Search results

  1. Justice1976

    Best and/or Worst

    I realize that this is an old thread and I'm late to the game but I want to chirp in. Best: Making friends, one of which remains after 48 years. How can you put a price on that? Ed Reese and George Godfrey. These were two faculty that I really undervalued while I was there. They weren't...
  2. Justice1976

    HAC 2018 Graduation. 71 graduates

    I have seen the very smallest of schools publish a yearbook because the system is set up for the proceeds from the book sale plus advertisements, pay for the publishing. I guess I am going to sound harsh, but I do not believe the lack of a yearbook is for monetary reasons, but rather lack of...
  3. Justice1976

    Hacker Trivia!!

    I guess I liked Bro. Laurent. I thought him a bit strange, but "strange" was rather par for the course in the late 70's. I never thought he was a great Bible teacher, in fact I thought he was deficient. I think Bro. Hyles gave him a position because of his loyalty. He was already up in years...
  4. Justice1976

    HAC 2018 Graduation. 71 graduates

    Very interesting and enlightening. Yes, they do offer online courses but I know no specifics. Maybe they can stay afloat. I understand that the church carries a sizable amount of debt that originated in the Schaap years and that has been a struggle at times to manage. And I concede that they pay...
  5. Justice1976

    HAC 2018 Graduation. 71 graduates

    There were approximately 450 when I graduated in 1981. I suspect they were at 500 for a few years.
  6. Justice1976

    Real HAC Numbers

    I really don’t know, but I highly suspect that at worst, it’s not far off.
  7. Justice1976

    Real HAC Numbers

    It's been seven years since this post. It appears the college has not grown any in the intervening time. I'm surprised that they have found a way to keep the doors open this long. I believe that the college is dead. They may not want to concede it, but I can't believe that you can keep paying...
  8. Justice1976

    HAC 2018 Graduation. 71 graduates

    It looks to me like there were something between 80-100 graduates in 2024. From the pics I saw, there were no "older" (married) students. That looks to be so different from forty years ago. Married students comprised a sizeable portion of the student body. The college is dead. You CANNOT...
  9. Justice1976

    Why Did you Stay a Hacker?

    I could be wrong. I have been "out" of that orbit for many years. But unless a lot has changed, I would respectfully say that comparing PCC with HAC is VERY apples to oranges. In retrospect, going way back to the mid-seventies, PCC might have been an excellent choice for me. There seemed to have...
  10. Justice1976

    Johnny Pope/Christchurch Baptist Fellowship

    I stated before, back in 1980-81 -- a LIFETIME AGO --I liked him. He was gifted and had a charisma about him that was rare for HAC students at the time. I believe he came to HAC as a student from Florida in the first year the school opened in 1972. He developed a following as a young evangelist...
  11. Justice1976

    Jim Vineyard passes away

    Vinyard left during my first year at the college. I didn't much care for him then. You were branded as "soft" and not very dedicated (to put it mildly) if you expressed your dislike then. I witnessed him doing some things to students that were abusive, physically and otherwise. In retrospect, I...
  12. Justice1976

    Why Did you Stay a Hacker?

    I don't use anything I learned at HAC today. I left there in 1981 -- graduated too! I realized in the last year there that I wasn't going into "full time Christian service." I was much too invested to quit at that time, so I stayed and graduated. I went home and worked construction the following...
  13. Justice1976

    Prominent Baptist Pastor Keith Gomez argues slavery was a good thing...

    I knew Keith pretty well at HAC. He was a year or two behind me. I mostly liked him, but thought he was a bit of a blow hard. I never knew anything of him after 1981. I heard his wife died and he remarried. I hope he can endure to the end.
  14. Justice1976

    Old Classmates

    David Fink is dead. I had him for Greek. I sort of liked the guy. I never had any issues with him.
  15. Justice1976

    George Godfrey

    Is he still alive? I had him back in the seventies. I understand he broke from the school during the scandal of 1990ish. Good for him. He wasn't always my cup of tea, but I never doubted his sincerity. He was a true believer. And even though his beliefs (and loyalty) may have been misplaced, I...
  16. Justice1976

    How much were school bills when you went to HAC?

    My first year was 76-77. Seems to me that you could get full room, board and tuition for $1,000 per semester. Don't laugh too hard, five years before I was making $1.60 per hour on my first job! $1,000 was a lot of money in '76!
  17. Justice1976

    Cindy Collins observation

    I do not know Tom Brennan.
  18. Justice1976

    Bill Grady's Post ...

    I remember back in the day, Bro. Hyles loved Myron Cedarholm who was President of Maranatha in the seventies. He even let Myron fill the pulpit at Hammond on one of those rare occasions when he was gone. Frankly, I thought Myron couldn't preach a lick, but was probably a good man. $15,000 a...
  19. Justice1976

    Cindy Collins observation

    I have followed her just a little. Both she and her husband (Brad) are divorced and he's a year younger than her. I think he may have been a lay preacher at one time. His father was also a preacher. I know they are in a small group of believers. They both work modest jobs and are trying to get...