Jack Hyles

Now just what the Hyles is that supposed to mean? This forum sure has become one Hyles of a mess lately.
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What the Hyles are y'all talking about??? JH was a GAWWWWDDDLLLLYyy mayan! LOL
It just seems to me that this forum has gone to Hyles in a handbasket, but that's okay - I'm having a Hyles of a good time with it.
Another great sermon from the "Great One". From If you went to HAC/FBCH at the time you may remember this from the 1995 Pastor's School. It was also around the time Michael Jordan was coming back to the NBA and Jack Hyles had a problem with that and mentions it in this sermon.

"Boys should have pictures of Lee Roberson on the wall and not Michael Jordan" Jack Hyles.
He said "Lee Roberson" to sound humble, but he really meant himself... he was so pleased when bus kids called him "God" ("God tied my shoes").

Preaching is supposed to exalt Jesus Christ and also to teach the truths of Scripture. When a faithful preacher does this, the Holy Spirit will change lives. Unfortunately, Jack Hyles and his ilk found this too slow, so they turned away from this approach and began to preach at people, trying to change them by their rhetoric. If a man decides to do the Holy Spirit's job, He will leave. You can whip up a good number of people to go out and do things for YOU, but it is not of good lasting value.

That legacy continues today with scores of preachers who think of it is "my church" and "my people" and work very hard at trying to figure out how to "make them do what I want them to do". The (much rarer) real preachers preach the truth, exalt God, and let the Holy Spirit work as He will.
Well no matter what you thought of the great one, he's looking down from heaven tonight.
Hyles only thinks he's looking down because his tormentors strung him up by the feet.
Should we be followers of Jack Hyles? Reminds me of this anecdote:

The story goes that a man found the following epitaph on a tombstone buried deep in the grass. Upon pushing the grass aside, he read:

Pause, stranger, when you pass me by,
For as you are, so once was I.
As I am now, so will you be.
Then prepare unto death, and follow me

Pushing the grass aside a bit more, he found the following scratched on the stone, done with a crude instrument:

To follow you I’m not content
Until I know which way you went!