Best and/or Worst

Binaca Chugger said:
Best:  "In this class, I want to give you such an enjoyment and thirst for history that you will want to search it out on your own."

Worst:  "In this class, I don't teach English, I PREACH English."

You probably have a millen of these!
BALAAM said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best:  "In this class, I want to give you such an enjoyment and thirst for history that you will want to search it out on your own."

Worst:  "In this class, I don't teach English, I PREACH English."

You probably have a millen of these!

Now that's funny right der!
prophet said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best:  "In this class, I want to give you such an enjoyment and thirst for history that you will want to search it out on your own."

Worst:  "In this class, I don't teach English, I PREACH English."
thanks, Matt.

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

BALAAM said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best:  "In this class, I want to give you such an enjoyment and thirst for history that you will want to search it out on your own."

Worst:  "In this class, I don't teach English, I PREACH English."

You probably have a millen of these!
Beat ya to it. ;)
Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

prophet said:
prophet said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best:  "In this class, I want to give you such an enjoyment and thirst for history that you will want to search it out on your own."

Worst:  "In this class, I don't teach English, I PREACH English."
thanks, Matt.

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

I'm a little older than you prophet. And a little slower.
BALAAM said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best:  "In this class, I want to give you such an enjoyment and thirst for history that you will want to search it out on your own."

Worst:  "In this class, I don't teach English, I PREACH English."

You probably have a millen of these!
Beat ya to it. ;)
Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2
At least you aren't a Bears fan...That could qualify me for disability.

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Those staff members who worked a second or third job to make their bills because they really believed they were making a positive impact in our lives.

Worst: Those security members who believed they had a right to impact the daily events of our lives.

Worst:  The admin refused to pay those staff members enough so that they didn't have to work so many other jobs.
BALAAM said:
prophet said:
prophet said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best:  "In this class, I want to give you such an enjoyment and thirst for history that you will want to search it out on your own."

Worst:  "In this class, I don't teach English, I PREACH English."
thanks, Matt.

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

I'm a little older than you prophet. And a little slower.
BALAAM said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best:  "In this class, I want to give you such an enjoyment and thirst for history that you will want to search it out on your own."

Worst:  "In this class, I don't teach English, I PREACH English."

You probably have a millen of these!
Beat ya to it. ;)
Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

Miss you, BALAAM
Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Daily being near so many authors who can autograph their books for you.

Worst:  Their books.

Just read this again from 5 years ago.  Can I give myself a Standing Ovation!?!
Binaca Chugger said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Daily being near so many authors who can autograph their books for you.

Worst:  Their books.

Just read this again from 5 years ago.  Can I give myself a Standing Ovation!?!

Sent from my H1611 using Tapatalk

Binaca Chugger said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Daily being near so many authors who can autograph their books for you.

Worst:  Their books.

Just read this again from 5 years ago.  Can I give myself a Standing Ovation!?!

Awesome!  If I knew how to give you one I would!
Best: Ministering to children who would otherwise not hear the Gospel.

Worst:  Bribing children to make professions of faith and get baptized.
Best:  Liberty Square milkshakes

Worst:  Peanut Butter and Butter sandwiches with a side of pickles that have a bite taken out of them
Best:  Meeting my wife

Worst:  Meeting HACkers
I realize that this is an old thread and I'm late to the game but I want to chirp in.


Making friends, one of which remains after 48 years. How can you put a price on that?

Ed Reese and George Godfrey. These were two faculty that I really undervalued while I was there. They weren't flashy and didn't preach or teach so great. But maybe they were the two most genuine people on the faculty. They lived lives of commitment and faithfulness for decades after I left and that speaks volumes for me.


The weather. I'm from the south and had never driven on snow and ice. I actually had two wrecks on ice on the same day. I took a good car up there and turned it into a junker! I had my own demolition derby going on.

The way they worked us and used us, pretty much as slave labor for the Hammond ministry. Bro. Hyles said "I will not use my people to build my work, I will use my work to build my people." Almost 50 years later, I believe that is precisely what he did -- use his people to build his work. I said this in another post, but I believe it was the college that allowed him to take the church from "super" status, to "mega" status. He had almost 2000 young people that were commanded to work without recourse. You can get a lot done with that.

The schedule was rigorous and frankly, especially for the married student was too much to have anything resembling a home life. I don't know how it is today, but I would submit that in the seventies, it would have been a good move to go to a four day school week and give the students every Friday off to get a breather.

And I'm not a sluggard. I left in 1981 and earned two more degrees in state universities. The overall atmosphere at HAC was the worst of my life. I was exhausted most of the time, between working full time welding railroad tank cars in East Chicago and doing ministry.