Can a Christian be a Democrat?

Some of you either don’t know what a Christian is or you don’t know what a Democrat is.
they have been redefining words to throw false labels on their opponents for so long that they have lost the meaning of the very things they label themselves as...... .they think bearing the name "democrat" automatically makes them an authority on democracy.... whether anything they believe or do supports democracy or not..... .... it;s right to wonder if they haven;t confused the term christian as being whatever it is they are - simply because they wear that name too....... i never trust the label anymore until i see them in action...

but... when my friends tell me they are a democrat i take their word for it... . even though i know most of them have no idea what the current democrat party actually believes and supports... ....none of them are card carrying members of a political party and neither am i.... ...i tell them i;m idependant when it comes to politics but almost always vote for republicans because the platforms of the alternatives are not things i believe in or can in good conscience support... . we get along showing mutual respect for each other.... truth they might be more acquaintances than true friends... .. my family says i get those definitions confused at times myself....
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they have been redefining words to throw false labels on their opponents for so long that they have lost the meaning of the very things they label themselves as...... .they think bearing the name "democrat" automatically makes them an authority on democracy.... whether anything they believe or do supports democracy or not..... .... it;s right to wonder if they haven;t confused the term christian as being whatever it is they are - simply because they wear that name too....... i never trust the label anymore until i see them in action...

but... when my friends tell me they are a democrat i take their word for it... . even though i know most of them have no idea what the current democrat party actually believes and supports... ....none of them are card carrying members of a political party and neither am i.... ...i tell them i;m idependant when it comes to politics but almost always vote for republicans because the platforms of the alternatives are not things i believe in or can in good conscience support... . we get along showing mutual respect for each other.... truth they might be more acquaintances than true friends... .. my family says i get those definitions confused at times myself....

I also have many, many friends who are (actually) Democrat political activists, at least on a local level. I have served on local fact finding committees with liberal activists and we are cordial and friendly. They are not what you might call inner circle or close friends but we may have lunch together from time to time. Most of them attend one of 2 churches…an open and affirming UCC church or a similar UMC church. They identify as christians. They also tried to have drag Queen story hour at one of our local libraries. So there’s that…

I also have 5-7 friends who identify as gay…I have 2 first cousins that identify as gay.
I have had breakfast with a gay couple from time to time…a Catholic priest married them.
I love and care for my cousins who are gay.

BUT everyone everywhere knows where I stand and what I believe.
And when the need arises, I have publicly stood for the truth of what I believe.
I am not for name calling or angry conflict….but neither do I believe my friends who claim to be pro drag queen christians are actually Christians!
With no one calling anymore for a national ban on abortion, any reason why the "hearts of the voters" should want one has been undermined.

I am, again, reminded of the Canadian Conservatives' last attempt to legislate on abortion, which was defeated in 1991. Today, their platform explicitly states they will not consider any legislation restricting abortion. Mark my words, this will be the Republican Party in only a few election cycles. Better to put the brakes on now and minimize the damage done.

It's fine and well to say compromises are necessary to get votes. But when your position is this compromised, you're effectively no different than the other guys, and now it's just getting votes for the sake of getting votes.
But will the right still pick conservative judges who will uphold states rights to limit abortions. This was always intended to be a states rights issue.
I would love to have a cup of coffee with you to show you how far off you are from who I am.
I would recommend Kona at Morning Glass in Manoa

Lion brand coffee has been in business since 1869
But will the right still pick conservative judges who will uphold states rights to limit abortions. This was always intended to be a states rights issue.
Abortion not being a states-rights issue isn't what made Roe bad. Slavery was abolished at the federal level. It was a states-rights issue before the Civil War.

Roe was bad law because it invented "constitutional" rights out of thin air. Its scope wasn't intrinsically bad.
Abortion not being a states-rights issue isn't what made Roe bad. Slavery was abolished at the federal level. It was a states-rights issue before the Civil War.

Roe was bad law because it invented "constitutional" rights out of thin air. Its scope wasn't intrinsically bad.
That is exactly right.

Even Ruth Bater Ginsberg, a lifelong staunch advocate for abortion rights and gender equality criticised the Supreme Court's handling of the abortion issue. She believed that the Roe v Wade case had based the right to abortion on the wrong argument, a violation of a woman's privacy rather than on gender equality. She felt ROE was a very weak argument and could easily be overturned on legal grounds.
The citizens of the state voted overwhelmingly to amend the constitution. Mrs. Witmer likely voted for it as well but it was the people who made the change.
Just proves to me that the people of the State of Michigan have had their brains frozen by the cold weather...they can't honestly be thinking straight if they did this. I can make this assessment because my ex-fiance lives there with her husband. UGH! ;)
Abortion not being a states-rights issue isn't what made Roe bad. Slavery was abolished at the federal level. It was a states-rights issue before the Civil War.

Roe was bad law because it invented "constitutional" rights out of thin air. Its scope wasn't intrinsically bad.
True! Any time the SCOTUS legislates instead of interpreting the legality of the passed laws is bad. They overrode the will of the people in California concerning gay marriage thus legalizing gay marriage nationwide. Sad day for America!
Mom is a lifelong straight-ticket Democrat, and a Christian for over 60 years. Her party left her long ago, and I’ve heard many other Democrats say the same, though most of them still vote for the donkey.
Ostrich democrats.
Here are a few reasons I thought of for why a Christian might vote for Democrats.

Single issue – Example: Reagan took away my social security.

Lemming - Gets all their input from the mainstream media. (and believes them)

Rationalize - All politicians are bad, so I’ll just vote for who sounds the best.

Legacy voter – my family has always been democrats.

Of course, there’s always “any or all of the above”.
Here in Washington State, the TV ads for the dems are emphasizing there opponents position on abortion.
They're also proud to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood.
Here are a few reasons I thought of for why a Christian might vote for Democrats.

Single issue – Example: Reagan took away my social security.

Lemming - Gets all their input from the mainstream media. (and believes them)

Rationalize - All politicians are bad, so I’ll just vote for who sounds the best.

Legacy voter – my family has always been democrats.

Of course, there’s always “any or all of the above”.
When I ask the question I’m asking how they can apply Biblical principles to their support of positions diametrically opposed to Biblical principles.
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Single issue – Example: Reagan took away my social security.

Lemming - Gets all their input from the mainstream media. (and believes them)
Both of these can be placed under the Lemming header.
When I ask the question I’m asking how they can apply Biblical principles to their support of positions diametrically opposed to Biblical principles.
We all know how loosely "Biblical Principles" can be interpreted.
i.e. look at all the rainbow churches.
We all know how loosely "Biblical Principles" can be interpreted.
i.e. look at all the rainbow churches.
A Christian knows Biblical principles which is how they can say they are a Christian.

Perhaps you’re defining Christian the way the left defines a trans gender person. If so you are referring to fake Christians.
A Christian knows Biblical principles which is how they can say they are a Christian.

Perhaps you’re defining Christian the way the left defines a trans gender person. If so you are referring to fake Christians.
I agree with you with the exception of what my definition of a Christian is.
My belief is:
"Rainbow Christian" = "Fake Christian"
I struggle with "Divorced Christians" being Christian, let alone practicing sexual deviants.