Just as well. Unless they're as outrageous as the conclusions you jump to, it would likely be a big disappointment.
You're thinking I'm the 'faith-healer' type. I've given you no reason to think that. But if you jump to that conclusion when I speak of the gifts of healing—that is, ministry—, or if I were to mention a verse like James 5:14, it may be your pendulum has swung too far to the faithless side.
I think the working out of those gifts are in the ministries of Christian Hospitals. Within driving distance from me there is St. Luke's, St. Joseph's, St. Mary's, Baptist Medical Center. Where are the Muslim hospitals? The Wiccan hospitals? Where are the Charles Darwin hospitals?
The fact is that the really helpful advances in medicine resulted from believing scientists and doctors. The one credited for developing anesthesia drew inspiration from the narrative of Adam's deep sleep when God opened his side to take a rib to form Eve. It was Pasteur's faith and Creationism that guided him in developing a pasteurization process and innoculation. I had a book at one time that contained quite an extensive list of advances that would not have happened without Christianity. I don't have it anymore.
A cursory internet search brought up some interesting reading.
Creation or evolution? It makes a big difference! Over 10,000 trustworthy articles. Evidence for biblical creation.
But you get the picture. I'm not saying prayers and fastings should not be offered up for the sick. Quite the contrary, it is a duty too often neglected. It's the duty of elders to pray for and visit the sick under their care. God has imposed that duty upon them. He hasn't imposed it upon atheists or pagans. And that's why I say the church is where the gifts of healing are.