The Longest Thread in the History of the FFF....

israel is not going after hamas for their sins against God.... they are going after hamas for the murder of israeli civilians.... ..when israels leaders accepted the honor of wearing the crown they also took the responsibility of bearing the sword... .refusal to fulfill their duty with either one would disqualify them from the other.... .

but just out of curiosity.. ...what would the faith and repentance of hamas look like?.... or.. what would you accept as evidence that God forgave them?..... .. would they look like death row inmates making cellblock conversions - hoping to avoid execution?.... or would they look like the thief on the cross - acknowledging the heinous nature of their crime while both agreeing they not only deserve the death penalty... .. but also submitting to it?.....
I'm certain there is a great deal of hatred and anger towards Hamas and the Palestinians and of course Israel is looking for retribution as well as eliminating a threat as any government should do for its people. In the grander scheme of things, It is God who is working his justice. Notice I did not take sides or even assume which side God may be on. I simply said we are all deserving of the judgment of God and am thinking of things such as the Tower of Siloam and so forth regarding how he regards those who have been affected by the unfortunate events.

What repentance and faith would look like regarding Hamas would be their unconditional surrender, full acceptance of responsibility, their complete disarmament, and acknowledgement of Israel's right to exist and perhaps even acknowledge Israel's government as God's appointed magistrate over them! Evidence of regeneration means that they acknowledge Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God who rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the father as well as the forsaking of any false religion that teaches contrary to this.
israel is not going after hamas for their sins against God.... they are going after hamas for the murder of israeli civilians.... ..when israels leaders accepted the honor of wearing the crown they also took the responsibility of bearing the sword... .refusal to fulfill their duty with either one would disqualify them from the other.... .

but just out of curiosity.. ...what would the faith and repentance of hamas look like?.... or.. what would you accept as evidence that God forgave them?..... .. would they look like death row inmates making cellblock conversions - hoping to avoid execution?.... or would they look like the thief on the cross - acknowledging the heinous nature of their crime while both agreeing they not only deserve the death penalty... .. but also submitting to it?.....
They'd still deserve the death penalty.
Like it's orignator...this thread has been hiding! LOL
What's wrong with you people?

“Dear Sirs, [What’s wrong with the world?] I am.”--G.K. Chesterton
TLTITHOTFFF just got a little longer and closer to its goal.
well..... this thread was started about 9 months ago.... and in that 9 months it has accumulated 478 posts...... which means it only has 7045 posts to go in order to match the longest thread on the forum so far..... the worthless thread for specifically increasing post numbers.... which is in the hyles anderson college forum ..and provided that thread does not get added to as well.... ...

and that means ..(if you do the math - and if that other worthless but longest thread in forum stands still as of this moment).... this thread will catch up to that one in just a little over 11 years...:)

however..... that other thread does get added to from time to time...... in that same length of time it took this thread to grow to 478 posts - that other thread grew by 202 posts..... ... so if you do some additional math you can see it will actually take somewhere around 60 to 70% longer than 11 years to catch up... or ..roughly 18 years..... :sneaky:

which means.... if you added another child to your family today - he or she will be ready for college at about the same time this thread catches up with the worthless thread for specifically increasing post numbers in the hac forum...... :cool: