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    This is a map of Chad. Notice the article you posted. All the coffee shops are in N'Djamena, and itis lush and green there. Notice Abeche where my daughter lives. a 12 hour drive, in the desert. There are no plantations there. And the infrastructure is not like the US. The lower half of Chad...
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    My daughter and son in law are missionaries in 99% Muslim Abeche, Chad, Africa. He worked in a small coffee shop in Baton Rouge, LA for a few years, and now that they are in Chad, he's reduced to drinking Nescafe. They thought I had never heard of it. My mom and dad used to drink instant...
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    David Baker arrested

    I don't know him from a hole in the ground, and I don't know his position. But I do know how people argue illogically and self-righteously and I loathe it.
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    John R Rice "Prayer is asking"; "If it is not asking, it is not prayer in the Bible sense."

    He separated from Billy Graham, who was a believer, because of secondary issues.,than%20the%20doctrines%20of%20fundamentalism. "The most fascinating part of the...
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    David Baker arrested

    You're no different. You want to manipulate. Answer the question, directly. If he says yes, what will you say? Don't say, "that line of thinking matters." What exactly are you trying to bait him into proving? What is your point?
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    Where are they?

    There are a lot I'd like to see. Chad Fletcher. T-=Bone, Patebald, Calalilly, remonstrant, Invictus, AVL1984, dmcoe, breslau, victoryvolunteer
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    Is there a way to access posts from like 20 years ago?

    I am so glad. I was on there and am embarrassed at some of the things I did and said.
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    David Baker arrested

    Why does it matter? What difference will it make if he says yes? What will your response be if he says yes?
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    Is a Fundamentalist an Evangelical?

    When my daughter was 17 she said "Dad, I wanna smoke a cigarette." So I bought a pack of Parliaments, lit one up, handed it to her and said, "try it." She puffed it, not inhaling and blew the smoke out and said, "Not bad." I said, "Oh, no, you have to inhale. Take a big long drag and fully...
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    Would you witness to Hitler

    Um, Jesus witnessed to Judas and Pilate and Caiaphis.
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    Is a Fundamentalist an Evangelical?

    'ya big sissy. LOL
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    John R Rice "Prayer is asking"; "If it is not asking, it is not prayer in the Bible sense."

    Jesus said Pray like this. "Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name....." That first statement is not asking. I read John R. Rice's book in about 1989, and it affected me immensely. But he never said it was only asking. I also read and appreciate his book, "Our God-Breathed Book...
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    Can A Christian Be A Christian Nationalist?

    Joe Rigney is one.
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    Jack Hyles vs John R. Rice.

    Constituency. Like you said, he had to pay the bills. Fundamentalism was slowly morphing into legalism, and KJVO was an easy legalistic goal, and he did not want to lose readers at the Sword of the Lord.
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    David Baker arrested

    Of course it is. If he answers yes, there is a possibility that the woman could be at blame, even in an infinitesimal way, you'll say "Gotchya". It's how teenage boys get their parents to let them drink beer.
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    David Baker arrested

    People don't like to be baited.
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    Dennis Quaid's conversion

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    Is a Fundamentalist an Evangelical?

    I did not know that your Dad had that history. I thought he was a Navy or some other military man, and was a diver in more recent years.