The Longest Thread in the History of the FFF....

I marinaded some flank steak in beer a couple weeks ago. It was beer I still had after I quit drinking. Quilter's Irish Death is a very smooth dark ale but it overpowered the flavor of the meat. Not that it wasn't tasty... and it came out TENDER!!! If I were to marinade with beer again, I'd use a lighter brew.
The best beer to use is the cheap "Horse Piss" stuff that isn't worth drinking in the first place. In addition to the beer, I'd throw in a few cloves of crushed garlic, red wine vinegar, tomato sauce, and a little chili powder for an extra kick. I'd also cook some of it down for sauce.
The best beer to use is the cheap "Horse Piss" stuff that isn't worth drinking in the first place.
Perfect description of Budweiser. I refuse to buy Budweiser. I have been against Budweiser in any of its iterations for 30+ years.
Perfect description of Budweiser. I refuse to buy Budweiser. I have been against Budweiser in any of its iterations for 30+ years.
I will not give Anheuser Busch another penny of my money, There is other good "Cheap Beer" you can use and the point is you do not want to use something overpowering like an IPA, Bock. or Stout. Something "like" Budweiser" but not Budweiser. Perhaps Miller High Life?

Actually, there are some cheap no-name off brands that I would probably use. I learned this technique from my dad and he always used this "Buckhorn Beer" which was really cheap with a case of it costing less than a six-pack of something that was actually worth drinking! My first job was sacking groceries at a Safeway and I remember a decrepit old man filling his shopping cart with a half-dozen or so cases of the stuff at least twice a week (never any groceries). Maybe he had a barbeque business? :ROFLMAO:
I will not give Anheuser Busch another penny of my money, There is other good "Cheap Beer" you can use and the point is you do not want to use something overpowering like an IPA, Bock. or Stout.
Maybe not for cooking, but for drinking, I do want something better than cow pee smelling light beer. Smithwick's or Guinness or Kilkenny Irish Cream Ale.
Maybe not for cooking, but for drinking, I do want something better than cow pee smelling light beer. Smithwick's or Guinness or Kilkenny Irish Cream Ale.
No disagreement here!

Same goes for wine. The "Two Buck Chuck" at Trader Joes is hardly fit for drinking but it would be great to marinade a steak with. You would not to waste a $20+ bottle of Cabernet on something like this!
Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.

Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.

I prefer white anyway.
I tried French wines while I was in France... worst stuff I ever tasted.

I quit with wine when I came to the realization that there wasn't anything out there that appealed to me. Oh I tried to "learn" how to taste and distinguish different wines. There were some I liked better than others... I hated Chardonnay, I could tolerate Merlot if I was eating a steak... I kinda liked some red blends and dessert wines were more to my liking but I figured out I was just fooling myself. I finally quit with the wine. This was a couple years prior to quitting drinking altogether.
So how long is the longest thread so we know when we beat it?
Albert Mohler’s The Briefing is back from Summer hiatus, I am once again whole.
The best beer to use is the cheap "Horse Piss" stuff that isn't worth drinking in the first place. In addition to the beer, I'd throw in a few cloves of crushed garlic, red wine vinegar, tomato sauce, and a little chili powder for an extra kick. I'd also cook some of it down for sauce.
Yep! Miller Light fits the like a charm.