Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

You meant this for the other thread, correct?

Anderson has made a "career" for himself out of saying provocative and outrageous things. It's kind of hard sometimes to tell whether he's being serious or just trying to grab headlines.

The Mosaic Law called for the death penalty for homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13), and Paul called them worthy of death (Rom. 1:32). Unlike Anderson, apparently, I don't believe the Law of Moses ought to be the law of this land, and I agree with you that's no excuse to tell anyone to kill himself. It does tell us, though, how very seriously God takes this sin.

As for Anderson's education, he's a Hyles-Anderson dropout, as I recall. So he didn't even manage to finish a bad education.
Oops. Yes, the other thread. Feel free to move it.
i think that was when i first saw it.... i have posted it and reposted it again here a few times... .. usually whenever someone came in with a bizarre defense of anderson... ...hard to believe but there are some that do that.... .....
I'm with you he's crazy
I'm with you he's crazy
to me the video was a good example of - how many times does a duly authorized police officer acting in an official capacity have to tell you to roll down your windows or exit your vehicle before you decide to comply?... ... and..... is it safe to assume said officer is not serious when he says he will break your windows and taze you if you refuse?...... ..of course some people saw that video differently and insisted anderson was being abused and mistreated..... ..but i think it fit well into proverbs 19-25...
..of course some people saw that video differently and insisted anderson was being abused and mistreated.....
He was acquitted. But there is a smart way and a dumb way to say you haven't done anything wrong. The smart way is to comply with the LEOs, find out the drug-sniffing dog made a mistake, and be on your way in a couple of minutes. The dumb way is to harangue the officers, stubbornly refuse to comply, pretend to be a big patriot hero, get your car window broken, and scream like a little girl when they tase you.
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