... i was asked a lot of questions in that case and i really didn;t want to go through that again.... (i still wouldn;t want to)... . thankfully the prosecutor that day was very sharp and the judge wasn;t going to let the defense lawyer get away with any mind games.. plus the evidence in that case was also overhwelming... they all ended up going to prison - including my mom..

but that was also still a very bad experience - even with the legal systems support... and also with the testimony of the doctors and medical staff ..and even one school teacher who gave tesimony in my support..... .. it;s why i completely understand the unwillingness of many women abused by powerful and manipulating men... (and in some cases women).... to come forward and testify against them..... just want the whole thing to go away and to be allowed the chance to forget it.... ..but some things cannot be forgotten because it changes us in many ways - some of which we are not immediately aware of... .. but other people see it and constantly remind us... or wonder what is wrong with us and why we are not "normal"...
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"Pointless" is often in the eye of the beholder. I think there is merit for discussion of this in the same vein as the admonition to "remember history so we don't repeat it"(paraphrased). There may be onlookers who are trying to make sense of the past indiscretions. They could benefit from understanding the accurate presentation of mistakes/sins made by their former leaders/church. I look at it in a similar mindset as what the Bible says about the the Old Testament in 1 Cor 11 (Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition).
For historical purposes, please listen to this telephone conversation from the annals of history.

I was at the wedding. I heard Brother Hyles say it was their first kiss.

Please note Paula says that Brother Hyles had her come to his office for six months prior to her marriage to Dave.....and the questions he asked her....sheesh!

Also, I had a friend who grew up in Michigan. I heard stories early on about Becky's husband. There is lots and lots of history....and lots of people who could tell more.
thank you..... . ...i never had to testify on that incident.... other than to tell police what had happened.......her boyfriend confessed to everything from the start.. .. .had even screamed at police at the house and told them to shoot him and kill him.... then told police at his hearing they should have killed him.. .......the story of all that happened that night.. ..(most of it anyway).... was written on the old don ebourne forum around the time i first joined the forum... .. then later i told more of it in other posts ... ...i gave the details of the murder itself ..what happened the moments before.. and what happened after that.... ..i was told i could attend his sentencing hearing if i wanted to but that i wouldn;t be asked any question as police had overwhelming evidence on that case and also other criminal cases against him that were still open.... but i did not go to it....

i did testify in a court hearing against my mom and some of her clients a year and half before that happened.... i was asked a lot of questions in that case and i really didn;t want to go through that again.... (i still wouldn;t want to)... . thankfully the prosecutor that day was very sharp and the judge wasn;t going to the let the defense lawyer get away with any mind games.. plus the evidence in that case was also overhwelming... they all ended up going to prison - including my mom..

but that was also still a very bad experience - even with the legal systems support... and also with the testimony of the doctors and medical staff ..and even one school teacher who gave tesimony in my support..... .. it;s why i completely understand the unwillingness of many women abused by powerful and manipulating men... (and in some cases women).... to come forward and testify against them..... just want to the whole thing to go away and to be allowed the chance to forget it.... ..but some things cannot be forgotten because it changes us in many ways - some of which we are not immediately aware of... .. but other people see it and constantly remind us... or wonder what is wrong with us and why we are not "normal"...
I just want you to know you're a wise smart woman. And you are loved by many on this forum. Thank you for sharing
Perhaps it's too late to rebuild all of the details of David Hyles' story. I get a strong feeling that most everyone who knows the facts really don't wish to revisit experience, some dating back a half century. At bottom, he is an adulterer, grifter and a sex and porn addict. He is LIKELY more than that. He will stand accountable before God Almighty one day for his deeds. I knew him 40 years ago and swapped a few emails with him about a dozen years ago. Nothing transpired that moved me off of the above assertions. I SUSPECT that he is a sociopath with no conscience or remorse for his past behavior. I do not believe he has ever been saved.

However, the Apostle Paul referred to himself as " chief of sinners." So it is not my venue to pass judgment on Dave. I have to worry about me. God will take care of Dave (and the rest of us.)
Perhaps it's too late to rebuild all of the details of David Hyles' story. I get a strong feeling that most everyone who knows the facts really don't wish to revisit experience, some dating back a half century. At bottom, he is an adulterer, grifter and a sex and porn addict. He is LIKELY more than that. He will stand accountable before God Almighty one day for his deeds. I knew him 40 years ago and swapped a few emails with him about a dozen years ago. Nothing transpired that moved me off of the above assertions. I SUSPECT that he is a sociopath with no conscience or remorse for his past behavior. I do not believe he has ever been saved.

However, the Apostle Paul referred to himself as " chief of sinners." So it is not my venue to pass judgment on Dave. I have to worry about me. God will take care of Dave (and the rest of us.)
dh will get justice it may not be on this earth ...but justice will come