Congregation: Billy Graham has compromised his faith and values. He is guilty of ecumenicism. He has no problem sitting on stage and rubbing elbows with Muslims, Jews and charismatics!
I remember in the church that I grew up in, the church felt the same way about Dr Graham. It also felt that way about Dr Falwell and I distinctly remember hearing the pastor refer to Dr Martin Luther King as "Martin LUCIFER King. And I would imagine that it would be easy to stand in judgement on this pastor looking down on those who were less strict than he but then,
y'all stand in judgement on those who are strict
ER than you so
who has the inner ear of God?
Anymore than Pee Wee Herman should criticize Arnold Schwarzenegger for the number of reps he did, I would never criticize Dr Graham
OR Dr Jones (as to their manners of ministry - I'm not talking about sexual issues) unless I had accomplished a miniscule of what both men had accomplished as they had "put on the whole armor" of God in their fight against Satan.
It just seems to me with 60,000,000 MILLION little babies being butchered and and the mother's right to her child's murder celebrated, by prayer having been banned in schools, with every type of violent and evil thing being promoted on television, and yes, with children being encouraged to dance in drag clubs and drag queens coming to school to read to them, that
y'all would have more to do than to mock your brethren. I have never understood your disdain for "fundies" and "standards" when at the same time, you believe that the devil is walking about seeking whom he may devour. I truly don't understand your reasoning. Your seeming preocupation with christian women not being able to wear pants and things of that nature is quiet perplexing given the atmosphere we live in today. If the Devil really is at your child's door, along with his demons, should you really be worrying if the pastor down the street has a "standard" that you feel is unnecessary? I would think you would join arm in arm with him and his dress wearing women, as you concentrate on the devil coming out of your living room television and more realisticly, the one coming out of your child's Instagram and Facebook.
If the devil and principalities of this world are real, leave your fellow warriors who may have one too many unnecessary metals on their armor - alone. And concentrate, instead on your common enemy.