Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

He is NOT there. Go to 27:10 for the explanation.

There are a whole host of reasons why someone may spend a night or two in the psych ward.

Could be that he winked out and was run in without being able to ask for help or refuse. A night or two of rest, a chat with a shrink, maybe some meds... call in a sub for midweek and back at it on Sunday.

I'm not defending him in any way. Someone who has their head screwed on straight isn't going to need a night in the psych ward. I'd almost bet the symptoms got out of control and a band-aid was applied to the cancer.

It appears some of his older kids are turning against him. If the one who spilled the beans is the Nazi sympathizer, that should give one cause to take his word with a big grain of salt.

I'm not counting him out of the race just yet but it is my prayer that he comes to true repentance and humbles himself before God.
So there's...

  • a Facebook message, now deleted and unverifiable, from his Nazi son claiming Spamderson was involuntarily committed;
  • Spamderson absent at his midweek church service;
  • the substitute preacher giving a vague explanation for Spamderson's absence;
  • the substitute preacher mocking the Nazi son who posted the announcement from the pulpit;
  • a message on a "Steven Anderson" Facebook account claiming he is under "intense persecution" from various government agencies. Again, however, I can't verify its genuineness, as there are multiple accounts, some obvious parodies, purporting to be his.

So did he actually wind up in the booby hatch? Maybe. But I'd say I'm still 40% skeptical.
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So there's...

  • a Facebook message, now deleted and unverifiable, from his Nazi son claiming Spamderson was involuntarily committed;
  • Spamderson absent at his midweek church service;
  • the substitute preacher giving a vague explanation for Spamderson's absence;
  • the substitute preacher mocking the Nazi son who posted the announcement from the pulpit;
  • a message on a "Steven Anderson" Facebook account claiming he is under "intense persecution" from various government agencies. Again, however, I can't verify its genuineness, as there are multiple accounts, some obvious parodies, purporting to be his.

So did he actually wind up in the booby hatch? Maybe. But I'd say I'm still 40% skeptical.
booby hatch?..... that;s a new one i never heard before..... and i;ve actually been in the psychiatric lockup several times.. .... we have a seabird in the pacific called the blue footed booby.. me "booby hatch" sounds like a successful nest full of fletchlings that the mongoose couldn;t get to.....

but if it;s true...and he;s really there.... it;s not something i would wish on anybody.. .. personally i would rather be in jail than the psych ward......
booby hatch?..... that;s a new one i never heard before..... and i;ve actually been in the psychiatric lockup several times.. .... we have a seabird in the pacific called the blue footed booby.. me "booby hatch" sounds like a successful nest full of fletchlings that the mongoose couldn;t get to.....

No relation to the blue-footed bird, although they share a common etymology. "Booby" is a 19th-century term for a foolish person, so the "booby hatch" is somewhere that you stash the mentally ill.

(The bird is also so named because of its clumsiness on land.)

but if it;s true...and he;s really there.... it;s not something i would wish on anybody.. .. personally i would rather be in jail than the psych ward......

Spamderson's life trajectory seems like he'll inevitably end up in one or the other. The man's a walking Shakespeare tragedy without the royalty.
No relation to the blue-footed bird, although they share a common etymology. "Booby" is a 19th-century term for a foolish person, so the "booby hatch" is somewhere that you stash the mentally ill.

(The bird is also so named because of its clumsiness on land.)

Spamderson's life trajectory seems like he'll inevitably end up in one or the other. The man's a walking Shakespeare tragedy without the royalty.
interesting how the meanings and usages of words can change over time.....specifically when used as slang...... .also interesting how different cultures all speaking english can have different and often contrary meanings for the same words... ....that particular word is used to described more than just a sea bird and the mentally unstable... ...

but like i said before if steve anderson really was involuntarily locked up in the psych ward... for any amount of time... then i feel bad for him... ...having been there myself many times it;s not something i would wish on anybody... it;s not just a place to be stashed away anymore... it;s a place to be poked and prodded...subjected to both tests and treatments that amount to nothing but torture.... .. i would rather spend that time locked up in jail.... and if his time ever comes to occupy that facility...(aka the slam).. for a while i am sure he will agree.... ..

plus it can almost be used as a bragging right to say "i just got out of jail"... but to say "they just released me from the psych ward"..??..... .. not so good.....
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I'm glad his sons spoke up that must have been very hard to know and no power to do anything. It will be interesting how this plays out in his home and church.
I suspect that in his church they will just believe that Satan is using his children to attack him.
After reading the article I am curious about who exactly the person that turned him in and how he was able to get it done.

A lot of social media posts appearing and disappearing keep the guessing game alive.
After reading the article I am curious about who exactly the person that turned him in and how he was able to get it done.

A lot of social media posts appearing and disappearing keep the guessing game alive.
The boys are of age they are not making this up. Now the police may have come and said lets do this peaceful or we can carry you out. You can only claim so many people when we say come on lets go to jail