Prominent Baptist Pastor Keith Gomez argues slavery was a good thing...


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Feb 4, 2012
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Prominent Baptist Pastor Keith Gomez argues slavery was a good thing because it helped Africans escape Africa and come to America.
Story from 2017. Took awhile to get out as he is not that prominent.

bgwilkinson said:
Prominent Baptist Pastor Keith Gomez argues slavery was a good thing because it helped Africans escape Africa and come to America.
Story from 2017. Took awhile to get out as he is not that prominent.

Whoever wrote the article is an idiot as the Bible clearly mentions slaves and masters.

Now as far as what Gomez and Anderson said, these men are total sissies on this subject who are generally "preaching to the choir".

When I was in prison ministry, preaching in chapel, I mentioned that slavery was in the Bible and was not condemned.

My "crowd" of about 100 was 80% Black, including murderers.

We had us "a time".  Gomez and Anderson can go back to playing in the sandbox.
I saw this on facebook is he that disconnected ?...disgraceful
Arnold Fair, a HAC teacher, taught that slavery was right and that the US was wrong in the American Revolution.
I knew Keith pretty well at HAC. He was a year or two behind me. I mostly liked him, but thought he was a bit of a blow hard. I never knew anything of him after 1981. I heard his wife died and he remarried. I hope he can endure to the end.