The Longest Thread in the History of the FFF....

It’s a gateway drug.

A bit over dramatized... A LOT over dramatized.

A gateway drug? Definitely. Always? That depends on the user.

What that stuff does is it robs the user of good judgement. Even when the high is over. I know this from experience.

It's not considered addictive but let a habitual user put the stuff down for a few days and they become a bear to be around. Several of my relatives are living proof of this.

Simply put: this stuff makes one STUPID. I used this stuff as a kid until I went into the Navy. Most of my adult life, I was in a position where random drug tests were a possibility so I continued to leave it alone. There have been few times when drug screening wasn't hanging over me. One of those times, I tried it again. The high was "enjoyable" but I didn't like what it did to my mind. I got a great night's sleep that night but the mental effects lasted about a week after the high was gone. I didn't like it at all. I can assure you, based on that experience alone, I will NEVER partake of that stuff again. If I come to a place where physical pain is such that I need this or some other narcotic for relief, I better be locked away and close to death.

As Bob Jones V said, I've found a much better gateway.
For some, maybe. That's too generala a characterization.

I wasn't really attempting a serious discussion on this subject (only keeping with the stream of consciousness and adding to the thread total BABY!), not since we were talking about Cheech and Chong's philosophical leanings anyway. :LOL:
A bit over dramatized... A LOT over dramatized.

A gateway drug? Definitely. Always? That depends on the user.

What that stuff does is it robs the user of good judgement. Even when the high is over. I know this from experience.

It's not considered addictive but let a habitual user put the stuff down for a few days and they become a bear to be around. Several of my relatives are living proof of this.

Simply put: this stuff makes one STUPID. I used this stuff as a kid until I went into the Navy. Most of my adult life, I was in a position where random drug tests were a possibility so I continued to leave it alone. There have been few times when drug screening wasn't hanging over me. One of those times, I tried it again. The high was "enjoyable" but I didn't like what it did to my mind. I got a great night's sleep that night but the mental effects lasted about a week after the high was gone. I didn't like it at all. I can assure you, based on that experience alone, I will NEVER partake of that stuff again. If I come to a place where physical pain is such that I need this or some other narcotic for relief, I better be locked away and close to death.

As Bob Jones V said, I've found a much better gateway.
Good testimony that I will keep for use when I encounter pot-head wannabe's.
A bit over dramatized... A LOT over dramatized.

A gateway drug? Definitely. Always? That depends on the user.

What that stuff does is it robs the user of good judgement. Even when the high is over. I know this from experience.

It's not considered addictive but let a habitual user put the stuff down for a few days and they become a bear to be around. Several of my relatives are living proof of this.

Simply put: this stuff makes one STUPID. I used this stuff as a kid until I went into the Navy. Most of my adult life, I was in a position where random drug tests were a possibility so I continued to leave it alone. There have been few times when drug screening wasn't hanging over me. One of those times, I tried it again. The high was "enjoyable" but I didn't like what it did to my mind. I got a great night's sleep that night but the mental effects lasted about a week after the high was gone. I didn't like it at all. I can assure you, based on that experience alone, I will NEVER partake of that stuff again. If I come to a place where physical pain is such that I need this or some other narcotic for relief, I better be locked away and close to death.

As Bob Jones V said, I've found a much better gateway.
I would bet that the Federal Government might just legalize dope with the next p(l)andemic lockdown! Keep the general populace isolated and "Doped Up" and you can literally make them believe anything you say! Either that or they will just be too stoned to pay attention or care!
I would bet that the Federal Government might just legalize dope with the next p(l)andemic lockdown! Keep the general populace isolated and "Doped Up" and you can literally make them believe anything you say! Either that or they will just be too stoned to pay attention or care!
The homeless problem is most likely fueled by 'legalized drugs', or 'ignored non-legal drugs.'
Scuse me, Lady!!! LOL
Rouse then soldiers, rally round the banner…
Speaking of history...

"The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice."--Mark Twain