Transgender boy wins girls state wrestling title

Route_70 said:
Recovering IFB said:
Ok, so you are suppressing the knowledge of God. You know what God says on the matter so you rebel against his order and choose to worship the god of science. How do you know anything outside of God?
You do know that without the God of the Bible, you have no science?

No, you misundertand.  I do not believe those scientific things.  I believe Genesis 1 -- you know: the earth is flat; the sun and moon are both light sources, and they revolve around the flat earth; and the stars are just little tiny dots of light.  No,no, no -- all that stuff they taught us in science class at school is purely bogus.
Only fools believes the Earth is flat,..... your condescending remarks aside, you have worshipped the creation( science) instead of the Creator.
subllibrm said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Recovering IFB said:
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.

So you are saying there is no such thing as intersex people? Or if so, how do they exist? Satanic manipulation?

I haven't read her book yet, but it is on my list to read at some point:

Sex Difference in Christian Theology

As Ransom has already pointed out transgender and intersex are two entirely different things.

At present, the major difference between transgender and intersex is that the latter can point to a diagnosis?medical proof explaining the cross-sex identification or mixed-sex feelings which some intersex persons experience. Still, the science of sex difference, particularly the effects of hormones on brain development and function, is still in its infancy. We may not have biological explanations for transgender today but we may very well tomorrow. In fact there are already hints from scientific research pointing in that direction. People who insist that transpersons should prioritize the body over the mind often forget that the brain is just as subject to sex hormones as genitals.

Transgender 101 (for conservative Christians)

Until further research reveals differently, that it isn't biological, I choose to give Transgenders the benefit of my doubts.
Ransom said:
Route_70 said:
Okay, Mr. Admin.  You've gotta make up your mind.  Are your beliefs based on science; or are your beliefs based on the Bible?  Science and the Bible rarely agree on anything.

Where does the Bible disagree with the statement, "Sex is biologically determined by the XX and XY chromosomes"?

Where does the Bible agree with that?
FSSL said:
Chromosomes determine sex.

Well, some people just love to wallow in their ignorance.

Chromosomes DO NOT determine sex.
Route_70 said:
Chromosomes DO NOT determine sex.

There we have it... I am no scientist.. but I do know one thing... someone has been sleeping in both Science and English class.

The boy may have changed his genitals and went through aggressive hormone treatments. He is STILL and ALWAYS will be a male, scientifically, biologically, biblically.
Smellin Coffee said:
Until further research reveals differently, that it isn't biological, I choose to give Transgenders the benefit of my doubts.

See... smellin... you are NOT guided by science. You have a certain persuasion and you are wanting, so much to find research to back up your opinion, that you are not willing to stand on what we know, definitively.
FSSL said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Until further research reveals differently, that it isn't biological, I choose to give Transgenders the benefit of my doubts.

See... smellin... you are NOT guided by science. You have a certain persuasion and you are wanting, so much to find research to back up your opinion, that you are not willing to stand on what we know, definitively.

So you are saying I'm being guided by faith. I have not said otherwise. :)

We DON'T have definitive answers as science unfolds answers as as time goes on. And yes, I DO want to give those folks the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because I believe they are created in the image of my God and that their Creator loves them. I also try to view my actions as defending them as persons with rights is defending Jesus. You have every right to disagree and think I'm cuckoo, an ignoramus or a heretic, but that is where I stand.
Route_70 said:
I believe Genesis 1 -- you know: the earth is flat; the sun and moon are both light sources, and they revolve around the flat earth; and the stars are just little tiny dots of light.  No,no, no -- all that stuff they taught us in science class at school is purely bogus.

What a load of yakwash. Christians have taken a spherical earth for granted since the second century at the latest; only a small minority of people on the lunatic fringe believe that the Bible, understood properly, requires belief in a flat earth or a moon-landing hoax.

A number of the Mercury and Apollo astronauts were Christians. Do you think John Glenn (devout Presbyterian) believed he shouldn't have been able to orbit the earth because it was flat? Did Buzz Aldrin (also a devout Prsbyterian, who took communion when he and Neil Armstrong landed on the moon) think he was traipsing around on a "light source"?

Fortunately, Christians don't have to believe the codswallop you pagans tell us we're supposed to.
Route_70 said:
Where does the Bible agree with that?

Argumentum ad silentio is not an answer to my question.

If you seriously want to argue that Christians are ignorant of science, maybe you should start by showing us that you aren't ignorant of basic logic.
Smellin Coffee said:
So you are saying I'm being guided by faith. I have not said otherwise. :)

There we are.

I believe that science is true in identifying male and female by the XX and XY chromosomes.
You are holding out hope that science will change to your opinion.

Anti-science progressivism exposed.
FSSL said:
Smellin Coffee said:
So you are saying I'm being guided by faith. I have not said otherwise. :)

There we are.

I believe that science is true in identifying male and female by the XX and XY chromosomes.
You are holding out hope that science will change to your opinion.

Anti-science progressivism exposed.

We shall see. :)
Smellin Coffee said:
We shall see. :)

You PRESENTLY ignore science and hold out hopes for the FUTURE. So, PRESENTLY, you are antiscience. Loud and Proud!!! :D
[quote author=Ransom]What a load of yakwash. Christians have taken a spherical earth for granted since the second century at the latest; only a small minority of people on the lunatic fringe believe that the Bible, understood properly, requires belief in a flat earth or a moon-landing hoax.[/quote]

With all of the weird stuff he learned at Hyles, certainly they did not teach the earth was flat.
FSSL said:
The boy may have changed his genitals and went through aggressive hormone treatments. He is STILL and ALWAYS will be a male, scientifically, biologically, biblically.

Talk about sleeping through English class:

"The boy may have changed ... and went through ..." is incorrect grammar.  Correct grammar is: "The boy may have changed ... and gone through ..."
Route_70 said:
"The boy may have changed ... and went through ..." is incorrect grammar.  Correct grammar is: "The boy may have changed ... and gone through ..."

Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! There is no difference. It is a STYLISTIC word choice. NO grammatical errors exist by my usage.

You could have focused on my improper comma usage, but that blew right by you.
Ransom said:
Route_70 said:
Where does the Bible agree with that?

Argumentum ad silentio is not an answer to my question.

If you seriously want to argue that Christians are ignorant of science, maybe you should start by showing us that you aren't ignorant of basic logic.

In mathematics, only one negative example is required to disprove a proposition.  It is true that generally speaking, when DNA analysis is done on a newborn baby, and that child's sex chromosomes are XY, the baby is said to be a male.  Likewise, for females and XX.  HOWEVER, once in a while a baby is born with all the proper organs of one sex, while DNA analysis reveals the child should be the other.  These are documented and verified, although rare, cases.

Ergo, LOGICALLY SPEAKING, XX and XY do not necessarily dictate sex.  It is NOT the chromosomes that determine sex:  it is the genes on those chromosomes that do.
FSSL said:
Route_70 said:
"The boy may have changed ... and went through ..." is incorrect grammar.  Correct grammar is: "The boy may have changed ... and gone through ..."

Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! There is no difference. It is a STYLISTIC word choice. NO grammatical errors exist by my usage.

You could have focused on my improper comma usage, but that blew right by you.

I saw the missing comma; but it would only be missing if you had intended to use the word "went."  As you have written the sentence, your use of the word "went" is incorrect.
FSSL said:
Smellin Coffee said:
We shall see. :)

You PRESENTLY ignore science and hold out hopes for the FUTURE. So, PRESENTLY, you are antiscience. Loud and Proud!!! :D

Science is not a set of rules that we memorize from a book.  Science is dynamic -- always changing; never staying the same.  Sometimes scientists discover that one rule that they have believed has, in fact, been wrong all along; so they change.

So, I believe that the day will come when science will be able to explain how it is that some people are born homosexuals.  Science is not yet able to do that.
Recovering IFB said:
Only fools believes the Earth is flat,..... your condescending remarks aside, you have worshipped the creation( science) instead of the Creator.

"Creation science" is an oxymoron (see Hebrews 11:3).
FSSL said:
It is a STYLISTIC word choice.

"It is a STYLISTIC word choice" is another grammatical faux pas.  Your use of the word "It" is a pronoun without an antecedent.