I know what it is to be falsely accused by one's own children. (I told that story
here. )
One's kids are his life. His
LIFE. And to have one's life simply taken, and
turned against you is a pain I don't think anyone here can imagine. Give me Job's trials instead. His kids were merely taken in a freak act of nature.
And if oppression can drive a wise man crazy, Ecc. 7:7, what effect do you think it can have on someone who is a little unbalanced?
I can say with no equivocation, if there is one cell in Anderson's body that is human, his pain is excruciating, and explains his responses perfectly. It doesn't seem to me that he is responding like someone who would threaten his kids with death, or whip his wife with an electrical cord. And neither is his congregation.
So I was a little hopeful when I'd heard that he may have been receiving psychiatric help. At the very least it would help him untangle his thoughts and feelings, and take them to Christ—not that the shrink would advise him to do so, but if he is a child of God, he just would.
But it seems no cause was found to keep him in the ward. This isn't boding well for the kids' stories, or the tranny's expose. Or the crowd of peasants here with their torches and pitchforks.