Can a Christian be a Democrat?

aren;t you the same jo who came out last year with a thread denouncing trump and supporting mike pence for president?...... were you going against your preferences then by bringing up politics?... or just delving into "necessary evils"?.... ..... i rmember you also started a thread denouncing many of us here for saying we would vote for the lesser of 2 evils for president... rather than support a "perfect" candidate that had no chance of winning....... yet now you agree politics is a "necessary evil"....

it seems sub has that same problem with condemning and denouncing forum members for things he later admits he is not only doing himself... but will continue doing...... .. is there a real political philosophy behind all this or do you guys do it just for the joy of participating in condemnation and denouncement?

Supporting Mike Pence over Trump is probably something I said. Silly me, I thought some people might consider him a viable candidate one day. I see now I was mistaken. There appears to be a "blind loyalty" with some of Trump's followers.

You seem to be a rabid fan of Trump. True or false?
Supporting Mike Pence over Trump is probably something I said. Silly me, I thought some people might consider him a viable candidate one day. I see now I was mistaken. There appears to be a "blind loyalty" with some of Trump's followers.

You seem to be a rabid fan of Trump. True or false?
I have never seen such hypocrisy. Trump was a great President for our country and all you can talk about is how you don't like him. Instead of maligning his character, why don't you talk about the policies that led to four years of prosperity, the Abraham Accords, the nomination of pro-life judges, and numerous other accomplishments Trump made. Quit talking about some dirt you read about him and talk about what he accomplished in four years compared to the last four years under President Biden. Tell us exactly why he was such a bad President. Who is pure enough for you?
Supporting Mike Pence over Trump is probably something I said. Silly me, I thought some people might consider him a viable candidate one day. I see now I was mistaken. There appears to be a "blind loyalty" with some of Trump's followers.

You seem to be a rabid fan of Trump. True or false?
false..... you seem to be someone who ascribes extremes to anyone disagreeing with you..... ... what i am a fan of - is a strong united states with a strong military that can defend us..... and a president who knows how and when to use such a military.... .. ...i have no confidence in mike pence to be able to do that... .. ...he;s too busy trying to come off as mr nice guy to know when it;s time to fight..... he would give away the farm and his kids inheritance just to gain some imaginary moral superiority - which our enemies would not respect, no matter how hard they worked to convince him they would......

those kinds of poor qualities - plus a few other weaknesses - are things time won;t fix.... . so no.... pence will never be a viable candidate... .. if he didn;t learn it by this point in his life, and with all his time in congress - he never will ...... ..... but other than that he is a very nice guy... :)
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"They will know we are Christians by our love....."

"Blest be the tie that binds"

Working tomorrow. Ya'll have fun.
Supporting Mike Pence over Trump is probably something I said. Silly me, I thought some people might consider him a viable candidate one day. I see now I was mistaken. There appears to be a "blind loyalty" with some of Trump's followers.

You seem to be a rabid fan of Trump. True or false?
Supporting Pence while he was a candidate was something many people did…his personality and character are the antitheses of Trump’s. I liked and still like him but I personally did not ever think he could win…which goes to his viability.

I don’t know about blind loyalty to Trump…I am a Trump supporter by sheer political reality.
Personally, I don’t see the logic behind either extreme. The proverbial blind man can see Trump’s character flaws. However, his 4 years in office…his record…is exponentially better than what we currently have.

But I also do not get the never Trump mentality. If you are a conservative, he is the ONLY viable option we have in this political ‘fight’.
The conservative never Trumper’s cut off their collective noses in order to spite their face.
Careful there Junior. That kind of thinking will get Biden reelected. Or so I have been told. 🙃
You’re wrong on 2 counts.
1. Affiliating with neither party is not a problem. But voting for a not a chance to win candidate in a close election is a vote for, in this case Biden.

2. I don’t think his name is Junior.
One of the best comments in this whole thread.

"Never in my wildest dreams did I expect that the American people would have the opportunity to vote for a Convicted Felon for President of the United States. This is very likely a once in a lifetime opportunity. An opportunity that I am not going to pass up."


I’m also planning to take advantage of this rare opportunity!
Supporting Mike Pence over Trump is probably something I said. Silly me, I thought some people might consider him a viable candidate one day. I see now I was mistaken. There appears to be a "blind loyalty" with some of Trump's followers.

You seem to be a rabid fan of Trump. True or false?
aleshanee just has her eyes open, and can see through your veil of virtue.
"Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) fired back at Donald Trump after the former president shared an image saying she is guilty of treason and calling for “televised military tribunals.”

“Donald - This is the type of thing that demonstrates yet again that you are not a stable adult—and are not fit for office,” she wrote as she shared the image, which Trump has reposted on his Truth Social website. "

-Huffington Post

Listen, I can be as mean and irreverent as the best/worst of them. I'm not claiming to be virtuous. I always expect more from Christians and am disappointed when I don't see it.

Attack me personally. Go ahead, I've heard much worse.

I wish I could vote for Liz Cheney.

1,2,3......go. Bring it on.
"Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) fired back at Donald Trump after the former president shared an image saying she is guilty of treason and calling for “televised military tribunals.”

“Donald - This is the type of thing that demonstrates yet again that you are not a stable adult—and are not fit for office,” she wrote as she shared the image, which Trump has reposted on his Truth Social website. "

-Huffington Post

Listen, I can be as mean and irreverent as the best/worst of them. I'm not claiming to be virtuous. I always expect more from Christians and am disappointed when I don't see it.

Attack me personally. Go ahead, I've heard much worse.

I wish I could vote for Liz Cheney.

1,2,3......go. Bring it on.
I don’t wish to be mean or irreverent…to you at least.
I think that post about Liz Cheney pretty much puts you in the Never Trump Camp.
And you cannot vote for her because she lost her primary race by 30+ points.
The people in her home state didn’t share your love for her I guess.

You can always lovingly write her name in for President.
Or wait for Sub to unveil his morally pure candidate.
"Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) fired back at Donald Trump after the former president shared an image saying she is guilty of treason and calling for “televised military tribunals.”

“Donald - This is the type of thing that demonstrates yet again that you are not a stable adult—and are not fit for office,” she wrote as she shared the image, which Trump has reposted on his Truth Social website. "

-Huffington Post

Listen, I can be as mean and irreverent as the best/worst of them. I'm not claiming to be virtuous. I always expect more from Christians and am disappointed when I don't see it.

Attack me personally. Go ahead, I've heard much worse.

I wish I could vote for Liz Cheney.

1,2,3......go. Bring it on.
Your whole love for the Rino Cheney, a sellout to the Democrats.
aleshanee just has her eyes open, and can see through your veil of virtue.
what;s funny is anyone remembering the political discussions we had here in early 2016 would rmember that i was not a trump supporter back then... ... not at all...... . i wanted one of the other republican candidates to win the nomination... and i believed that if trump got nominated he would do nothing but guarantee a hilary clinton victory.... ..... .

then after trump got the nomination i said i would hold my nose to vote for him ... ...and the only reason i would even do that, was on the chance he could make good on his promise about naming conservative supreme court justices.... .... .. he did what he said he would do and had the country on the right track until the plandemic briefly shut it down..... then had it back on the right track again until the demonrats did what demonrats do and pulled another ballot box 13 stunt to steal the election...... i have no doubt they will try to do that again....
some way or another....
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"Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) fired back at Donald Trump after the former president shared an image saying she is guilty of treason and calling for “televised military tribunals.”

“Donald - This is the type of thing that demonstrates yet again that you are not a stable adult—and are not fit for office,” she wrote as she shared the image, which Trump has reposted on his Truth Social website. "

-Huffington Post

Listen, I can be as mean and irreverent as the best/worst of them. I'm not claiming to be virtuous. I always expect more from Christians and am disappointed when I don't see it.

Attack me personally. Go ahead, I've heard much worse.

I wish I could vote for Liz Cheney.

1,2,3......go. Bring it on.
liz cheney?.... 😲

the dimwitted daughter of dick chaney?... the highly compromised and blood thirsty

front man for the military industrial complex during the bush administration?....:LOL:.

liz chaneys problem with donald trump has nothing to do with morals... (at least not his morals)...
it has to do with trump refusing to continue enriching her family through perpetual warfare - with
it;s resultant expenditure and repurchase of military hardware - the way both bush and
obama had done......

and just when i started to take you seriously again....... 🤣
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I respectfully disagree.

But yes. by all means. go ahead and laugh.
I respectfully disagree.

But yes. by all means. go ahead and laugh.
respectfully?..... well that is a new development... ..... for you anyway.... .. ....when the rest of us argued politics here in years past it was fairly respectful - compared to what has happened recently.... . we argued the merits or drawbacks of the various candidates and condemned or lauded them - but did not go after each other personally......

but when you and subllibrm started going off on trump in the past few months you began condemning anyone and everyone who said they supported him - coming off with a lofty holier than thou attitude towards the rest of us...... even to the point of questioning our dedication to Christ..... "how could any christian support such a man as trump?".... . both your manner and your words were hostile toward anyone on the forum who disagreed with you... ..

a few months ago you even mocked me and quoted my words in one of your posts about voting for the lesser of 2 evils and ridiculed it.........and now you do a reverse/about face and pretend that you are the mistreated one after getting hostile replies in return?..... .. my view that reveals a false piety - and a fake persona feigning humility.... (at best)... "virtue signaling" is what most people call it now..... . and in truth that;s really sad..... especially when you started the fight in the first place.....

but the part about wishing you could vote for liz cheney is laughable..... (if you are joking)..... or.... very disturbing if you know anything about the cheneys and you are serious....
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respectfully?..... well that is a new development... ..... for you anyway.... .. ....when the rest of us argued politics here in years past it was fairly respectful - compared to what has happened recently.... . we argued the merits or drawbacks of the various candidates and condemned or lauded them - but did not go after each other personally......

but when you and subllibrm started going off on trump in the past few months you began condemning anyone and everyone who said they supported him - coming off with a lofty holier than thou attitude towards the rest of us...... even to the point of questioning our dedication to Christ..... "how could any christian support such a man as trump?".... . both your manner and your words were hostile toward anyone on the forum who disagreed with you... ..

a few months ago you even mocked me and quoted my words in one of your posts about voting for the lesser of 2 evils and ridiculed it.........and now you do a reverse/about face and pretend that you are the mistreated one after getting hostile replies in return?..... .. my view that reveals a false piety - and a fake persona feigning humility.... (at best)... "virtue signaling" is what most people call it now..... . and in truth that;s really sad..... especially when you started the fight in the first place.....

but the part about wishing you could vote for liz cheney is laughable..... (if you are joking)..... or.... very disturbing if you know anything about the cheneys and you are serious....
At this point, I feel like any words I type are misinterpreted, so I share a song.

If the leaders of the forum want to close this thread, I'm good with that.

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Politics can be a very emotional topic to discuss that is difficult to look at rationally. What is not difficult is to realize that the Democratic Party has become a party that supports everything that is contrary to anything biblical or decent. The video by Ami Horowitz asking people on the street if quotes were from the Democratic Party or the Communist Party and no one could figure out the right answer shows how the radicals have taken over a large part of the political landscape.

We must acknowledge that Donald Trump is not the example of what a Christian should be and neither is Joe Biden. Both men have scandals whether its Trump's language and involvement with other women than his wife or Joe showering with his daughter and many other things we could dig up on either man. What is at stake in the upcoming election is whether we will continue to have the freedom to worship without government interference or not have our children forced into having access to pornography in the public schools, or having our daughers forced to shower with boys in the locker rooms, etc. I wish this thread did not become as toxic as it has but how does one tell the truth without offending someone?

If you were running for office and someone knew of a moral failure in your past would it be Christian to dig up hidden secrets for the purpose of embarrassing, or slandering you? The policies they support should be the main thing discussed. If as a Christian, you were allowed to meet Donald Trump or some other famous person, would you try to witness to them or simply tell them off because of politics?
I have watched Ray Comfort witness to homosexuals and instead of telling them how disgusted he was with them, he simply showed them the moral law to make them realize how sinful they were in God's eyes. Its amazing to watch the homosexuals see themselves as God sees them in real time.
Matthew 7:12 “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
"Evasive maneuvers, Mr. Sulu!" - Captain Kirk.
Give a hypothetical example that has nothing to do with your personal situation but is similar in it's scope. Give us a taste of this cold, uncaring, unconcerned church members you attend with. I cn assure you these churches do not represent all IFB churches or baptist churches in general. The growing churches off all types I know of are as much a community as they are a traditional church.

I can only speak about what we’ve experienced in the past at IFB churches and the church we attend now. That is, what I’ve already explained. Again, no one is rude. Kinda like going to Walmart, no one is rude, beyond that the greeter at Walmart says, glad you came and when you leave they say something like, hope to see you soon.

I do believe there are Catholics that are born again. I do not believe a catholic “church” is a true church according to the Bible. Simply put, all Catholic Churches teach, that a priest can help forgive sin in the confessional booth.

:) bruh,

you attend.