Can a Christian be a Democrat?

Every single Democrat in the Virginia House of Delegates voted against a "common sense" bill that would require schools to notify parents if their child is "self-identifying as a gender different from the student's biological sex."

House and Senate Democrats have begun to prepare a resolution aimed at blocking local “book bans” by parents who believe gender identity, social agendas and explicit sexual content should be removed from a child’s education.

These things are happening on the state and national levels. Can anyone name one Democrat currently serving who doesn't hold radical views concerning traditional values? Anyone?
Do you believe that the Republican party is in any way pro Bible? They keep saying that they want to be the party with the "big umbrella 🏖️" welcoming all. The LGBTQ+ agenda is gaining popularity in the ranks. Not all Democrats hate God.
I’ll take that as a no as to my question.
Can you name a Democrat worth your (my) vote?
I remember one, from about 20 years ago. He was in Georgia or Alabama; I can't remember which... He did make headlines by remaining with the Democrats but rejecting much of their party's platform. He's probably pushing up daisies somewhere now.
If you proudly display an AMERICAN flag, everyone knows who you're voting for. Pride flag, the same. That doesn't mean everyone who displays an American flag is a Christian or every Republican is a Christian, but its hard to ignore the direction certain parties want to steer this country. Christians should wish to support those candidates that would allow us to exercise the freedoms that God has blessed us with as a nation. As Christians we should not be ashamed of the blessings bestowed by God on the United States but thankful.
If you proudly display an AMERICAN flag, everyone knows who you're voting for. Pride flag, the same. That doesn't mean everyone who displays an American flag is a Christian or every Republican is a Christian, but its hard to ignore the direction certain parties want to steer this country. Christians should wish to support those candidates that would allow us to exercise the freedoms that God has blessed us with as a nation. As Christians we should not be ashamed of the blessings bestowed by God on the United States but thankful.
i agree.... for the most part.... . but it must be remembered that the lgbtq cult stole the symbol of the rainbow and misappropriated it... . ....and the people they stole it from was us.... christians.... ... a large portion of the church may have run away scared and abandoned the rainbow when the left came for it.... but there are many of us who still understand and still believe in what those colors in combination originally stood for.. ... the symbol of Gods covenant with noah.... and thus with all of mankind... especially as it appears in the sky..... ..... not only do we believe christians should have never given it up.... (nor did they have any right to)..... but we also believe christians should take it back... well as the many other things pagans.. non-believers... and the woke left has stolen over the past 2000 years.....( i.e. christian holidays etc) ... we should never let the world set our boundries for us or define who we are..... that is for God alone to do....
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None who are running for office. Painting with broad brushes, though, is becoming too much the norm for many "Christians."
You are guilty of "inductive reasoning" which is taking an exception to overthrow a rule that is generally true. Billy Graham considered himself tp be a "Blue Dog Democrat" and the fact that you can't name one in office today is a stark reality as to what the Democratic Party has become. The Democratic Party is so much aligned with the Communist Party that it is hard to distinguish between them and that is not an exaggeration. Only one party wants to force porn in libraries so children can have access to it among many other things that a generation ago would have had them thrown in jail. You are the one painting Christians with a broad brush. The Democratic Party of JFK is dead and you know it whether you will admit it or not.
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None who are running for office. Painting with broad brushes, though, is becoming too much the norm for many "Christians."
But this statement validates the question in the OP: "Can a Christian be a Democrat?"

Perhaps it could be better worded: "Can a Christian VOTE Democrat?"

For me, the question is rather obvious!

Tulsi Gabbard seems like a reasonable lady but her reasonable, level-headed thinking pretty much got her booted from the Democrat party! Under the right circumstances, I would consider voting for her. She is the only one I can think of.

I believe the likes of Zell Miller are quite extinct as far as the Democrat party is concerned.
You are guilty of "inductive reasoning" which is taking and exception to overthrow a rule that is generally true. Billy Graham considered himself tp be a "Blue Dog Democrat" and the fact that you can't name one in office today is a stark reality as to what the Democratic Party has become. The Democratic Party is so much aligned with the Communist Party that it is hard to distinguish between them and that is not an exaggeration. Only one party wants to force porn in libraries so children can have access to it among many other things that a generation ago would have had them thrown in jail. You are the one painting Christians with a broad brush. The Democratic Party of JFK is dead and you know it whether you will admit it or not.
It's true that the Democratic party of JFK is dead, yet many of the people who voted Democrat back then and in the next generation are still voting Democrat. That fact still stands. And as far as my reasoning goes, you're always welcome to YOUR OPINION, no matter how incorrect it is. My inability to name one Democrat in office that thinks like you'd like them to is just another example of broad brush mentality.
It's true that the Democratic party of JFK is dead, yet many of the people who voted Democrat back then and in the next generation are still voting Democrat. That fact still stands. And as far as my reasoning goes, you're always welcome to YOUR OPINION, no matter how incorrect it is. My inability to name one Democrat in office that thinks like you'd like them to is just another example of broad brush mentality.
Why would any Christian align themselves with a party as extreme as the modern Democratic party? You don't have to think like I do. What did Jesus say about offending little ones? Why broad brush Christians by implying that opposing a party that wishes to destroy everything decent and moral, they are guilty of being Pharisees? I believe you have the right to vote for whomever you wish but I also believe Christians have the right to expose evil and not be complicit with it.
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Why would any Christian align themselves with a party as extreme as the modern Democratic party? You don't have to think like I do. What did Jesus say about offending little ones? Why broad brush Christians by implying that opposing a party that wishes to destroy everything decent and moral, they are guilty of being Pharisees? I believe you have the right to vote for whomever you wish but I also believe Christians have the right to expose evil and not be complicit with it.
I only broad brush Christians because that is exactly what they are doing concerning the Democrats. Not all Democrats support the platform in whole. Guess you've got a problem with comprehension because I've stated that several times in this thread. Just as all Republican's don't agree with the platform put forth by that party. I know my wife and I didn't, and the party left us in 1986. In reality, it probably left us in 1980 with the placement of GHWB on the ticket along with Reagan to gain the moderate Republican's support. People can try to tell me that the Bush's were/are Republican, but, I can't see it, and never did.
I don't vote Democrat, and never will. I don't recall ever calling anyone a pharisee. Guess you've got a bit of an honesty problem as well. Sad.
Can you name a Democrat worth your (my) vote?
I haven't kept up with most of the Democrats for the past few years, so, offhand I couldn't. But, if I looked I could find one or two, if not for national office, then for state offices.
I’m not sure why any Christian would align themselves with any political party.

As to voting, who you or I vote for is no one else’s business. My mom liked to point out that is why they put curtains on the voting booth.
I’m not sure why any Christian would align themselves with any political party.

As to voting, who you or I vote for is no one else’s business. My mom liked to point out that is why they put curtains on the voting booth.
True enough. However, our political landscape is what it is and Christians ought to vote their conscience or as close as possible. I do not believe Christians boycotting the political process in our society is a viable option.
I’m not sure why any Christian would align themselves with any political party.

As to voting, who you or I vote for is no one else’s business. My mom liked to point out that is why they put curtains on the voting booth.

Im not sure why it’s so difficult to know how to choose how you’d vote.
IF you vote according to where candidates stand on issues that matter to you, you will secretly vote for those who agree with you. Now, IF you agree with the majority of the Democrat Party’s stated positions then you may have a Biblical principle problem.
It isn’t difficult.
True enough. However, our political landscape is what it is and Christians ought to vote their conscience or as close as possible. I do not believe Christians boycotting the political process in our society is a viable option.
Is anyone advocating a boycott? 🤔
Im not sure why it’s so difficult to know how to choose how you’d vote.
IF you vote according to where candidates stand on issues that matter to you, you will secretly vote for those who agree with you. Now, IF you agree with the majority of the Democrat Party’s stated positions then you may have a Biblical principle problem.
It isn’t difficult.
Who is having trouble knowing how to vote?
I haven't kept up with most of the Democrats for the past few years, so, offhand I couldn't. But, if I looked I could find one or two, if not for national office, then for state offices.
Your post’s illustrate our point.

A Christian can be a Democrat but they will have no Democrat candidates to vote for….