The Longest Thread in the History of the FFF....

This thread will never make it to the length of others. I will do my best to hinder it! LOL
It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

This sounds good.
What comes next?
It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

It's the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friend;
Some people started out reading it not knowing what it was and now they'll keep on reading it forever because;

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.—Churchill
Good grief! Is this thing still alive? LOL
You believe that Michael Servetus deserved to burn?

That was the civil penalty for heresy in every nation in Europe at the time. What should have been done, and what nation would have done so in 1553?
You believe that Michael Servetus deserved to burn?
Nope, this was just a quippy, smart-aleck remark! Calvin did not believe Servetus deserve to burn either and tried to persuade the magistrates to have him beheaded instead. Calvin was instrumental in the prosecution and conviction of his heresy and rightfully so. Heresy was a crime punishable by death back then and it was the civil magistrates who carried out his execution.

Now I guess we could debate whether heresy is promotable by death and I would ask you what God thinks of the matter. I personally am a huge proponent of religious liberty for all and as a Baptist, I am a strong proponent of the Church being and remaining independent from the State. Calvin was not a Baptist and his Church was the official "State Church" of Geneva.

But the issue is not what I think but what GOD THINKS on the matter! So, do you believe that God should be sovereign in his dealing with those who pervert the Gospel of Christ? What God think of you and what is your standing with him? Do you dare think for one second that you yourself is any less deserving of the eternal flames of HELL as any other sinner?


Luke 13:1 ¶There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?
3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?
5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
You believe that Michael Servetus deserved to burn?
...and he's still burning.

But it was Geneva that pronounced sentence on him, not Calvin. Calvin tried to convince the magistrates to mitigate the punishment and use a sword instead. Much quicker, and much less painful.
Who cares about Michael Servetus. That was 500 years ago.

How about talking about whether the Palestinians deserve to be bombed into non-existence?
Who cares about Michael Servetus. That was 500 years ago.

How about talking about whether the Palestinians deserve to be bombed into non-existence?
Deserve? certainly! We all do!

Right now we are all quite upset with Hamas but what if God were to have mercy upon them and grant them repentance and faith to believe? How should Israel respond to such?
Deserve? certainly! We all do!

Right now we are all quite upset with Hamas but what if God were to have mercy upon them and grant them repentance and faith to believe? How should Israel respond to such?
israel is not going after hamas for their sins against God.... they are going after hamas for the murder of israeli civilians.... ..when israels leaders accepted the honor of wearing the crown they also took the responsibility of bearing the sword... .refusal to fulfill their duty with either one would disqualify them from the other.... .

but just out of curiosity.. ...what would the faith and repentance of hamas look like?.... or.. what would you accept as evidence that God forgave them?..... .. would they look like death row inmates making cellblock conversions - hoping to avoid execution?.... or would they look like the thief on the cross - acknowledging the heinous nature of their crime while both agreeing they not only deserve the death penalty... .. but also submitting to it?.....