Transgender boy wins girls state wrestling title

Recovering IFB said:
I would say thy the homosexual was born with a certain proclivity towards sexual sins. But that is part of the fallen nature of man. I would say an that any man or woman claim they are identified as the opposite sex is living in sin and in need of a savior.

So the homosexual IS born that way --  not at fault -- it being partof the "fallen nature of man," as you put it.
Smellin Coffee said:
Recovering IFB said:
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.

So you are saying there is no such thing as intersex people? Or if so, how do they exist? Satanic manipulation?

I haven't read her book yet, but it is on my list to read at some point:

Sex Difference in Christian Theology

As Ransom has already pointed out transgender and intersex are two entirely different things.
Recovering IFB said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Recovering IFB said:
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.

So you are saying there is no such thing as intersex people? Or if so, how do they exist? Satanic manipulation?

I haven't read her book yet, but it is on my list to read at some point:

Sex Difference in Christian Theology

I would grant you there is an occasional physical abnormality when it come to the rare hermaphroditism. But normal people born with true functioning organs, I would say no. They are people who are living in sin trying to be something that they were not created to be. They're are no mistakes in Gods creation, and even in the rare case of hermaphroditism, it is still God's will and purpose that they were born that way.
I would say thy the homosexual was born with a certain proclivity towards sexual sins. But that is part of the fallen nature of man. I would say an that any man or woman claim they are identified as the opposite sex is living in sin and in need of a savior.

Yet much of a person's sexuality is INSIDE the body, in genetic form as well as sometimes physiological. By no means has researched concluded exactly what identifying markers are, I choose to give one the benefit of the doubt who believes he/she is of the opposite sex "on the inside". I have no idea of his/her biological genetic makeup.

What you claim as "fallen nature", I see as biological. Is biological abnormalities always a result of one's fallen nature? Hardly. "Who has sinned, this man or his father?" That was a perfect time for Jesus to reiterate man's fallen nature, sickness and disease came through Adam's sin and a curse, but strangely, He didn't. Why? Maybe because that theological line of thinking isn't really of God. Rather than preach about "fallen man", He said, " This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him."

How does that look in a transvestite? Not sure, but I will give one the benefit of my doubt.
Route_70 said:
Recovering IFB said:
I would say thy the homosexual was born with a certain proclivity towards sexual sins. But that is part of the fallen nature of man. I would say an that any man or woman claim they are identified as the opposite sex is living in sin and in need of a savior.

So the homosexual IS born that way --  not at fault -- it being part of the "fallen nature of man," as you put it.

As sin entered in by one man.

Dude we are all guilty and "God made me this way" is not an acceptable answer.
subllibrm said:
Route_70 said:
Recovering IFB said:
I would say thy the homosexual was born with a certain proclivity towards sexual sins. But that is part of the fallen nature of man. I would say an that any man or woman claim they are identified as the opposite sex is living in sin and in need of a savior.

So the homosexual IS born that way --  not at fault -- it being part of the "fallen nature of man," as you put it.

As sin ewnterd in by one man.

Dude we are all guilty and "God made me this way" is not an acceptable answer.

Well aren't we blessed God didn't make us homosexual! This way, we can rag on those who are gay!
Smellin Coffee said:
much of a person's sexuality is INSIDE the body, in genetic form as well as sometimes physiological. By no means has researched concluded exactly what identifying markers are, I choose to give one the benefit of the doubt who believes he/she is of the opposite sex "on the inside". I have no idea of his/her biological genetic makeup.

Daniel, check out a conditon called chimerism.  I believe that geneticists will some day identify this condition as the cause for homosexuality/transgenderism.
Route_70 said:
Smellin Coffee said:
much of a person's sexuality is INSIDE the body, in genetic form as well as sometimes physiological. By no means has researched concluded exactly what identifying markers are, I choose to give one the benefit of the doubt who believes he/she is of the opposite sex "on the inside". I have no idea of his/her biological genetic makeup.

Daniel, check out a conditon called chimerism.  I believe that geneticists will some day identify this condition as the cause for homosexuality/transgenderism.

This is the kind of trash this forum needs to get posting numbers up!
subllibrm said:
Dude we are all guilty and "God made me this way" is not an acceptable answer.

Dude, God did make us the way we are, did he not?  Then why should we be held accountable for being what God made us?
Smellin Coffee said:
Yet much of a person's sexuality is INSIDE the body, in genetic form as well as sometimes physiological. By no means has researched concluded exactly what identifying markers are...

Lol!!!! The markers are XY and XX

Route_70 said:
Dude, God did make us the way we are, did he not? 

We suspect that's true of you.  No one would choose to be that way.
Route_70 said:
subllibrm said:
Dude we are all guilty and "God made me this way" is not an acceptable answer.

Dude, God did make us the way we are, did he not?  Then why should we be held accountable for being what God made us?
God made man upright, but we sought many devices. It's man's sin that nailed Christ to the cross. You need to repent and believe the Gospel.
Smellin Coffee said:
Recovering IFB said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Recovering IFB said:
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.

So you are saying there is no such thing as intersex people? Or if so, how do they exist? Satanic manipulation?

I haven't read her book yet, but it is on my list to read at some point:

Sex Difference in Christian Theology

I would grant you there is an occasional physical abnormality when it come to the rare hermaphroditism. But normal people born with true functioning organs, I would say no. They are people who are living in sin trying to be something that they were not created to be. They're are no mistakes in Gods creation, and even in the rare case of hermaphroditism, it is still God's will and purpose that they were born that way.
I would say thy the homosexual was born with a certain proclivity towards sexual sins. But that is part of the fallen nature of man. I would say an that any man or woman claim they are identified as the opposite sex is living in sin and in need of a savior.

Yet much of a person's sexuality is INSIDE the body, in genetic form as well as sometimes physiological. By no means has researched concluded exactly what identifying markers are, I choose to give one the benefit of the doubt who believes he/she is of the opposite sex "on the inside". I have no idea of his/her biological genetic makeup.

What you claim as "fallen nature", I see as biological. Is biological abnormalities always a result of one's fallen nature? Hardly. "Who has sinned, this man or his father?" That was a perfect time for Jesus to reiterate man's fallen nature, sickness and disease came through Adam's sin and a curse, but strangely, He didn't. Why? Maybe because that theological line of thinking isn't really of God. Rather than preach about "fallen man", He said, " This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him."

How does that look in a transvestite? Not sure, but I will give one the benefit of my doubt.
God calls it sin, you know " which were some of you"..... a tranny is just a perverted Gods prescribed natural order.
Sexual deviations are unnatural.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
FSSL said:
Lol!!!! The markers are XY and XX

XX and XY are chromosome pairs #45 and #46.  Genetic markers are gene mutations that become a permanent part of a particular person's genome, and are passed down from generation to generation.

You look foolish attempting to portray yourself as an expert in something about which you know nothing.


FSSL said:
Sexual deviations are unnatural.

Sexual deviations are not normal (average); however, since they occur naturally, that makes them natural.

Route_70 said:
FSSL said:
Lol!!!! The markers are XY and XX

XX and XY are chromosome pairs #45 and #46.  Genetic markers are gene mutations that become a permanent part of a particular person's genome, and are passed down from generation to generation.

You look foolish attempting to portray yourself as an expert in something about which you know nothing.


FSSL said:
Sexual deviations are unnatural.

Sexual deviations are not normal (average); however, since they occur naturally, that makes them natural.
The only thing natural about this is that you need to repent of your open sin to God. God calls it sin throughout Scripture.. you are arguing against truth, hence you have become a fool.
Recovering IFB said:
The only thing natural about this is that you need to repent of your open sin to God. God calls it sin throughout Scripture.. you are arguing against truth, hence you have become a fool.

"sin throughout scripture"

Route_70 said:
Recovering IFB said:
The only thing natural about this is that you need to repent of your open sin to God. God calls it sin throughout Scripture.. you are arguing against truth, hence you have become a fool.

"sin throughout scripture"

You can start in Leviticus 18 for one......
Route_70 said:
You look foolish attempting to portray yourself as an expert in something about which you know nothing.

I never claimed to be. Thanks for pointing out the difference between markers and chromosomes.

Now, perhaps you can explain how it is possible for a human to have neither XX nor XY chromosomes.

Sexual deviations are not normal (average); however, since they occur naturally, that makes them natural.

Your logic is dizzying and contradicts what we know from Scripture.

A man with a man and a woman with a woman are giving up their natural desires. Rom 1
Route_70 said:
Sexual deviations are not normal (average); however, since they occur naturally, that makes them natural.

And? So is cancer.
subllibrm said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Recovering IFB said:
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.

So you are saying there is no such thing as intersex people? Or if so, how do they exist? Satanic manipulation?

I haven't read her book yet, but it is on my list to read at some point:

Sex Difference in Christian Theology

As Ransom has already pointed out transgender and intersex are two entirely different things.

Just because something isn't anatomical doesn't mean it isn't biological.