Can a Christian be a Democrat?

Kinda rambling.

Everyone has different experiences in life.

Every church I have been a member of was also church family. People offer to meet a need if they find out about it. They were always encouraging, always there to help or give advice.

Maybe it's your choice of churches or maybe your more difficult to help than others.
Proverbs 18:24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Lost men who’ve become my friends have been there for me and my family way more than church people.

So maybe I’m more difficult to help? That’s very churchy of you to say. I’ve learned church people don’t see themselves they’re not the problem. On the other hand the lost families that have become our friends don’t see themselves like church people.

We have Catholic friends that are much more Christ like than church people IFB or not.
Lost men who’ve become my friends have been there for me and my family way more than church people.

So maybe I’m more difficult to help? That’s very churchy of you to say. I’ve learned church people don’t see themselves they’re not the problem. On the other hand the lost families that have become our friends don’t see themselves like church people.

We have Catholic friends that are much more Christ like than church people IFB or not.
You're just going to the wrong church. Period.
You're just going to the wrong church. Period.
You’re probably right. We agree and like the preaching, it has helped us but outside of that….there is no community.
You’re probably right. We agree and like the preaching, it has helped us but outside of that….there is no community.
The preaching may tickle your ears but the proof is in the power. If everyone is as you say, then I would have my doubts about there being any power behind the preaching.
Give some specific and detailed examples, please.
I’d give myself away. I’d rather not do that or trust me I would but if I do that I’d might as well give my name :) I think some years back someone may have or was trying to figure out if it was me on here by the questions they were asking. It had to do with my grade school teacher LOL!!

I do understand ur question though.
I’d give myself away. I’d rather not do that or trust me I would but if I do that I’d might as well give my name :) I think some years back someone may have or was trying to figure out if it was me on here by the questions they were asking. It had to do with my grade school teacher LOL!!

I do understand ur question though.
"Evasive maneuvers, Mr. Sulu!" - Captain Kirk.
"The Massachusetts House of Representatives unanimously passed the Parentage Act Wednesday, updating the state’s parenting laws to include removing the terms “mother” and “father” and to legalize prostitution and the sale of children...The bill passed the state House by a 156-0 vote, with not a single Republican voting against it despite the bill permitting prostitution to conceive a child and exchange the term “mother” for a “person who gave birth” or “genetic surrogate.”

There are only 25 Republicans in the state house of Massachusetts but it shows that many Republicans are just as bad as Democrats. It also shows why people are so concerned about the direction our country is going in. This is an example of what the term RHINO means and why Donald Trump stands out. As a billionaire Mr. Trump could easily have retired and enjoyed golfing while traveling around the world in his private jets but instead he put his wealth and everything he holds dear including his freedom on the line by once again running for President. Mr. Trump is a sinner just like everyone else and some of his personal actions are inexcusable but the stands he takes and the direction he wants to take the country are in stark contrast to the global elites who wish to see the destruction of all traditional religious and family values.

I don't believe Donald Trump can save America because the Bible clearly states that before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." Until Christ comes back to set up His kingdom Christians should support those in power who will allow religious and individual freedom. The contrast between the policies of Trump and Biden are clear.

So they are Democrats but don’t believe what Democrats stand for?
Hey, look at the's goes both ways. Many "Pubs" don't hold to their platform either. There's good and bad on both sides. But, in usual form you're trying to make an issue of a non-issue...just more proof of your dung-for-brains postings. Thanks for continually proving my point! LOL
In my 40+ years of voting, I have only voted for ONE Democrat and this was because he had a slightly better NRA rating than the RINO who was voting against him.
They are not all Republicans, nor Democrats, that say they are. Some here among our friends just can't seem to grasp that fact. But, some of us like you and I will continue to try and help these children. :)
Hey, look at the's goes both ways. Many "Pubs" don't hold to their platform either. There's good and bad on both sides. But, in usual form you're trying to make an issue of a non-issue...just more proof of your dung-for-brains postings. Thanks for continually proving my point! LOL
I find great irony in this post Joe.
Hey, look at the's goes both ways. Many "Pubs" don't hold to their platform either. There's good and bad on both sides. But, in usual form you're trying to make an issue of a non-issue...just more proof of your dung-for-brains postings. Thanks for continually proving my point! LOL
By the way, the answer to the OP’s question is still NO, Joe.
In my 40+ years of voting, I have only voted for ONE Democrat and this was because he had a slightly better NRA rating than the RINO who was voting against him.
that;s the same reason my dad supported a local democrat in a state election.... .the NRA gave him an A rating but only gave the repulican a C+....i went along with him and voted for the democrat too.. .. ... but a year later my dad said we should have read more about both candidates before flipping that switch..... also should have read more about why the NRA gave the ratings.... the democrat ended up supporting more gun rights in hawaii - like he promised - (sort of ).... but was a skunk in every other category.. .. .. and the pro gun rights bills he supported failed miserably just like every other pro gun rights bill in this state fails....

that was many years ago.... . but 2 things came out of it that have remained to this day... . for one i got more involved in political stuff and started paying better attention to what candidates not only said but also to what they actually did..... .... and i also joined the NRA... ..probably one of the few - or maybe even the only - member who is not a gun owner... or even a gun user.... .. i did it so i could vote NO every time they sent out a mailer questionaire asking if members thought AR 15s and other weapons considered "assault" weapons should be made legal.... ..but i have changed my mind on that issue since then..... 🙃
We have Catholic friends that are much more Christ like than church people IFB or not.
i know a lot of catholics that are not only more Christ like but who are also saved... i even go to church with them now and then - mostly whenever asked to fill in with the ensemble.... but when you say "church people" are you talking about the members of your specific church only.. or do you consider a catholic church to not be a real church?....

I’d give myself away. I’d rather not do that or trust me I would but if I do that I’d might as well give my name :) I think some years back someone may have or was trying to figure out if it was me on here by the questions they were asking. It had to do with my grade school teacher LOL!!

I do understand ur question though.
wait a minute... ..... you mean your real name is not bruh?..... :confused:
Mom is a lifelong straight-ticket Democrat, and a Christian for over 60 years. Her party left her long ago, and I’ve heard many other Democrats say the same, though most of them still vote for the donkey.
i know a lot of catholics that are not only more Christ like but who are also saved... i even go to church with them now and then - mostly whenever asked to fill in with the ensemble.... but when you say "church people" are you talking about the members of your specific church only.. or do you consider a catholic church to not be a real church?....

wait a minute... ..... you mean your real name is not bruh?..... :confused:
I can only speak about what we’ve experienced in the past at IFB churches and the church we attend now. That is, what I’ve already explained. Again, no one is rude. Kinda like going to Walmart, no one is rude, beyond that the greeter at Walmart says, glad you came and when you leave they say something like, hope to see you soon.

I do believe there are Catholics that are born again. I do not believe a catholic “church” is a true church according to the Bible. Simply put, all Catholic Churches teach, that a priest can help forgive sin in the confessional booth.

:) bruh,