Transgender boy wins girls state wrestling title

Smellin Coffee said:
Jesus, as the Son of God, modeled loving one's enemies. He didn't even hate Judas.


The only hate I see is from you towards the orthodox teaching of scripture .
Route_70 said:
Tatterdemalion said:
FSSL said:
The boy may have changed his genitals and went through aggressive hormone treatments. He is STILL and ALWAYS will be a male, scientifically, biologically, biblically.

For the record, I have no argument here, except that I don't rely on the Bible to tell me who is and who isn't male or female.  I can usually (athough the way women dress these days, it is a challenge) discern gender for myself.

No, you can't. The whole transgender argument is about what the individual feels, not what they look like.
Route_70 said:
FSSL said:
Progressives call Bruce Jenner a woman even though he still has XY chromosomes and a male body part.

How do you know that he has XY chromosomes? 

In case you are unaware, he had his male part removed.

No turning back
Route_70 said:
Why the dishonesty, Random?  My statement has nothing to do with the Bible.

Route_70 said:
Okay, Mr. Admin.  You've gotta make up your mind.  Are your beliefs based on science; or are your beliefs based on the Bible?  Science and the Bible rarely agree on anything.

Ransom said:
Where does the Bible disagree with the statement, "Sex is biologically determined by the XX and XY chromosomes"?

Route_70 said:
Where does the Bible agree with that?

Why the dishonesty, Route_70? Or are you just having trouble remembering your own argument?
Smellin Coffee said:
I choose to attempt to promote the recorded teachings of Jesus first and foremost, rather than create doctrine based on a man's prayer.

Jesus, as the Son of God, modeled loving one's enemies. He didn't even hate Judas.

Did Jesus show a common grace or certain love for people? yes. Did Jesus rain down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrha? yes, He did.
you are an idolater, you worship the false Jesus....
Ransom said:
Route_70 said:
In case you are unaware, he had his male part removed.

Since you are unaware, no, he hasn't.

I read about the surgery.  The procedure was described in pretty vivid detail.  You are telling me that the surgery did not take place.
Ransom said:
Route_70 said:
Why the dishonesty, Random?  My statement has nothing to do with the Bible.

Route_70 said:
Okay, Mr. Admin.  You've gotta make up your mind.  Are your beliefs based on science; or are your beliefs based on the Bible?  Science and the Bible rarely agree on anything.

Ransom said:
Where does the Bible disagree with the statement, "Sex is biologically determined by the XX and XY chromosomes"?

Route_70 said:
Where does the Bible agree with that?

Why the dishonesty, Route_70? Or are you just having trouble remembering your own argument?

This is the reason Vince ignores you.  There is no point in trying to reason with you.  You are completely dishonest.
Route_70 said:
I read about the surgery.  The procedure was described in pretty vivid detail.  You are telling me that the surgery did not take place.

Uh huh. Cite your source, or you hallucinated it.
Route_70 said:
This is the reason Vince ignores you.  There is no point in trying to reason with you.  You are completely dishonest.

You said your statement had nothing to do with the Bible.

I demonstrated that the statement I responded to had everything to do with the Bible.

So your claim that it had nothing to do with the Bible was, in your words, completely dishonest.
Route_70 said:
Ransom said:
Route_70 said:
In case you are unaware, he had his male part removed.

Since you are unaware, no, he hasn't.

I read about the surgery.  The procedure was described in pretty vivid detail.  You are telling me that the surgery did not take place.

I mean, props to you for being able to read that all the way through, but a detailed description of how a medical procedure is carried out isn't proof that it happened. If there were statements from Jenner or doctors that practiced the procedure, that might be proof.
Recovering IFB said:
Tatterdemalion said:
Weren't you a goat once
you don't read about goats turning into sheep, i was dead in my trespasses.......

And so are they! People are only goats when you treat them as helpless cases who God can't save.
Tatterdemalion said:
Recovering IFB said:
Tatterdemalion said:
Weren't you a goat once
you don't read about goats turning into sheep, i was dead in my trespasses.......

And so are they! People are only goats when you treat them as helpless cases who God can't save.
God saves whom He chooses... See Romans 9 and Ephesians 1
Tatterdemalion said:
Route_70 said:
Ransom said:
Route_70 said:
In case you are unaware, he had his male part removed.

Since you are unaware, no, he hasn't.

I read about the surgery.  The procedure was described in pretty vivid detail.  You are telling me that the surgery did not take place.

I mean, props to you for being able to read that all the way through, but a detailed description of how a medical procedure is carried out isn't proof that it happened. If there were statements from Jenner or doctors that practiced the procedure, that might be proof.

Did you read about it?  I wish I had not.  True, perhaps he did not go through with it; but no doubt, many have had that procedure done.
Route_70 said:
Did you read about it?  I wish I had not.  True, perhaps he did not go through with it; but no doubt, many have had that procedure done.

So are you able to document Jenner's actually having had the surgery, or were you just making it up?
Recovering IFB said:
Tatterdemalion said:
Recovering IFB said:
Tatterdemalion said:
Weren't you a goat once
you don't read about goats turning into sheep, i was dead in my trespasses.......

And so are they! People are only goats when you treat them as helpless cases who God can't save.
God saves whom He chooses... See Romans 9 and Ephesians 1

So you're saying it's pointless to evangelize because of this?