The Longest Thread in the History of the FFF....

well..... this thread was started about 9 months ago.... and in that 9 months it has accumulated 478 posts...... which means it only has 7045 posts to go in order to match the longest thread on the forum so far..... the worthless thread for specifically increasing post numbers.... (which is in the hac forum) ..and provided that thread does not get added to as well.... ...

and that means ..(if you do the math - and if that other worthless but longest thread in forum stands still as of this moment).... this thread will catch up to that one in just a little over 11 years...:)

however..... that other thread does get added to from time to time...... in that same length of time it took this thread to grow to 478 posts - that other thread grew by 202 posts..... ... so if you do some additional math you can see it will actually take somewhere around 60 to 70% longer than 11 years to catch up... or ..roughly 18 years..... :sneaky:

which means.... if you added another child to your family today - he or she will be ready for college at about the same time this thread catches up with the worthless thread for specifically increasing post numbers in the hac forum...... :cool:
I was hoping someone would run the numbers. Thank you.
Will this thread be retired....not today!!!
well... that makes sense.... in life - doesn;t a person have to get at least a little ahead of things before they can safely retire?....:unsure: ...either that or become disabled beyond the ability to keep working at their former endeavors... ..:confused: a thread working toward a lofty goal, this one has a long way to go and a lot of hard work to do.... .. many years of it in fact... ..or.. as the poet said - miles to go before it sleeps.....:sneaky:
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well... that makes sense.... in life - doesn;t a person have to get at least a little it ahead of things before they can safely retire?....:unsure: ...either that or become disabled beyond the ability to keep working at their former endeavors... ..:confused: a thread working toward a lofty goal, this one has a long way to go and a lot of hard work to do.... .. many years of it in fact... ..or.. as the poet said - miles to go before it sleeps.....:sneaky:
Great, now I'm bummed.

well... that makes sense.... in life - doesn;t a person have to get at least a little ahead of things before they can safely retire?....:unsure: ...either that or become disabled beyond the ability to keep working at their former endeavors... ..:confused: a thread working toward a lofty goal, this one has a long way to go and a lot of hard work to do.... .. many years of it in fact... ..or.. as the poet said - miles to go before it sleeps.....:sneaky:
As of this month, I am old enough to begin drawing on my 401k investments without penalty.

We have savings put aside so when Mrs. abcaines retires at the end of May, we can live/travel for the summer until her SSI begins coming in. At that point, we will evaluate our finances and determine what if anything she needs to draw from her investments. I'm still working for five more years and hopefully, my income along with her SSI covers our income needs.

We raked in quite a bit of income last year. I seriously doubt our income needs going forward will match what our income has been for the past few years, therefore, we can reduce our income (and our tax liability) and still enjoy life.

We are working on developing our post-retirememt careers. It will be interesting to see where that leads.
As of this month, I am old enough to begin drawing on my 401k investments without penalty.

We have savings put aside so when Mrs. abcaines retires at the end of May, we can live/travel for the summer until her SSI begins coming in. At that point, we will evaluate our finances and determine what if anything she needs to draw from her investments. I'm still working for five more years and hopefully, my income along with her SSI covers our income needs.

We raked in quite a bit of income last year. I seriously doubt our income needs going forward will match what our income has been for the past few years, therefore, we can reduce our income (and our tax liability) and still enjoy life.

We are working on developing our post-retirememt careers. It will be interesting to see where that leads.
You're just about 5 years ahead of me, but my biggest hurdle is one that is well-known to many of our generation, how to bridge the health-care gap from "early retirement" until medicare. I am weighing the possibility of Medishare (a Christian ministry that is similar to insurance), and have known several people who spoke highly of it, but some of the way it is structured and some of its limitations is slightly concerning.
As of this month, I am old enough to begin drawing on my 401k investments without penalty.

We have savings put aside so when Mrs. abcaines retires at the end of May, we can live/travel for the summer until her SSI begins coming in. At that point, we will evaluate our finances and determine what if anything she needs to draw from her investments. I'm still working for five more years and hopefully, my income along with her SSI covers our income needs.

We raked in quite a bit of income last year. I seriously doubt our income needs going forward will match what our income has been for the past few years, therefore, we can reduce our income (and our tax liability) and still enjoy life.

We are working on developing our post-retirememt careers. It will be interesting to see where that leads.
You're just about 5 years ahead of me, but my biggest hurdle is one that is well-known to many of our generation, how to bridge the health-care gap from "early retirement" until medicare. I am weighing the possibility of Medishare (a Christian ministry that is similar to insurance), and have known several people who spoke highly of it, but some of the way it is structured and some of its limitations is slightly concerning.
my dad has a mediocre but ok pension as far as state pensions go... ..but it;s still not enough to cover even basic expenses by itself..... they would never make it now without his wifes salary....... .and his health care coverage through the state is bottom level as far as health insurance goes... and the state keeps degrading it every year..... (a situation there is currently a class action lawsuit over).... my sister and i have spent countless hours on the telephone arguing with the adjusters and administrators of the plan he;s on..... he tells everybody still working in ems and still healthy to not quit their day job.... but he didn;t really have a choice unless he wanted to die on said job.....

he had a pretty extensive post retirement career planned... which would have included diving...shorefishing... and serious bowhunting in the rainforest.... but injuries that occured late in his work career harshly effected those plans - and made some of the things he wanted to do... or the extent to which he wanted to do those things... very difficult if not impossible..... he was barely able to get back to full duty after the last injury and finish his career on his feet... . but he fought through pain and did it.... otherwise he would not even have what mediocre pension and health care plan he has now....
and his health care coverage through the state is bottom level as far as health insurance goes... and the state keeps degrading it every year.....
In a blue state no less...

I'll bet the former governor(s) don't have that problem...
In a blue state no less...

I'll bet the former governor(s) don't have that problem...
of course not....they get the best of everything.... .even the department chiefs get pensions with full pay and the best health insurance possible.. .....but for rank and file workers the disparity is horrendous..... . we did the figures and discovered a rank and file union worker in hawaii would have to work 80 years in order to get a pension at full pay.... needless to say nobody has ever done it... ..

the average pension after 30 years of service ends up being around 1/3 of an employees base pay not counting overtime pay they might have earned.. 45 years pays them a little more than half their base pay at retirement.... . .and retirement health insurance benefits don;t start to improve unless someone moves pretty far up in management... into a totally non physical and non-risky job..... . ....i;m not good at financial figures and even worse at handling money... but even to me that sounds pitiful - especially if a person was not in upper management and their job was dangerous - and their health became compromised as a result of it....

not all the myths about unionized rank and file workers in blue states are true... .. some are just that - myths...... . but it serves both democrats and republicans to lie about them and paint union workers in blue states as lazy ... underworked... and overpaid.... ..ironically it keeps the constituents in both political partys voting for them....
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