Can a Christian be a Democrat?

RNC Formally Adopts Trump’s 2024 Platform: Among other things:

Among other things:

The "other things" include dropping support for a national ban on abortion, which has been part of the Republican platform for 40 years.


Congratulations, Republicans, you're Canadian Conservatives now.
The "other things" include dropping support for a national ban on abortion, which has been part of the Republican platform for 40 years.


Congratulations, Republicans, you're Canadian Conservatives now.
Thank you for that input. I shows that no party is righteous. Just consider the alternative.
Give a hypothetical example that has nothing to do with your personal situation but is similar in it's scope. Give us a taste of this cold, uncaring, unconcerned church members you attend with. I cn assure you these churches do not represent all IFB churches or baptist churches in general. The growing churches off all types I know of are as much a community as they are a traditional church.

you attend.
No I haven’t attended in many years. I attended many years ago with a girlfriend, I wasn’t catholic. I was making her happy :-)

I met my wife after I was saved.
Thank you for that input. I shows that no party is righteous. Just consider the alternative.

Yes, now the Democrats are the slightly worse party.

In only a few years, the Repubs will be where the Dems are now. They do nothing better than "compromise" leftward.
Who wrote this? Between the inconsistent punctuation, the exclamation points, the all-caps (PLEASE STOP SHOUTING) and whatnot, it reads more like one of Trump's Truth Social posts than an actual political platform.

It also looks more like a grocery list of desirable outcomes than party positions.

They realize the RNC is a week away, don't they?
The "other things" include dropping support for a national ban on abortion, which has been part of the Republican platform for 40 years.


Congratulations, Republicans, you're Canadian Conservatives now.
While I share disdain for the abortion language in the platform and hate the pragmatism that is part of politics…
I think you have gone outside even the thin lines of decorum of the fff!
Comparing anything here to anything Canadian is the harshest insult ever hurled inside or outside the forum.

Here is the Democrat response specifically to the abortion language in the Republican platform:

The Biden campaign, in a statement, said that Trump has “made it clear with his own words and actions what he will do if he regains power” and that he would “rip away women’s freedoms, punish women, and ban abortion nationwide.”

“Despite Trump and his team’s best efforts, the American people are clear on just how far he would go to rip away their freedoms — and they’ll vote accordingly this November,” said Biden spokesperson Sarafina Chitika.
it;s easy to condemn those willing to compromise... and call the ones making agreements cowards ..when it;s not your skin at risk.... not your body that will be torn apart and ripped out of the womb.... and will never be your blood spilled on an abortion clinic floor ........... .. if an agreement can;t be found that voters will accept... the democrats win overwhelming majoritys again... and row vrs wade gets codified into a federal law that covers all 50 states.. then a full return of row vrs wade is what we will get... and with no way to stop it....

if you want to be courageous and make all or nothing gambles ..then take all your money to vegas and put it all on the table... .. but there is nothing "brave" about taking chances with other peoples blood.... especially the blood of innocent children.... and choosing to save as many as possible while realizing the countrys voters will not allow all of them to be saved - at this time - is not cowardice.... ...but taking the approach that it;s better for all of them to die if they can;t all be saved .. (and especially if it;s just to not be called a coward)... is worse than cowardice... it;s callous and self serving... ..

a national ban on abortion will always be what true christians conservatives want..... but the hearts of the voters have to be there with them for that to happen... .. and whose job is it to move the hearts of the voters to the right place?... . some people here act like that;s the politicans job.... but no.... all the politicians can do is respond to what a majority of the people want... .. moving hearts and minds is the job of the clergy.... old fashioned fire and brimstone preachers as you like to call them...... . and where have they been?..... the ones most talked about on these forums seem to be too busy trying to untangle their own sex scandals with teenage church members to get involved in the abortion debate at the national level... or on any level for that matter.... many others seem totally embroiled in debates on calvinism..... .. where are the rest of them and what are they talking about?.. ..preaching about?..... not knowing who to vote for is just one of the pitfalls of confusing the jobs of politicans and pastors in our minds... . there are many others... .
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The only way abortion can be fully outlawed (note that it will never be eliminated) is to amend the Constitution and I have not seen any evidence of that being proposed by the current “pro life” establishment.
The only way abortion can be fully outlawed (note that it will never be eliminated) is to amend the Constitution and I have not seen any evidence of that being proposed by the current “pro life” establishment.
Personhood amendments (for the pre-born) have been proposed numerous times but the abortion lobby keeps shooting them down.

The only way abortion can be fully outlawed (note that it will never be eliminated) is to amend the Constitution and I have not seen any evidence of that being proposed by the current “pro life” establishment.

The 2016 Republican platform:

The Constitution's guarantee that no one can "be deprived of life, liberty or property" deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence's proclamation that "all" are "endowed by their Creator" with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to children before birth. (Republican Platform 2016, p. 13, emphasis added.)​

They ran on the same platform in 2020.
a national ban on abortion will always be what true christians conservatives want..... but the hearts of the voters have to be there with them for that to happen...

With no one calling anymore for a national ban on abortion, any reason why the "hearts of the voters" should want one has been undermined.

I am, again, reminded of the Canadian Conservatives' last attempt to legislate on abortion, which was defeated in 1991. Today, their platform explicitly states they will not consider any legislation restricting abortion. Mark my words, this will be the Republican Party in only a few election cycles. Better to put the brakes on now and minimize the damage done.

It's fine and well to say compromises are necessary to get votes. But when your position is this compromised, you're effectively no different than the other guys, and now it's just getting votes for the sake of getting votes.
The "other things" include dropping support for a national ban on abortion, which has been part of the Republican platform for 40 years.


Congratulations, Republicans, you're Canadian Conservatives now.
Makes me thankful I'm no longer a "pub." ;)
Abortion is here to stay it’s not going anywhere.
With no one calling anymore for a national ban on abortion, any reason why the "hearts of the voters" should want one has been undermined.

I am, again, reminded of the Canadian Conservatives' last attempt to legislate on abortion, which was defeated in 1991. Today, their platform explicitly states they will not consider any legislation restricting abortion. Mark my words, this will be the Republican Party in only a few election cycles. Better to put the brakes on now and minimize the damage done.

It's fine and well to say compromises are necessary to get votes. But when your position is this compromised, you're effectively no different than the other guys, and now it's just getting votes for the sake of getting votes.
so your answer is to put on the brakes.... come to a stop.... refuse to support trump or any other republican and let the democrats win it all?........ . you didn;t understand a word i said about the lives of children being at risk here.... did you?..... ...

this is not canada..... and whether you like him or not - we accomplished a lot under donald trump that nobody thought was possible a decade ago.... . we can continue forward and accomplish even more but not if we do something that gains nothing - and only gaurantees a backlash that would return to democrats controlling the white house and both houses of congress......

trump appointed conservative supreme justices just like he said he would.... and they over turned row vs wade........ a voter backlash happened in 2022 because of that but what we gained in the supreme court overall - and the lives saved in states that immediately chose to restrict abortion after the courts decision was worth it..... ..

the kind of total backlash that would happen now if republicans try to push what the left sees as an extreme agenda would not be worth it..... and we would gain nothing....... ..democrats would end up controlling both houses and the presidency and then they would codify row vrs wade.... with the laffin hyena president harris signing every bill the democrats passed....

getting votes and winning elections is important .... even if it only wins you small steps.. ... at least they are steps in the right direction.... when the time is right to take a big step like the supreme court did once already with roe vrs wade it will be taken.... .... but it won;t happen if we don;t win..... and there is no minimizing of damage when the action taken completely destroys what you had.....
Abortion is here to stay it’s not going anywhere.
if christians have your attitude about it.. certainly will be here to stay.... we may be destined to lose the battles but we still have to fight them....... the hearts of voters can be changed but it;s not up to politicans to change them..... that is up to us.... it is the job christians to do the work to bring people to Christ and teach them the value of life..... led (hopefully) by christian clergy..... ... but if you throw up your hands and give in before your part in the battle even starts.... then yes... the other side will win.... ... and even more blood of innocent children will be on our hands..... hasn;t there been enough already?
The last several decades I've heard the rhetoric on both sides which begs the question, "Can a Christian be a democrat?" The way most of you talk, it sounds like the answer is no.
You can’t sing “Jesus loves the little children” after voting for abortion so I’d say no.