Excuse me for interrupting; I know your question is directed at ALAYMAN and I'm confident he'll supply a clear answer with his characteristic grace. However, your question is one that many professed believers ask; it is one that I asked, though not outwardly for much of my life as a believer.
I am convinced that many who use the term, "relationship with Christ" are merely parroting the term. Your question assumes it's not a list of don'ts but there are dos involved and to an extent, you are spot on. However, a "relationship with Christ" transcends dos and don'ts and is a state of
being. Be transformed (Romans 12:2). Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.(Romans 12:12) Jesus said in John 15:4-5, "
4Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
5“I am the vine, you
are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
for without Me you can do nothing." (emphasis mine)
I was awash in these verses since my earliest days as a believer and they were very abstract to me. But as I remained in Him, as I took in His Word, as I yielded to His Spirit, I began to find my desires changing. I've stopped doing don'ts not because I was supposed to but because I wanted to. Do I still stumble and fail? Yes. Daily. But I abide in His grace.
This is a very brief description. A full answer to your excellent question is next to impossible to post here. I look forward to what ALAYMAN has to say. I'm pretty sure I'll learn from his answer as well.