He appears to be SBC. The crux of the matter is that he wanted to be in the ministry, and instead of being counseled and encouraged to pursue that calling, he was instead being encouraged by some ministers to continue his former lifestyle and career as a country music singer as his “ministry.”
I don’t happen to believe that singing non-Christian music in bars constitutes “ministry,” nor do I believe sitting in a bar and ordering rounds of drinks qualifies as ministry. I actually believe both are antithetical to that ministerial purpose. I’m not saying it’s not possible to find an opportunity to share your testimony in such a setting, but I certainly never heard the Gospel shared inside a bar, nor did I ever do so myself. All that being said, if a Christian has a clear conscience and truly believes he can go into bars and order drinks and effectively witness for Christ, then that’s between him and God. It definitely wouldn’t be something I’d do, and my experiences in bars resulted in shameful behavior, not God glorifying.