Can a Christian be a Democrat?

I’m 100% against abortion and I believe it’s 100% murder.

Let’s suppose that as of today abortion is outlawed and no one is able to have an abortion.

What will be the next effort of those that are against abortion be? now that all these babies will being born?

In other words, as much as people fight against abortion what are those people doing for those that are being born without parents and or being born into horrible situations?
I’m 100% against abortion and I believe it’s 100% murder.

Let’s suppose that as of today abortion is outlawed and no one is able to have an abortion.

What will be the next effort of those that are against abortion be? now that all these babies will being born?

In other words, as much as people fight against abortion what are those people doing for those that are being born without parents and or being born into horrible situations?
you could ask the family that took me in when i was at risk of being put on the street at 11 years old.... .... or you could ask those catholics all you baptists love to hate...... .. there are answers out there.... and many ways to help them.. .. but it might involve working along side people you disagree with - and it will definitely take you out of your comfort zone.....

i;m not saying you would not be willing to do all that.... but i;m not sure other baptists in general can do that - so you might have a point there where your own denomination is concerned ... .... unless.... of course.... a baptist that is asking the same questions you are decides to take on part of the job himself or herself ...and sets the example for others to follow - that have so far balked at it...... .
The only way abortion can be fully outlawed (note that it will never be eliminated) is to amend the Constitution and I have not seen any evidence of that being proposed by the current “pro life” establishment.
I havent ever seen that being proposed by anyone, ever.

The way it works with our Constitution is that States have the ability to create their own laws, not in conflict with the Constitution.
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so your answer is to put on the brakes.... come to a stop.... refuse to support trump or any other republican and let the democrats win it all?........

No. I want the Republican Party to put on the brakes and stop moving leftward.

you didn;t understand a word i said about the lives of children being at risk here.... did you?..... ...

I did. It simply doesn't apply to me, because I'm not advocating for an "all-or-nothing" abolitionist (as that word is currently used) approach.

All-or-nothing is why there's no law against abortion at all in Canada. When Bill C-43 was voted on in Parliament in 1990-91, basically, the hardcore abolitionists said it didn't go far enough, while the feminists said it went too far, and between the two of them, the bill was defeated. No party has had the courage to try again in 25 years.

I would support any law that aims to reduce the number of abortions from the previous level. But I make no secret of my ultimate goal: the complete abolition of abortion on demand.

The oft-used analogy is of William Wilberforce and the fight to abolish slavery in the British Empire. He didn't do it all at once. (He tried, and was defeated every time.) Instead, he adopted a strategy of incremental changes. First he successfully introduced a bill to outlaw British involvement in the foreign slave trade. Then, to abolish the slave trade. Finally, to abolish slavery outright. But it was never a secret that emancipation was his goal all along.

What the Republican platform does isn't accept an incremental compromise on the way to the abolition of abortion. They could have done that: they could have said, for example, "We welcome the overturning of Roe v. Wade and believe giving the states the right to legislate on abortion is a step in the right direction. We will continue to affirm the sanctity of life and the right of unborn children to life, and to support a human-life amendment to the Constitution," etc.

Instead, they moved the entire plank to the left. It's like if Wilberforce had said, sometime around 1806, "Well, actually, now all I want to do is get Brits out of the foreign slave trade."

Maybe the Repubs think they need to move this way to get votes. Who cares? If they can't distinguish themselves from the Democrats, then as I said earlier, they're just getting votes for the sake of getting votes--not because there's any difference between them.

The 2016 Republican platform:

The Constitution's guarantee that no one can "be deprived of life, liberty or property" deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence's proclamation that "all" are "endowed by their Creator" with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to children before birth. (Republican Platform 2016, p. 13, emphasis added.)​

They ran on the same platform in 2020.
Who started the process of amending the constitution in 2016 or 2020? The issue was part of Reagan’s platform too. The GOP controlled both US chambers several times in the intervening years as well as the majority of state governments.When did they ever actually pursue an amendment? Lip service to the religious right. Nothing more nothing less.
I’m 100% against abortion and I believe it’s 100% murder.

Let’s suppose that as of today abortion is outlawed and no one is able to have an abortion.

What will be the next effort of those that are against abortion be? now that all these babies will being born?

In other words, as much as people fight against abortion what are those people doing for those that are being born without parents and or being born into horrible situations?
What are you doing yourself? This minute?

You see? This is the liberal position. If you're against abortion, you have to be the one supporting the unwanted children.

I'm also against euthanasia, but I'm not responsible to care for your sick or elderly parents. You are.

So the real question is, what should be done to you to coerce you into obedience in this situation?
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Who started the process of amending the constitution in 2016 or 2020? The issue was part of Reagan’s platform too. The GOP controlled both US chambers several times in the intervening years as well as the majority of state governments.When did they ever actually pursue an amendment? Lip service to the religious right. Nothing more nothing less.
Do your own homework, Biden Mumble. You're just a cloud without rain.
What are you doing yourself? This minute?

You see? This is the liberal position. If you're against abortion, you have to be the one supporting the unwanted children.

I'm also against euthanasia, but I'm not responsible to care for your sick or elderly parents. You are.

So the real question is, what should be done to you to coerce you into obedience in this situation?
It just seems hypocritical to me that ppl will make much about abortion but not make anything about the born. Before birth we care a lot and say a lot, after birth I will say and do nothing. Except scream about all these mothers on food stamps feeding these babies that are born.
It just seems hypocritical to me that ppl will make much about abortion but not make anything about the born. Before birth we care a lot and say a lot, after birth I will say and do nothing. Except scream about all these mothers on food stamps feeding these babies that are born.
I guess you've never heard of pro life pregnancy centers offering parenting classes. I guess it's much easier to regurgitate the the pro abortion mantra.

It just seems hypocritical to me that ppl will make much about abortion but not make anything about the born. Before birth we care a lot and say a lot, after birth I will say and do nothing.
I am against the murder of babies before birth and after birth. It's just I don't have to make any noise about the murders after birth because that's already illegal.
It just seems hypocritical to me that ppl will make much about abortion but not make anything about the born.
The born don't need protection from being murdered at any age, for any reason (or none).
I am against the murder of babies before birth and after birth. It's just I don't have to make any noise about the murders after birth because that's already illegal.
Yes it is illegal but what about the babies being born into horrible conditions? I do t hear much if anything about them. Or those children that are being fostered by pedo’s
The born don't need protection from being murdered at any age, for any reason (or none).
I’m just asking, what about the children being fostered by pedophiles? Or the ones being thrown from home to home for money?

I hear so much about abortion (here to stay) but nothing about protecting the living.
I’m just asking, what about the children being fostered by pedophiles? Or the ones being thrown from home to home for money?

I hear so much about abortion (here to stay) but nothing about protecting the living.

Pedophilia is already illlegal.

Fostering for profit might be a flaw in the system. But it's not up to pro-lifers to correct every social problem, and our opponents have no business telling us we can't address our pet issues unless we're also willing to address theirs. That s not an argument, it's a distraction.
Is your point that you live in a Skinner box? This is basic knowledge for anyone who dips his foot in the pro-life movement.
I guess I do, Ransom :-)
Pedophilia is already illlegal.

Fostering for profit might be a flaw in the system. But it's not up to pro-lifers to correct every social problem, and our opponents have no business telling us we can't address our pet issues unless we're also willing to address theirs. That s not an argument, it's a distraction.
Anybody can definitely address anything as am I.

Do you not see the hypocrisy, even a little bit?