BALAAM said:
bgwilkinson said:
Norefund said:
So why did Jack Hyles feel the need to lock down the campus as tight as an airport?
Way too many new IFBs were being created unexpectedly.
Not too good at a no sex before marriage institution.
Made a complete mockery of the image portrayed for the students parents.
Way too much reproducing of new Christians going on.
I don't really understand this BG.
I mean local young men would meet the college girls at church and arrange to pick them up at the college.
They would then take them to a nice motel for some R & R.
A small percentage were getting pregnant.
Some got caught, most did not.
The door alarm system did help to reduce the number of babies born.
It never solved the problem, the kids just got smarter as I described with the door alarm bypasses and safe doors.
Bro. Hyles screamed and yelled, it made him look good to the students parents without really changing anything in a substantive way.
Those that want to engage in amorous behavior will still do it, just not openly.