Would you witness to Hitler

And I would expect nothing less of self-righteousness.

Certainly. You're judging the egregiousness of a sin primarily by the physical attributes of the perp and the victim. And that's fine for meting out justice in the earth.

But it's quite another thing to place yourself on God's throne and judge souls and bear indignation toward His vessels of mercy, and the Price He paid for them, and disapprove of His choices.

Who are you to bring a charge against one of His elect? It's God that justifies. And if the angels in heaven rejoice over a repentant, what does it tell us about you when you say, "Meh. He could burn in hell for all I care?"
I don’t see that I’m placing myself on Gods throne. I can care less if they burn in hell. Whether they do or don’t has nothing to do with me. All I’m saying is, I wish them to burn in hell. I’m not sending them anywhere that’s between them and God.
I don’t see that I’m placing myself on Gods throne. I can care less if they burn in hell. Whether they do or don’t has nothing to do with me. All I’m saying is, I wish them to burn in hell. I’m not sending them anywhere that’s between them and God.
It's hard to deny attempting a coup against God's authority when you come right out and say your wishes don't align with His, and you think you're a more appropriate candidate for justification than others, because your sins aren't as bad as theirs in your eyes.
It's hard to deny attempting a coup against God's authority when you come right out and say your wishes don't align with His, and you think you're a more appropriate candidate for justification than others, because your sins aren't as bad as theirs in your eyes.
There is no removal of anything on my part. True, my wishes do not align with his. Im not trying to remove anything I’m unable to do any such thing and it would be foolish of me to think otherwise. I’m not interrupting anything according to Gods will. Gods will is Gods will and if he wills it that settles it.

I guess ur much more aligned with Gods will than I am.
Hitler is not around today so rather a moot point is it not? If he actually faked his death and escaped to Brazil or Argentina, he would've likely died of old age long ago. If there was any truth to the Billy Joel song (Only the Good Die Young), he'd be 135 years old!

But for entertainment's sake, I'll bite.

Would I grab a stack of tracts and knock on doors in his neighborhood and invite Hitler to attend my Church? Probably not. I also would not share the "four spiritual laws" with him and tell him that "God has a wonderful plan for your life..." I would not go out of my way to seek him out but if God providentially had me cross paths with him, I would hope to have the boldness to warn him to flee from the wrath to come and to repent of his wickedness and turn to the living God! As with any other divine encounter such as this, I would hope that the Lord would find me faithful.

No, I would not purposely place my life in peril in order to do such a thing. I would follow Paul's advice in Romans 12:18 (If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.) and would not go out of my way to become a martyr.

But if I got to witness to such a person (mass murderer, rapist, pedophile, etc.) and they were to "profess faith" in Christ, I would tell them that evidence of genuine repentance would be to turn yourself into the authorities and face the justice that you truly deserve and if they were willing to do so, I would be at their side providing whatever encouragement I could!

Would I witness to Biden? Yes, if I could resist the urge to punch him in the face!
since we would all have to go back in time to witness to hitler or any of the other dead tyrrants and mass murderers... how about another hypothetical question..... ... ..at what age would you prefer to witness to those individuals if you had the chance?.... do you ever wonder if another christian living when those evil men were still children might have had that chance to witness to them and passed it up?..... . ....just something to consider.....
since we would all have to go back in time to witness to hitler or any of the other dead tyrrants and mass murderers... how about another hypothetical question..... ... ..at what age would you prefer to witness to those individuals if you had the chance?.... do you ever wonder if another christian living when those evil men were still children might have had that chance to witness to them and passed it up?..... . ....just something to consider.....
Perhaps they were witnessed to, numerous times! What do we know of regarding Hitler's upbringing?

How did God harden Pharaoh's heart? Pharaoh was undoubtedly the most "Witnessed to" person in all of history and look at what he did with it! He hardened his own heart against God's reproof which led to the events unfolding as they did.

No doubt that Hitler and Pharaoh (and Dahmer, Gacy, Pol Pot, Stalin, bin Laden, et AL) were sweet, innocent children and likely beloved of their mother or whoever! None of them will get to blame the "Environment" for which they were raised!

I could also point to the stories you have told us about yourself. Seems to me that if we were to follow the logic and wisdom of this world (that we are ultimate "products of our environment"), that you would have been perfectly justified to become an absolute monster and act out in rage because of what you have experienced! Instead, you are a testimony of God's supernatural grace and a tremendous blessing to many who know you!
Perhaps they were witnessed to, numerous times! What do we know of regarding Hitler's upbringing?

No doubt that Hitler and Pharaoh (and Dahmer, Gacy, Pol Pot, Stalin, bin Laden, et AL) were sweet, innocent children and likely beloved of their mother or whoever! None of them will get to blame the "Environment" for which they were raised!
I am to understand that Hitler was very close to his mother while his alcoholic father was a very cruel person. Hitler's mother died when he was a teenager and he took it very hard. He tried to be an artist but was told he'd make a better architect.
Architecture is one of the classical fine arts.
Indeed it is. If young Hitler wasn't so stubborn and listened to his counselors, he'd have made a fine architect. Copies of his artwork are out there and they show he had a very technical, analytical eye.
Perhaps they were witnessed to, numerous times! What do we know of regarding Hitler's upbringing?

How did God harden Pharaoh's heart? Pharaoh was undoubtedly the most "Witnessed to" person in all of history and look at what he did with it! He hardened his own heart against God's reproof which led to the events unfolding as they did.

No doubt that Hitler and Pharaoh (and Dahmer, Gacy, Pol Pot, Stalin, bin Laden, et AL) were sweet, innocent children and likely beloved of their mother or whoever! None of them will get to blame the "Environment" for which they were raised!

I could also point to the stories you have told us about yourself. Seems to me that if we were to follow the logic and wisdom of this world (that we are ultimate "products of our environment"), that you would have been perfectly justified to become an absolute monster and act out in rage because of what you have experienced! Instead, you are a testimony of God's supernatural grace and a tremendous blessing to many who know you!
i didn;t say anything about anyone being able to blame sin on their environment or how they were raised.... or even what the disposition of the tyrants mentioned might have been as children... ... ..so i don;t know who or what you are answering with exclamation marks.... . .all i was wondering was if anyone had witnessed to those men as children or if someone might have thought about it but didn;t do it.... ..

when i said "something to consider"... i was wondering how would a person who had the chance but passed it up reconcile it with themselves years later after seeing what those men became... .. i know how i personally feel about it.... .. but it;s all hypothetical and not intended to make anyone feel accused ..

thank you for the kind words in regards to how i turned out compared to how i was raised.... but i take absolutely no credit for it.... it was by the grace of God i even survived childhood and also that i ended up in a good adoptive family when i did.. .... . and it was also by the grace of God that a friend invited me to ride the church bus with her and also that she witnessed the gospel to me that same day - .... ....which as it turned out was exactly the right time in my life to receive it...
thank you for the kind words in regards to how i turned out compared to how i was raised.... but i take absolutely no credit for it.... it was by the grace of God i even survived childhood and also that i ended up in a good adoptive family when i did.. .... . and it was also by the grace of God that a friend invited me to ride the church bus with her and also that she witnessed the gospel to me that same day - .... ....which as it turned out was exactly the right time in my life to receive it...
This is exactly the point I was trying to make. Worldly wisdom looks at a person's environment, how they were raised, and so forth. We can find examples of people who were raised with "privilege" having every advantage, and all the best circumstances yet they still ended up becoming a reprobate hellion who wreaked havoc on their world. Others grew up under the worst conditions imaginable but overcame such adversity and have achieved genuine greatness with their lives. Of course you cannot take credit and neither can I. It is all of grace and all of Christ for both of us!

But in regards to witnessing, we should do so wherever and whenever we have opportunity. Just remember that the outcome is up to God. It is simply our duty to be faithful.
If hitler was alive today would you witness to him and show compasson, how about Nero, Ida Amin (Butcher of Uganda), Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Joseph Mengele, Mao Zedong ...

I remember a very articulate and inspiring preacher once said if we had the love of Christ and fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit we could witness and even show kindness to these type of people. He said because we are human and have the old nature it is more difficult for us.

I would agree, but I would find it hard to show compassion for them. I would want them to get what they deserve. Sadly thats what we all deserve I guess.


Um, Jesus witnessed to Judas and Pilate and Caiaphis.