The Hacker Dictionary Word of the Day!

RAIDER said:
Word of the Day - April 24, 2014

Cabrini Green

A place that would cause me to sit down and ponder the question; Why was I born into a home with a mother, father, sister, brothers, etc. where my dad worked and supported the family? Why was I not born in a place like this? I did absolutely nothing to deserve my upbringing. I did not, in some unfathomable time in history, pray to be born the way I was. And these folks did not, in some unfathomable time in history, pray to be born in the ghetto. Without a normal family. In a war zone.
Wow. There is so much that we have that we did not deserve. We did not earn it or pray for it, we just reap the benefits of a loving God!
RAIDER said:
Word of the Day - April 24, 2014

Cabrini Green
A place to send Black students, so they can "reach their own people".

A Chicago 'Jets', that was put right in the middle of Prime Real Estate, and was the poster child for what's wrong with social engineering.


RAIDER said:
Word of the Day - April 24, 2014

Cabrini Green

The area of Chicago where, during winter, as the girls' buses passed near it while traveling on the Dan Ryan, lady bus workers began balance themselves as they began to layer a plethora of winter weather items in preparation of being dropped off in another area to walk around for several hours visiting their bus kids. 
Word of the Day - April 25, 2014

Church Ed
RAIDER said:
Word of the Day - April 25, 2014

Church Ed
What you are sentenced to 4 years of, for HACking.


BALAAM said:
RAIDER said:
Word of the Day - April 24, 2014

Cabrini Green

A place that would cause me to sit down and ponder the question; Why was I born into a home with a mother, father, sister, brothers, etc. where my dad worked and supported the family? Why was I not born in a place like this? I did absolutely nothing to deserve my upbringing. I did not, in some unfathomable time in history, pray to be born the way I was. And these folks did not, in some unfathomable time in history, pray to be born in the ghetto. Without a normal family. In a war zone.
Wow. There is so much that we have that we did not deserve. We did not earn it or pray for it, we just reap the benefits of a loving God!

Amen. One of the things I vividly remember about that place, and the Robert Taylor/Harold Ickes Homes, where I spent more time, was the broken glass everywhere, the graffiti, the urine smells in the stairwells, and the desperately tired look on the faces of the mothers.

Spending time in what Bro. Hyles used to call 'the ghettos of Chicago' was a good thing for me. Not always the safest thing (thinking of the time I stared down a gun barrel at Robert Taylor), but it was a good thing. It really puts things into perspective, and it stays with you.
RAIDER said:
Word of the Day - April 25, 2014

Church Ed

A required class for preacher boys that met 5 days per week.  A preacher boy was required to take the class all four years.  Church Ed covered a multitude of practical topics for a preacher.  The first time you heard a lecture on a topic it was pretty interesting.  By your senior year you wanted to do anything but listen to another lecture on the church nursery.
Church Ed

While I was was a daily hour long class when Davey-boy showed up lecture between who knows what hanky-panky situations. He'd deliver lectures that were typically lists of at least 35 points of what Jackie-boy thought was important for us to learn because he was too busy to teach us himself.

JH was normally out of town preaching on Monday & Tuesday but I do not remember a single time on a Wednesday, Thursday or a Friday when he taught us himself during my 4 years there.
Tom Brennan said:
RAIDER said:
Word of the Day - April 25, 2014

Church Ed

The best place to get caught up on your work for other classes...
Very wise use of time, my friend.


Tom Brennan said:
RAIDER said:
Word of the Day - April 25, 2014

Church Ed

The best place to get caught up on your work for other classes...

the best place to get caught up on your sleep as well.
RAIDER said:
Word of the Day - April 25, 2014

Church Ed

As Connie Francis sang,

Where the boys are......................... 
We hope that the Hacker Dictionary has been a blessing to you non-Hackers.  So far you have learned the following words and their definitions:

Burn 'em
Night Bus
Youth Ministry
Phoster Club
Question and Answer Time
Buckets and Bows
Shakey's Ministry
Baptist City
Roman's Road
Come On
City Baptist
Boopsy Woopsy
Preacher Boy's Meeting
Cabrini Green
Church Ed
Word of the Day - April 28, 2014

Bus Ministry