David Nelms Resigns - Becomes Church Planter

IFB X-Files

Well-known member
Jan 10, 2013
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Dark side of Zarus 3
Whether or not you agree with the direction David Nelms has taken, one thing is clear to me, he loves the Lord and works hard.

Here he tells his story.  It's really good.  Enjoy.

Worship Team
Earring in male singer's ear
Not a tie to be found on the platform
Guitar music
Beards on leadership people
Men on platform with hair over their ears
Song leader dancing around while he sings
Elders instead of deacons
Sun glasses on man speaking on platform
Pants on female singer/piano player

STINKIN' LIBERALS!!!!!!  :)  :)

I was at HAC shortly after he left.  Didn't he have a brother that also attend HAC (Johnny??).  I actually attended that church while on vacation.  Dan Burell was the pastor.  It was MUCH different when I was there. 
RAIDER said:
Worship Team
Earring in male singer's ear
Not a tie to be found on the platform
Guitar music
Beards on leadership people
Men on platform with hair over their ears
Song leader dancing around while he sings
Elders instead of deacons
Sun glasses on man speaking on platform
Pants on female singer/piano player

These are now all included in Church Ed - get with the program, man!

I was at HAC shortly after he left.  Didn't he have a brother that also attend HAC (Johnny??). 

Yes, and Lewis (who is there in that service).  David got me in the bus ministry when he was at Central Baptist in Pomona.  When he left, his brother John took over.  IMHO, Johhny doesn't compare much to David.  But...to each their own.
That church use to be conservative and the past two pastors have run off good people and totally changed the direction the school is going in. My boys play sports against their school-was not impressed!
kaba said:
That church use to be conservative and the past two pastors have run off good people and totally changed the direction the school is going in. My boys play sports against their school-was not impressed!

Just say it, kaba!  STINKIN' LIBERALS!!
kaba said:
That church use to be conservative and the past two pastors have run off good people....

At the end the elder says that when Nelms came they only ran around 700-800.  Now they have 3500!  He mentioned two events that made folks leave.  At least they're honest about it.  I'd like to know what goes on inside Nelms' head about these things.
Is it about the numbers? Christ Fellowship in the area runs more than 3500, Calvary Chapel runs about that. And Nelm's church is on the same league (style). It is not "Baptist" any longer.

I just disagree when Pastors come to a church knowing what they believe, and then totally change the church. I am sure there are not too many original people there when he got voted in.

When he came in and changed things, he lost dear, Christian people, but it was our gain, because they are attending our church now!

My husband totally loves the guy!!
RAIDER said:
kaba said:
That church use to be conservative and the past two pastors have run off good people and totally changed the direction the school is going in. My boys play sports against their school-was not impressed!

Just say it, kaba!  STINKIN' LIBERALS!!

More like compromiser!!  :)
I believe he's also doing missionary church planting.  A couple of FBC missionaries are now  under his "tutelage".  If he's the one, he goes to these churches overseas, gets the people who are already in the country plants them in there and then moves on.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  That may be Johnny.  I know it's on of those Nelms' boys.
Still There said:
I believe he's also doing missionary church planting.  A couple of FBC missionaries are now  under his "tutelage".  If he's the one, he goes to these churches overseas, gets the people who are already in the country plants them in there and then moves on.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  That may be Johnny.  I know it's on of those Nelms' boys.

We met Johhny in Stockton in 1992 at Tim Pollock's church.  At that time he had been overseas doing what you are saying.  And he mentioned it was with the Southern Baptists.  He joked that his IFB brethren considered him "out of the ministry" when he did that.  I believe he is still doing that kind of work.

David has a goal to start 1,000,000 new churches.  Yeah, ONE MILLION!
Hey Raider are you in town?  pm coming your way............
Hey we moved down to work in this church in 1983 .....we moved to present location from 45th/Australian Ave the building were being broken into also everynight. My first doberman did alot of security work at the church. We moved out to the new property in 1986 or 1987 I taught First Grade until 2002. I couldn't have stayed under the music.I grew up with rock music it has no place in church ........kaba ask me to go with her to watch a game and I didn't want to go and see the change it would have broke my heart. I know nothing stays the same but I am conservative and I haven't changed.
Sounds like these Nelms boys have loosened up a bit since they were teachers in my high school. :)
RAIDER said:
Worship Team
Earring in male singer's ear
Not a tie to be found on the platform
Guitar music
Beards on leadership people
Men on platform with hair over their ears
Song leader dancing around while he sings
Elders instead of deacons
Sun glasses on man speaking on platform
Pants on female singer/piano player

STINKIN' LIBERALS!!!!!!  :)  :)

I was at HAC shortly after he left.  Didn't he have a brother that also attend HAC (Johnny??).  I actually attended that church while on vacation.  Dan Burell was the pastor.  It was MUCH different when I was there.

I bet Dan would like it now though too.

I could really help this church with one thing...Let the black dude lead all of the music. He has a very good voice. Not so much the white (maybe Hispanic) dude. IMO of course.
Just John said:
RAIDER said:
Worship Team
Earring in male singer's ear
Not a tie to be found on the platform
Guitar music
Beards on leadership people
Men on platform with hair over their ears
Song leader dancing around while he sings
Elders instead of deacons
Sun glasses on man speaking on platform
Pants on female singer/piano player

STINKIN' LIBERALS!!!!!!  :)  :)

I was at HAC shortly after he left.  Didn't he have a brother that also attend HAC (Johnny??).  I actually attended that church while on vacation.  Dan Burell was the pastor.  It was MUCH different when I was there.

I bet Dan would like it now though too.

I could really help this church with one thing...Let the black dude lead all of the music. He has a very good voice. Not so much the white (maybe Hispanic) dude. IMO of course.
No doubt he's got 'soul'!
I knew him just a little at HAC. I think he's a dedicated guy. I went to his organization's website not long ago. I noticed that his bio contained no mention of Hyles Anderson College. It did mention that he had a degree from Luther Rice Seminary. I don't hold it against him. 😁