It's one of the great mysteries that God can bring good out of bad situations... there were souls saved under Hyles' ministry, and pastors were encouraged, and people were motivated to trust God and to continue working and serving.Hyles was a great motivator! If he hadn't helped motivate many pastors to start bus ministries, my family would probably have never come to know Christ back in the early 70s. He also helped many get a Bible college education. I can't say I agree with a lot of what he did or said, but I do give credit where credit is due. We ALL have a sin nature, and even King David made his mistakes...yet God used him, and is continuing to use him today! I believe the same can be said of Hyles.
King David committed adultery and murder; these are not merely a "mistake". They are grievous sins against a holy God!
Moreover, it is an error to compare a pastor to a king (even if some pastor believe themselves to be kings). David suffered greatly for his sins.
While many have been helped and encouraged by Jack Hyles, many, many others have been spiritually wounded and scarred - and if not be Hyles directly, then by the multitude of pastors and churches that took up his unscriptural ways.