John R Rice "Prayer is asking"; "If it is not asking, it is not prayer in the Bible sense."


Dec 20, 2013
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John R Rice was a godly man but he wasn't always correct on some topics. Take the topic of prayer, his best selling book was "Prayer Asking And Receiving" published in 1942. According to Rice, prayer was simply asking God for your needs. Rice rejected the teaching that prayer also has some other components. For instance, prayer is also adoration, praise, intercession, confession and thanksgiving. The error that John R Rice makes in his book is that he narrows down prayer to just asking God. Prayer includes supplication or "asking" to God but it is also much broader than just simply "asking." I believe many IFB's today would not agree with how Rice defined prayer in this book. But to be fair, the book also has some good gems about prayer.quote-prayer-is-asking-the-answer-to-prayer-is-receiving-john-r-rice-54-54-88.jpg
John R Rice was a godly man but he wasn't always correct on some topics. Take the topic of prayer, his best selling book was "Prayer Asking And Receiving" published in 1942. According to Rice, prayer was simply asking God for your needs. Rice rejected the teaching that prayer also has some other components. For instance, prayer is also adoration, praise, intercession, confession and thanksgiving. The error that John R Rice makes in his book is that he narrows down prayer to just asking God. Prayer includes supplication or "asking" to God but it is also much broader than just simply "asking." I believe many IFB's today would not agree with how Rice defined prayer in this book. But to be fair, the book also has some good gems about prayer.View attachment 5673
I agree. JRR reduced the concept of prayer to little more than a business transaction in his book. He's been with Jesus for over 40 years. I'm sure he's been straightened out on the issue. I fully respect his teaching on salvation; IMO that makes up for his misunderstanding of prayer.
John R Rice was a godly man but he wasn't always correct on some topics. Take the topic of prayer, his best selling book was "Prayer Asking And Receiving" published in 1942. According to Rice, prayer was simply asking God for your needs. Rice rejected the teaching that prayer also has some other components. For instance, prayer is also adoration, praise, intercession, confession and thanksgiving. The error that John R Rice makes in his book is that he narrows down prayer to just asking God. Prayer includes supplication or "asking" to God but it is also much broader than just simply "asking." I believe many IFB's today would not agree with how Rice defined prayer in this book. But to be fair, the book also has some good gems about prayer.
Jesus said Pray like this.
"Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name....."

That first statement is not asking. I read John R. Rice's book in about 1989, and it affected me immensely. But he never said it was only asking. I also read and appreciate his book, "Our God-Breathed Book: The Bible." Another thread mentioned it. He was not KJVO. He was well educated, not even TR only, much less KJVO. But he was separatistic to a fault. But his type of Chrsitianity was very legalistic and self righteous, and God, in his mercy, allowed many of us from Maranatha's earlier days, to escape it.
Jesus said Pray like this.
"Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name....."

That first statement is not asking. I read John R. Rice's book in about 1989, and it affected me immensely. But he never said it was only asking. I also read and appreciate his book, "Our God-Breathed Book: The Bible." Another thread mentioned it. He was not KJVO. He was well educated, not even TR only, much less KJVO. But he was separatistic to a fault. But his type of Chrsitianity was very legalistic and self righteous, and God, in his mercy, allowed many of us from Maranatha's earlier days, to escape it.

You said Rice was "separatistic to a fault." Yet he rejected second degree separation. Can you give examples how Rice was separatistic and how was his Christianity legalistic and self righteous?
You said Rice was "separatistic to a fault." Yet he rejected second degree separation. Can you give examples how Rice was separatistic and how was his Christianity legalistic and self righteous?
He separated from Billy Graham, who was a believer, because of secondary issues.

"The most fascinating part of the book chronicles the turbulent relationship between Rice and Billy Graham. For many years, Rice propped up Graham’s ministry, defending his methods against the more strident fundamentalists who had already disfellowshipped him. When Rice finally did turn against Graham, it was because separatism as the principle of fundamentalism had become more important than the doctrines of fundamentalism. Doctrinal purity wasn’t good enough. You could no longer associate with someone who even associated with the theologically impure. The split between Graham and Rice turned into a microcosm of the split between fundamentalists and evangelicals in the latter half of the last century."

Read his book on child rearing, or his book on bobbed hair, etc
Does anyone know the name of the book Bob Jones, Jr wrote against John R Rice?