Johnny Pope/Christchurch Baptist Fellowship


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2013
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Walking among you.
Sunday night I watched Johnny preach on his church's FB page. His sermon title was, "Wash your hands!"
Sunday night I watched Johnny preach on his church's FB page. His sermon title was, "Wash your hands!"
Sounds like Johnny. He's always been an extremist.
Sounds like Johnny. He's always been an extremist.

I'm sorry, but an anti vaccination Ruckmanite calling someone extreme is PRICELESS.
If irony was currency it would be priceless. :)
I left the Hammond area over 40 years ago and have observed Pope from a very distant perch these past forty years. I believe, that while imperfect, he has been faithful to what he believed. Everyone has their opinions, but he always treated me respectfully back in the day. I think he has tried to be a good man and getting out of Hammond was likely the best thing he ever did.
I have been to his Church about three times I believe. Two of them, I heard Tim Lee preach and the third time was some other guest preacher so I have never actually heard Johnny Pope "Preech" but based upon what I have seen, he sure likes to hear himself talk!🤣

Would I be wasting my time if I were to pull him up on YouTube?

Based upon my understanding, he has distanced himself quite a bit from the foolishness of Hyles but not completely disavowed FBCH/HAC. Based upon what I can gather, his education level never progressed beyond his BS degree from HAC and I am guessing his doctorate is an honorary one from HAC?
I left the Hammond area over 40 years ago and have observed Pope from a very distant perch these past forty years. I believe, that while imperfect, he has been faithful to what he believed. Everyone has their opinions, but he always treated me respectfully back in the day. I think he has tried to be a good man and getting out of Hammond was likely the best thing he ever did.
I have been to his Church about three times I believe. Two of them, I heard Tim Lee preach and the third time was some other guest preacher so I have never actually heard Johnny Pope "Preech" but based upon what I have seen, he sure likes to hear himself talk!🤣

Would I be wasting my time if I were to pull him up on YouTube?

Based upon my understanding, he has distanced himself quite a bit from the foolishness of Hyles but not completely disavowed FBCH/HAC. Based upon what I can gather, his education level never progressed beyond his BS degree from HAC and I am guessing his doctorate is an honorary one from HAC?
a baptist preacher named POPE ??....:oops:.. .

i thought baptists had a ..<ahem>..
cardinal rule against things like that... .. kind of a heretical mis-appropriation - avoid the appearance of evil thing..... could even stir up a distasteful image....😖 . ..... say it isn;t so.... 🫣

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a baptist preacher named POPE ??....:oops:.. .

i thought baptists had a ..<ahem>..
cardinal rule against things like that... .. kind of a heretical mis-appropriation - avoid the appearance of evil thing..... could even stir up a distasteful image....😖 . ..... say it isn;t so.... 🫣

Interesting story, Back in the 1980s, John Paul II was pope and we would often refer to him as "Pope Johnny!"

Someone mentioned to me this Pastor from Houston I should check out next time I was in town. He told me his name was "Dr. Johnny Pope!"

I thought "you're kidding, right?" Nope, he was serious. Said he was really some sort of "hot shot preecher!"

I checked out a few clips on YouTube and I am not at all impressed.
Would I be wasting my time if I were to pull him up on YouTube?

Based upon my understanding, he has distanced himself quite a bit from the foolishness of Hyles but not completely disavowed FBCH/HAC. Based upon what I can gather, his education level never progressed beyond his BS degree from HAC and I am guessing his doctorate is an honorary one from HAC?
Now that I have pulled him up on YouTube, I have to say that I am not at all impressed. Little to no substance in his preaching and I see that he was a keynote speaker at the Pastor's school in 2011 and was sucking up to Jack Schaap and all of the other "power players" in the FBCH/HAC universe, so... yeah, he is "one of them" and I want nothing to do with his kind!
I stated before, back in 1980-81 -- a LIFETIME AGO --I liked him. He was gifted and had a charisma about him that was rare for HAC students at the time. I believe he came to HAC as a student from Florida in the first year the school opened in 1972. He developed a following as a young evangelist while there and had a great number of bookings. He married a girl from Hammond and (I could be wrong about this) I think that's what kept them in Hammond until about 1981.

Eventually he was given a job at the college teaching. I know he had homiletics and probably a couple of other classes. I say again, in my rare interactions with him, he treated me respectfully. He and I left about the same time --1981. I have literally had no contact with him in these 43 years, but I think the description of "distancing himself" from FBC is accurate. I do not believe he has "turned his back" on it. Perhaps that's just semantics. I have not heard him preach in 43 years, but he has pastored the same congregation in Houston for 43 years and kept his life and ministry scandal free. I give him high marks for that. I believe for many years he was a "fan favorite" at the Southwide Baptist Fellowship, which is basically a yearly preaching convention controlled by mostly independent Baptists.
I stated before, back in 1980-81 -- a LIFETIME AGO --I liked him. He was gifted and had a charisma about him that was rare for HAC students at the time. I believe he came to HAC as a student from Florida in the first year the school opened in 1972. He developed a following as a young evangelist while there and had a great number of bookings. He married a girl from Hammond and (I could be wrong about this) I think that's what kept them in Hammond until about 1981.

Eventually he was given a job at the college teaching. I know he had homiletics and probably a couple of other classes. I say again, in my rare interactions with him, he treated me respectfully. He and I left about the same time --1981. I have literally had no contact with him in these 43 years, but I think the description of "distancing himself" from FBC is accurate. I do not believe he has "turned his back" on it. Perhaps that's just semantics. I have not heard him preach in 43 years, but he has pastored the same congregation in Houston for 43 years and kept his life and ministry scandal free. I give him high marks for that. I believe for many years he was a "fan favorite" at the Southwide Baptist Fellowship, which is basically a yearly preaching convention controlled by mostly independent Baptists.
I'm sure he is a nice and likable guy. From my brief interactions with him, I would concur. He is just not the substantive bible preacher and teacher I would have hoped him to be. He is still a part of the "machine" albeit a "kinder, gentler, and more distant" part but a part nonetheless.

I used to live fairly close to where the Church is now (in the Champion Forest subdivision of Houston) and they were way off my radar.
I knew a Baptist preacher named Fag.
Or one named Jack Daniels...
we knew an old guy many years ago named jose' cuervo.... ... unfortunately... he was a drunk.... and homeless.... ... even more unfortunately - since i know he got teased about his name.. he couldn;t even afford tequilla... ....stayed sauced on cheap smirnoff vodka like most of the other homeless alcoholics...... ..... a person should at least be able to enjoy the thing they get teased about.... well - maybe not all the time... . certianly not the preacher named fag....
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we knew an old guy many years ago named jose' cuervo.... ... unfortunately... he as a drunk.... and homeless.... ... even more unfortunately - since i know he got teased about his name.. he couldn;t even afford tequilla... ....stayed sauced on cheap smirnoff vodka like most of the other homeless alcoholics...... ..... a person should at least be able to enjoy the thing they get teased about.... well - maybe not all the time... . certianly not the preacher named fag....
I kid you not: We are in Challis ID right now and there is a pastor here whose name is Sinz 😳

Yeah, they're KJVO.