Transgender boy wins girls state wrestling title

Smellin Coffee said:
subllibrm said:
Route_70 said:
Recovering IFB said:
I would say thy the homosexual was born with a certain proclivity towards sexual sins. But that is part of the fallen nature of man. I would say an that any man or woman claim they are identified as the opposite sex is living in sin and in need of a savior.

So the homosexual IS born that way --  not at fault -- it being part of the "fallen nature of man," as you put it.

As sin ewnterd in by one man.

Dude we are all guilty and "God made me this way" is not an acceptable answer.

Well aren't we blessed God didn't make us homosexual! This way, we can rag on those who are gay!

Who is raggin' on gays? Sin is sin is it not?
Route_70 said:
subllibrm said:
Dude we are all guilty and "God made me this way" is not an acceptable answer.

Dude, God did make us the way we are, did he not?  Then why should we be held accountable for being what God made us?

Ask Him. He seems to think it a big deal that we confess our sin, not blame it on Him.
Smellin Coffee said:
subllibrm said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Recovering IFB said:
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.

So you are saying there is no such thing as intersex people? Or if so, how do they exist? Satanic manipulation?

I haven't read her book yet, but it is on my list to read at some point:

Sex Difference in Christian Theology

As Ransom has already pointed out transgender and intersex are two entirely different things.

Just because something isn't anatomical doesn't mean it isn't biological.

And again you miss the point. Transgendered is not intersex, yet you keep using that as some sort of explanation for someone saying they are something that they are not.

Statement: genes determine sex, not feelings.
Smellin: you know some people are born with a penis and vagina.
FSSL said:
Your logic is dizzying and contradicts what we know from Scripture.

Okay, so show me from scripture what the Bible has to say about chromosomes and genes -- especially the 45th and 46th -- the so-called "XX" and "XY."
Route_70 said:
Okay, so show me from scripture what the Bible has to say about chromosomes and genes -- especially the 45th and 46th -- the so-called "XX" and "XY."

Romans 1.

The use of the terms "man" and "woman" to the exclusion of "half-man" "half-woman." Men and Women are either or.

Men and Women find their natural counterparts in the opposite sex. Sex is biologically determined by the XX and XY chromosomes. Those who violate these distinctions are described as having "unnatural sexual relations."

Romans 1: 26f... Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."
FSSL said:
Route_70 said:
Okay, so show me from scripture what the Bible has to say about chromosomes and genes -- especially the 45th and 46th -- the so-called "XX" and "XY."

Romans 1.

The use of the terms "man" and "woman" to the exclusion of "half-man" "half-woman." Men and Women are either or.

Men and Women find their natural counterparts in the opposite sex. Sex is biologically determined by the XX and XY chromosomes. Those who violate these distinctions are described as having "unnatural sexual relations."

Romans 1: 26f... Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

So according to your proof text, it is sinful for a heterosexual to turn himself over to homosexuality. One can't "abandon" a "natural relation" when one never had a "natural relation". In addition, "God gave them up because..." certainly is not about a 4-year old boy who would rather play with dolls instead of footballs, who befriends girls in preschool instead of other boys.

Oh, and you still didn't answer Route 70's statement. I see nothing of scientific genetics in that passage.
Lol... it is always fun to see progressives trip over themselves...

XY = Male
XX = Female

Diversions from this are unnatural

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Smellin Coffee said:
In addition, "God gave them up because..." certainly is not about a 4-year old boy who would rather play with dolls instead of footballs, who befriends girls in preschool instead of other boys.

Did anyone say it was?

In any case, a preference for dolls or girl playmates doesn't make someone transgender.
Ransom said:
Smellin Coffee said:
In addition, "God gave them up because..." certainly is not about a 4-year old boy who would rather play with dolls instead of footballs, who befriends girls in preschool instead of other boys.

In any case, a preference for dolls or girl playmates doesn't make someone transgender.

Ransom said:
In any case, a preference for dolls or girl playmates doesn't make someone transgender.

You are correct. I was using a stereotype.  Such doesn't make one transgender, but could indicate one could be transgender or gay upon reaching puberty.

Unless the godly parent is skilled enough to spank the gay away. (sarcasm)
subllibrm said:
Smellin Coffee said:
subllibrm said:
Route_70 said:
Recovering IFB said:
I would say thy the homosexual was born with a certain proclivity towards sexual sins. But that is part of the fallen nature of man. I would say an that any man or woman claim they are identified as the opposite sex is living in sin and in need of a savior.

So the homosexual IS born that way --  not at fault -- it being part of the "fallen nature of man," as you put it.

As sin ewnterd in by one man.

Dude we are all guilty and "God made me this way" is not an acceptable answer.

Well aren't we blessed God didn't make us homosexual! This way, we can rag on those who are gay!

Who is raggin' on gays? Sin is sin is it not?

People take offense to the fact that what they practice is a sin because of how closely tied we are to it. Jackson's "Human Nature" comes to mind.
Let me try this approach:
SC and RT 70, how would you two defend this position of yours, Biblically?
FSSL said:
Romans 1.

Sex is biologically determined by the XX and XY chromosomes.

Okay, Mr. Admin.  You've gotta make up your mind.  Are your beliefs based on science; or are your beliefs based on the Bible?  Science and the Bible rarely agree on anything.

In the meantime, while you are contemplating your answer, let me clear up some confusion on your part:  chromosomes do not determine a person's gender.  Genes determine a person's gender.  They do this basically by controlling the amounts of any particular three hormones that are produced, and in what proportion: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.  Anatomically, there is basically no difference between males and females.  Hormones control shape and function.  Hormones are controlled by genes ? not chromosomes.

There are verified, documented cases of females who have the XY combination.  There are verified, documented case of males who have the XX combination.  Most of the sex-determining genes are located on chromosomes #45 and #46; but not 100% of the time do those genes function they way they should.
Recovering IFB said:
Let me try this approach:
SC and RT 70, how would you two defend this position of yours, Biblically?

Good question.  I have already answered this a few posts up.  My money is on chimerism.  There are documented cases where the zygote actually ends up sharing more than one set of chromosomes.  So far it appears to be rare in humans, but it does occur.  A person ends up with completely different sets of chromosomes that function throughout his body.  Research it.
Route_70 said:
Recovering IFB said:
Let me try this approach:
SC and RT 70, how would you two defend this position of yours, Biblically?

Good question.  I have already answered this a few posts up.  My money is on chimerism.  There are documented cases where the zygote actually ends up sharing more than one set of chromosomes.  So far it appears to be rare in humans, but it does occur.  A person ends up with completely different sets of chromosomes that function throughout his body.  Research it.
Ok, so you are suppressing the knowledge of God. You know what God says on the matter so you rebel against his order and choose to worship the god of science. How do you know anything outside of God?
You do know that without the God of the Bible, you have no science?
Recovering IFB said:
Ok, so you are suppressing the knowledge of God. You know what God says on the matter so you rebel against his order and choose to worship the god of science. How do you know anything outside of God?
You do know that without the God of the Bible, you have no science?

No, you misundertand.  I do not believe those scientific things.  I believe Genesis 1 -- you know: the earth is flat; the sun and moon are both light sources, and they revolve around the flat earth; and the stars are just little tiny dots of light.  No,no, no -- all that stuff they taught us in science class at school is purely bogus.
Route_70 said:
Okay, Mr. Admin.  You've gotta make up your mind.  Are your beliefs based on science; or are your beliefs based on the Bible?  Science and the Bible rarely agree on anything.

Where does the Bible disagree with the statement, "Sex is biologically determined by the XX and XY chromosomes"?
Okay, Mr. Admin.  You've gotta make up your mind.  Are your beliefs based on science; or are your beliefs based on the Bible?  Science and the Bible rarely agree on anything.

That's just idiotic. In this discussion, the Bible recognizes differences between men and women, just like science.

You are the only one having an issue.

In the meantime, while you are contemplating your answer, let me clear up some confusion on your part:  chromosomes do not determine a person's gender.  Genes determine a person's gender.  They do this basically by controlling the amounts of any particular three hormones that are produced, and in what proportion: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.  Anatomically, there is basically no difference between males and females.  Hormones control shape and function.  Hormones are controlled by genes ? not chromosomes.

My wife is on testosterone. She is still 100% female. Chromosomes determine sex. Your use of the word gender is wrong, scientifically.

Last time I checked, there are great differences anatomically between men and women.

There are verified, documented cases of females who have the XY combination.  There are verified, documented case of males who have the XX combination.  Most of the sex-determining genes are located on chromosomes #45 and #46; but not 100% of the time do those genes function they way they should.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic presented. We have a XY who wrestles against XXs.
Recovering IFB said:
Let me try this approach:
SC and RT 70, how would you two defend this position of yours, Biblically?

1. I have no reason to want to defend homosexuality/transgenderism. I am neither and I have no family members that are either.

2. You are asking to defend something from the same text that defends genocide, human slavery, rape, misogyny, etc. Maybe those things need to be clarified first, than to worry about the possibility of a mote in another's eye, a "sin" for which I cannot be guilty.

3. Not saying I support this theological position, but read from a pro-homosexual theologian for his/her proof text. Start with Mark Sandlin and his blog titled Clobbering ?Biblical? Gay Bashing where he addresses all 6 passages. If you disagree with his hermeneutic, then take it up with him. For me, I have no reason to defend or attack the behavior. I do have reason to defend homosexuals and transgendered folks from attack from the Religious Right in their attempts to legislate the morality of people who are different than they are.