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  1. Justice1976

    Dear Roommate,

    I confess that I did it and that I did it terribly. :rolleyes:
  2. Justice1976

    Misrepresentations to Impressionable Students

    I don't attend the church. I did visit there some about 11 years ago, but it is somewhat amusing to me. In many ways it's the modern version of us HACers, fifty years ago. The male students don't wear ties, they wear skinny jeans and sneakers. They raise their hands and sing praise songs. They...
  3. Justice1976

    Misrepresentations to Impressionable Students

    Bro. Hyles (in his own way) was smooth, relatable and convincing. Back in the late 70's I talked with a young pastor who was attending Pastor's School and he said this, "The difference between Jack Hyles and Dave Hyles is when I hear Jack and his story, I think 'if he can do it, so can I!'. When...
  4. Justice1976

    Dear Roommate,

    Sherry, did you know that many ballroom dance groups often put baby powder or other talcum on the floor so their feet will glide across the surface. Maybe your friend was into dancing!!!
  5. Justice1976

    Jobs While You Were in College:

    I worked for the Union Tank Car Company in East Chicago, welding railroad tank cars. Those things have a long shelf life and for years afterwards when I would be stopped at railroad crossing for a train to clear, I would always note which tank cars were marked with "UTLX" and wonder if I might...
  6. Justice1976

    Your Favorite Chapel Songs

    I remember my days at HAC, mostly in the latter 70s as an introduction to many songs that were congregationally sung in chapel that I had never heard before. I haven't heard them since either. Back then, I actually thought Dr. Evans' song leading was a bit strange, but then a friend of mine...
  7. Justice1976

    The "deterioration" of HAC

    I've been to college A LOT. Both at HAC and public universities. Ask your kids this: Do you have to really dig in a course to hope you can get a "B" much less and "A"? If the honest answer is no, it's not tough academically.
  8. Justice1976

    The "deterioration" of HAC

    My impression is that when you see that only nine churches in the country had more than 25 buses, that’s not a lot. And it’s no wonder those were the “mega churches” of the day. It’s a numbers game.
  9. Justice1976

    The "deterioration" of HAC

    I’m deep in the southeast.
  10. Justice1976

    The Bus Ministry Today

    I've been away from the IFB stuff for many years. Are there still churches trying to utilize the bus ministry that way they were 45-50 years ago? I know FBC still runs buses. What percentage of buses are they running from the peak -- whenever that was? I really do not know of a church remotely...
  11. Justice1976

    The "deterioration" of HAC

    Agree 100%. That was pretty much me in the late 70s. I have no idea what he/she is referring to, except the obvious reference to Dave Hyles and Wendell Evans. On that note, I frankly don’t know a lot of facts. Elsewhere in this thread “bgwilkinson” (I also wonder if he’s still around or posts –...
  12. Justice1976

    David Nelms Resigns - Becomes Church Planter

    I knew him just a little at HAC. I think he's a dedicated guy. I went to his organization's website not long ago. I noticed that his bio contained no mention of Hyles Anderson College. It did mention that he had a degree from Luther Rice Seminary. I don't hold it against him. 😁
  13. Justice1976

    Phil Sallie

    I only vaguely remember him. I don't think he began his official duties as the Employment Czar until I left in 1981. But I wanted to take this space to thank someone who was very instrumental in helping me find a good job while at HAC. His name was Sammie Wooldrige. Sammi came to the school...
  14. Justice1976

    Dear Roommate,

    In 1976-77, I was at Balmoral Woods. For those of you who might not remember, the enrollment was too large that year to house all of the guys at Baptist City, so the school was able to rent a couple of floors of a motel in Crete, IL. It was probably 25 miles from campus, so it presented very...
  15. Justice1976

    Your most fulfilling time at HAC?

    What was your most fulfilling time at HAC? What made it so? Mine was in my junior year, I worked on the blind bus with a guy named Alan Stewart. I forget how we cultivated the bus route but we went over a lot of Chicago and picked up the blind members and took them home afterwards. One that I...
  16. Justice1976

    Tales from the Tunnels

    I am not familiar with him in any manner.
  17. Justice1976

    Jussie Smollett come to HAC!

    I knew Danny. Good man! But this in fact, happened. Since my original post I confirmed the event, including the names of the principals involved as well as my own recollection of Bro. Hyles telling the story at the Southwide Baptist Fellowship in December 1975. I’m not going to state the...
  18. Justice1976

    Jussie Smollett come to HAC!

    We were ignorant. Definitely. Btw, I got a confirmation of the event from a friend this afternoon. He confirmed all the stuff I set forth and confirmed that it happened in the Fall of 1975, which is when I heard Bro. Hyles tell it at a conference. He said the security guard left the school...
  19. Justice1976

    Southern Baptist President advocates for LGBT rights.

    I’ve been a Southern Baptist most of my life. I follow the issues. I don’t know how to respond to your last question.
  20. Justice1976

    Jussie Smollett come to HAC!

    First, this memory is very fuzzy, so I may have it wrong... Does anyone remember back in the seventies an event where a security guard made up a story of getting assaulted and knocked out one night (or early morning) on campus and and then these supposed terrorists set the bridge at the lake on...