David Baker arrested

If I say no, she is never at fault, you might say "even if she opens her blouse and drops her skirt on the floor in his office?"
At this point, a virtuous man hands her clothes back to her and dismisses her from the office.

Better yet, he had a door with a window installed earlier so that she never considers dropping her skirt in the first place. The Mike Pence rule is looking better and better all the time, innit?
A husband expresses to his wife he’d like to have sex. The wife says, I’m not up to that tonight but we can do this. And the husband says, ok.

Later that night they are doing “this” but the husband is overcome with lust and does “that” without the wifes consent.

Is this the wifes fault being being raped in marriage?
However...what would God say? And once you give your sad, strange little answer, I'll correct you and apply this to a real world situation.
However...what would God say? And once you give your sad, strange little answer, I'll correct you and apply this to a real world situation.
The man raped his wife and the wife did nothing wrong.
The man raped his wife and the wife did nothing wrong.
You may not have heard, but God is not a Feminist.

He would ask, "Did she cry out to be saved from her assailant?" Deuteronomy 22:23-27. From God's point of view, meaning, for those of you residing in Rio Linda, that in truth, and not in the fantasy world of Feminism, that if she wasn't physically overpowered, she wasn't raped.

A case in point...
A husband expresses to his wife he’d like to have sex. The wife says, I’m not up to that tonight but we can do this. And the husband says, ok.

Later that night they are doing “this” but the husband is overcome with lust and does “that” without the wifes consent.

Is this the wifes fault being being raped in marriage?
Unless this happened and you were there, there is no answer to this. Hypotheticals are what the Pharisees tried to use on Jesus.
Apples and oranges, however. What you are describing is, possibly, a false accusation of sexual assault. Not whether a woman's clothing, character, or prior behaviour entitles a man to sexual favours she didn't agree to.
Agreed but there could still be assult if her intent was not the same as his. Her intent may have been to have drinks and to meet a star and his intent may have been to have drinks and something else. In the morning after all those drinks it might be difficult to know what was consentual and what was not. She clearly was in the wrong for going to his room late at night but if she resisted his advances than he is completely responsible for his actions.

Good advice would be to not have women into your hotel room late at night (or ever), that are not your wife or blood relative.
At this point, a virtuous man hands her clothes back to her and dismisses her from the office.

Better yet, he had a door with a window installed earlier so that she never considers dropping her skirt in the first place. The Mike Pence rule is looking better and better all the time, innit?
Funny how the makefun of Mike Pence but I suspect his personal rule have kept him out of a lot of trouble.

I think he is to be admired for his character not ridiculed.
You are my hero you are a survivor I'm so proud of you today its unthinkable !! Thank you for letting us into your world so these people can see just a little of what you have gone through......love you my friend
thank you.... .. . that means more to me than i can express... .. .
This is a delicate question and the "never responsible" is the easy answer. In most situations I agree,

Where it's a little tougher is when professional (or college) athletes or performers have a girl back to their hotel room late at night then the next day they claim rape that's a little tougher. There is never an excuse to abuse anyone or force relations on someone, but in these situtions it's impossible to prove his innocence. How can he prove it was concentual? Same with when they come out 10, 20 or even 30 years later. We must teach our sisters and daughters never to put themselves in situations like that and to report even a hint of abuse to legal authorities who will not cover it up. Also I'm a firm believer of self defense classes.

When a girl goes to a strangers room late at night, she is clearly in the wrong, but if he forces her to do something he is still fully to blame. Lots of poor choices all around in these situations. Do you always believe the girl even in these situations?
Yes, the 10, 20, 30 year later situations have come up in our home several times. My wife listened as several celebraties over the years have been accused and charged. She stated herself that this is "unbelievable" just for the fact that they've waited so long to come forward. I've dealt with trauma victims, and there have been some that have come forward a few years after abuse, but, even most of them have stated that the ones who come out decades later have an ulterior motive. I know it's not a popular opinion, but, I tend to agree.
i want the men on this forum to think about something for a moment.... ... imagine you are walking down the street and you are suddenly confronted by someone you know very well... . someone who has intimidated and threatened you for years.... . he is twice your size and has 3 times your muscle mass... he could knock you out and possibly even kill you with one swing of his fist..... ..... what;s worse is you have seen this guy do that very thing to other people before and he always gets off the hook for it.... he is never held to account for what he has done...... and if people report him for something he tracks them down and beats them up later...

this guy walks up to you..... blocks your way and demands that you give him your wallet.... .. you are scared out of your mind so you hand it over to him without making a sound........ he grins satisfied and walks away with all your money and everything you have in that wallet.......... ....

would you consider yourself having been robbed after that?........ would you tell about it immediately and risk that he might kill you for speaking up?.......... or would you keep quiet then talk about it 20 years later after he gets old and loses his ability to hurt you?........... or would you say nothing for the rest of your life and just bear the shame of having wimped out at that one time and given in to a bullys demands?...... ...
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Yes, the 10, 20, 30 year later situations have come up in our home several times. My wife listened as several celebraties over the years have been accused and charged. She stated herself that this is "unbelievable" just for the fact that they've waited so long to come forward. I've dealt with trauma victims, and there have been some that have come forward a few years after abuse, but, even most of them have stated that the ones who come out decades later have an ulterior motive. I know it's not a popular opinion, but, I tend to agree.
Plus these situations put the whole innocent until proven guilty system of justice at jeopardy. You always want to believe the perceived victum, but afet 20 years how can anyone prove anything. There is no evidence, not witnesses, no proof of anything. It comes down to who do you believe and our sytstem of justice should be based on more than gut feeling. If I attended a party with a girl 20 years ago and for some reason she accused me today of something I did back then what defense could I have other than my word. In this culture were told to believe her no matter how long and no matter how fuzzy the details but thats not innocent till proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
i want the men on this forum to think about something for a moment.... ... imagine you are walking down the street and you are suddenly confronted by someone you know very well... . someone who has intimidated and threatened you do years.... . he is twice your size and has 3 times your muscle mass... he could knock you out and possibly even kill you with one swing of his fist..... ..... what;s worse is you have seen this guy do that very thing to other people before and he always gets off the hook for it.... he is never held to account for what he has done...... and if people report him for something he tracks them down and beats them up later...

this guy walks up to you..... blocks your way and demands that you give him your wallet.... .. you are scared out of your mind so you hand it over to him with making a sound........ he grins satisfied and walks away.......... .... would you consider yourself having been robbed after that?........ would you tell about it immediately and risk that he might kill you for it?.......... would you talk about it 20 years later after he gets old and loses his ability to hurt you?........... or would you say nothing for the rest of your life and just bear the shame of having wimped out at that one time and given in to a bullys demands?......
Those of us who are married or have daughters think about such things all the time

That's exactly why I try to get my wife to carry a 40 cal or a 10mm instead of the little 9 she prefers. Those are two heavy she always says. With her 9 she will need to put at least 2 rounds maybe 3 into her attacker just to be safe instead of just one. Now how is that going to look, 2 to the chest and one to the forehead just looks like overkill.

I'm just glad we live in a state that allows conceal carry.

If i was some devient I surely would not choose Aleshanee as a victum. She might hunt you down with a handmade native Hawaiian re-curve bow with box jellyfish toxin tips or some native american banshee knife or something. Nope I'm going to leave her alone.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches small people to use the opponents large size against them. I have seen small framed girls take down 260 lb weight lifters with ease.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches small people to use the opponents large size against them. I have seen small framed girls take down 260 lb weight lifters with ease.

i learned a lot of skills like that.... and have had to use them a few times...... what i learned is that everything is easy in the gym and in training...... but in the real world it seldom turns out the way you planned...... and it can also be painful...very painful... even if you win... .

one of the rules/mantras of close quarters combat i learned is this... when two tigers fight one is wounded and the other dies... it;s always best to be that wounded tiger rather than the dead one after a close quarters fight.... but it;s best.. if possible.. to remain safe and be neither one.....
Those of us who are married or have daughters think about such things all the time

That's exactly why I try to get my wife to carry a 40 cal or a 10mm instead of the little 9 she prefers. Those are two heavy she always says. With her 9 she will need to put at least 2 rounds maybe 3 into her attacker just to be safe instead of just one. Now how is that going to look, 2 to the chest and one to the forehead just looks like overkill.

I'm just glad we live in a state that allows conceal carry.

If i was some devient I surely would not choose Aleshanee as a victum. She might hunt you down with a handmade native Hawaiian re-curve bow with box jellyfish toxin tips or some native american banshee knife or something. Nope I'm going to leave her alone.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches small people to use the opponents large size against them. I have seen small framed girls take down 260 lb weight lifters with ease.

the reason i made that post was to try and get men to put themselves in our place for a moment and imagine what it;s like trying to exist safely in world basically ruled by men....... and in the case of a church group... especially one operated like a cult... it;s very powerful and influential men..... women ..especially young ones... get lured into relationships with men like that and very often against their will.... they stay in it because these men are powerful and have influence... and by contrast women feel powerless...

to make an analogy it;s like 2 containers being washed down a river together.... one is made of iron and the other made of glass..... as long as they keep their distance both are always safe.. ... but if they ever touch or come together the iron container will remain intact but the glass one will be shattered..... .. ..this is why people tend to believe women... the glass container.... more often when there is a dispute or accusation of abuse in a physical relationship.. ... ... . because who in their right mind would want to take that risk?.... ....it would be like the man of moderate size deliberately putting himself in a situation where he is likely to be robbed by a bully twice his size... and where he would have no recourse ..... ...

maybe none of what i am saying right now makes any sense....... but i have been that glass container before... was like that all through my early childhood.... and no - you can;t put all the pieces back together again... some of them don;t even exist anymore having been crushed and ground to powder long ago......

it;s something for men to think about ... being that iron container... when they interact with women.... the closer they get the more danger exists... and in general it;s the women .. as that glass container... who suffer all the damage... ..... fear of what men did to us once both physically and emotionaly..and fear of what they could do us again is what keeps most women quiet about abuse - and usually until long after the man or men in question loses his ability to hurt us.... . and that;s without even taking into account the shame factor - which is often applied by not only ourselves but everyone around us...... ......... like i said.... i;m probably not making sense today... my thoughts are getting jumbled.... . it happens sometimes....
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the reason i made that post was to try and get men to put themselves in our place for a moment and imagine what it;s like trying to exist safely in world basically ruled by men....... and in the case of a church group... especially one operated like a cult... it;s very powerful and influential men.....

to make an analogy it;s like 2 containers being washed down a river together.... one is made of iron and the other made of glass..... as long as they keep their distance both are always safe.. ... but if they ever touch or come together the iron container will remain intact but the glass one will be shattered..... .. ..this is why people tend to believe women... the glass container.... more often when there is a dispute or accusation of abuse in a physical relationship.. ... ... . because who in their right mind would want to take that risk?.... ....it would be like the man of moderate size deliberately putting himself in a situation where he is likely to be robbed by a bully twice his size... and where he would have no recourse ..... ...

maybe none of what i am saying right now makes any sense....... but i have been that glass container before... was like that all through my early childhood.... and no - you can;t put all the pieces back together again... some of them don;t even exist anymore having been crushed and ground to powder long ago......

it;s something for men to think about ... being that iron container... when they interact with women... ... fear of what men did to us once both physically and emotionaly..and fear of what they could do us again is what keeps most women quiet about abuse - and usually until long after the man or men in question loses his ability to hurt us.... . and that;s without even taking into account the shame factor - which is often applied by not only ourselves but everyone around us...... ......... like i said.... i;m probably not making sense today... my thoughts are getting jumbled.... . it happens sometimes....
Are you kidding? You are making absolute, clear, powerful sense. You are such a clear communicator. I think you should write a book.

As for the analogy of a glass container and an iron one, it is apt. I have dealt for years with individuals who were abused and then turned to drugs or alcohol. The way you describe it is the same for men and women. I mean men who, as children, were abused and shamed and beaten and berated and kicked and shoved around by people stronger and in control. In my opinion, it is that power differential that makes for guilt.
Those of us who are married or have daughters think about such things all the time

That's exactly why I try to get my wife to carry a 40 cal or a 10mm instead of the little 9 she prefers. Those are two heavy she always says. With her 9 she will need to put at least 2 rounds maybe 3 into her attacker just to be safe instead of just one. Now how is that going to look, 2 to the chest and one to the forehead just looks like overkill.

I'm just glad we live in a state that allows conceal carry.

If i was some devient I surely would not choose Aleshanee as a victum. She might hunt you down with a handmade native Hawaiian re-curve bow with box jellyfish toxin tips or some native american banshee knife or something. Nope I'm going to leave her alone.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches small people to use the opponents large size against them. I have seen small framed girls take down 260 lb weight lifters with ease.

I've taught my daughter and wife to defend themselves. In the use of a firearm, they know that the best defense is to empty the weapon into the center of the space of the attacker. Especially my daughter, I took to the range, then to the woods hunting, and had her practice firing a powerful weapon, and even a less powerful one, into a target at close and farther away distances. She would always miss on a couple of the shots, but inevitably connect on the rest. Just my personal practice.
I've taught my daughter and wife to defend themselves. In the use of a firearm, they know that the best defense is to empty the weapon into the center of the space of the attacker. Especially my daughter, I took to the range, then to the woods hunting, and had her practice firing a powerful weapon, and even a less powerful one, into a target at close and farther away distances. She would always miss on a couple of the shots, but inevitably connect on the rest. Just my personal practice.
by law i am not allowed to even touch firearms.... .(red flag laws hawaii has had for decades concerning people diagnosed with menatl illness)...... ... but i do have an awesome stilletto that wear concealed..it was given to me for christmas years ago..... .. it;s of legal length ... the blade is only 3 and 3/4 inches long.... thus not unlawful to carry... .but still very lethal... my sister taught me how to use it ... and she said... there is no artery or vital part of the human body that cannot be accessed and opened with a 3 and a half inch blade weilded by a determined fighter and a strong arm..... ..only problem is you gotta get up close and personal in a fight like that... .. it;s not a stand off and shoot from a distance weapon... even a short distance.....

when and if the day ever comes that men ..even many christian men..stop seeing women as something that was put on earth for their personal entertainment- then maybe i;ll stop carrying that stilletto around when i am out of the house..... .but i don;t think that day will ever come ...at least not in my lifetime....
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Unless this happened and you were there, there is no answer to this. Hypotheticals are what the Pharisees tried to use on Jesus.
This it fact has happened. My wife has talked to a few woman that are close friends. It happens!