You might have a small church if..........

The church's radio program is broadcast over a CB radio.
prophet said:
The attached parsonage is the nursery

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YES! Grace Independent Baptist church in 1970!

Oh, the blessed memories.
Twisted said:
....the sound system stops working and no one notices.
...the sound system works fine and no one notices.

What sound system?

Grace Independent Baptist Church  1970
One tree totally obscures your church from the road!
You tell someone in your town about your church and they say, I drive by there every day and I didn't know there was a church there!
As in our case:
YMHASC if...
You invite someone to church and the reply is: "I thought that church was shut down". ???
The road department doesn't plow snow off the road your church is on.
Twisted said: can mow the church lawn with a push mower and it only takes 10 minutes.

YES! We had a big clean-up, and I mowed the lawn (but with a power mower). It took four minutes.

Grace Independent Baptist church 1970
....everyone has to sit in the "spit pit".
.....your video ministry is a bright flashlight shined on posters you hung on the wall.
...the sample pack of Chick Tracts has lasted two years.
...every evening service is a candlelight service because you can't afford electricity.
...transsexuals have no problem figuring out which restroom to use. let the guy from the mission play piano even though his hair is too long.
....your best friend in ministry is the preacher from the Assembly of God church.
...seventh-day Adventists give you their old "Saturday School" material and you use it.
...there's never a line at the baptistery. store the Christmas decorations in the baptistery.