HAC chapel preachers & their sermons

Joe Boyd:


I hate it.  I hate the glorification of the blatant disobedience to Scripture that a man should leave his wife for the ministry.  Joe Boyd repented of it on his death bed and every HACker should repent of promoting the foolishness.
Binaca Chugger said:
Curtis Hutson Day

That one affected me.

Agreed. One of the five best services I've ever been a part of in my life. I don't remember what he preached but it doesn't matter. It was life that was preaching.
Binaca Chugger said:
Jack Schaap:

The Day God Forgot to be God

This was such an odd sermon.  I never understood what he was trying to convey.  God sent depression on him but allowed him to recover....so......what? 

He often spoke of how this sermon helped hundreds of other preachers.  I just didn't get it. 
Binaca Chugger said:
Some Ya-hoo visitor preached in 96:

Incorruptible Seed

He attempted to explain that the KJV is God's true sperm and all other versions are not sperm but empty semen from another father.  Therefore, if you get "saved" through another version, you are a two-fold child of hell.  It was rather disgusting.

Bruh said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Some Ya-hoo visitor preached in 96:

Incorruptible Seed

He attempted to explain that the KJV is God's true sperm and all other versions are not sperm but empty semen from another father.  Therefore, if you get "saved" through another version, you are a two-fold child of hell.  It was rather disgusting.


?  What does that mean?
Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Curtis Hutson Day

That one affected me.

Agreed. One of the five best services I've ever been a part of in my life. I don't remember what he preached but it doesn't matter. It was life that was preaching.

Exactly.  I realized that day that there is an awful lot more to life than personal endeavors.
Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
J  Joe Boyd repented of it on his death bed

Can you expand on that?

Not much more to expand.  On his death bed, Joe Boyd repented of the decisions he made in life to ignore his family and travel as an evangelist.  He was deeply sorrowed that he had destroyed his relationships with his own family while instead pouring his life into his preacher boys.  He encouraged those closest to him to not do the same.

Joe Boyd was heralded as a hero to us while at HAC.  We were taught his story of leaving his "Jezebel of a wife" who prayed for his salvation but would not go into ministry with him.  This story was proclaimed while mocking the wife and showing us that ministry is more important than family.  For a while, I believed this and nearly ruined my marriage.  Thankfully, many years ago, I was shown the Bible contradicts this Hammond Hero's methods.
Binaca Chugger said:
Bruh said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Some Ya-hoo visitor preached in 96:

Incorruptible Seed

He attempted to explain that the KJV is God's true sperm and all other versions are not sperm but empty semen from another father.  Therefore, if you get "saved" through another version, you are a two-fold child of hell.  It was rather disgusting.


?  What does that mean?

Shaking My Head
cpizzle said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Jack Schaap:

The Day God Forgot to be God

This was such an odd sermon.  I never understood what he was trying to convey.  God sent depression on him but allowed him to recover....so......what? 

He often spoke of how this sermon helped hundreds of other preachers.  I just didn't get it.

Agreed.  He was trying to say that his demonic oppression was brought to him by God and he (JS) was able to overcome it.  Thus, we all need to follow his pattern to pull ourselves out of the darkness.

His sermon was wrong on so many different levels.
Binaca Chugger said:
Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
J  Joe Boyd repented of it on his death bed

Can you expand on that?

Not much more to expand.  On his death bed, Joe Boyd repented of the decisions he made in life to ignore his family and travel as an evangelist.  He was deeply sorrowed that he had destroyed his relationships with his own family while instead pouring his life into his preacher boys.  He encouraged those closest to him to not do the same.

Joe Boyd was heralded as a hero to us while at HAC.  We were taught his story of leaving his "Jezebel of a wife" who prayed for his salvation but would not go into ministry with him.  This story was proclaimed while mocking the wife and showing us that ministry is more important than family.  For a while, I believed this and nearly ruined my marriage.  Thankfully, many years ago, I was shown the Bible contradicts this Hammond Hero's methods.
This is the first that I have heard of this...................not surprised that Jackie-boy followed this terrible example.
fishinnut said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
J  Joe Boyd repented of it on his death bed

Can you expand on that?

Not much more to expand.  On his death bed, Joe Boyd repented of the decisions he made in life to ignore his family and travel as an evangelist.  He was deeply sorrowed that he had destroyed his relationships with his own family while instead pouring his life into his preacher boys.  He encouraged those closest to him to not do the same.

Joe Boyd was heralded as a hero to us while at HAC.  We were taught his story of leaving his "Jezebel of a wife" who prayed for his salvation but would not go into ministry with him.  This story was proclaimed while mocking the wife and showing us that ministry is more important than family.  For a while, I believed this and nearly ruined my marriage.  Thankfully, many years ago, I was shown the Bible contradicts this Hammond Hero's methods.
This is the first that I have heard of this...................not surprised that Jackie-boy followed this terrible example.

I got to lead singing for Joe Boyd at a tent meeting he held in Salt Lake City.  It was a great experience.  He gave me a NT off of his book table and signed it for me.  Still have it in the box.
I always remembered "He must needs go through Samaria" by Bro. Hyles.  I just heard Billy Graham preach it on TV (a recording from the 70s).  Maybe that's why it was a good sermon?
I remember this preacher preaching "And also to the Greek...."

Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Curtis Hutson Day

That one affected me.

Agreed. One of the five best services I've ever been a part of in my life. I don't remember what he preached but it doesn't matter. It was life that was preaching.
He preached on the KJV

earnestly contend

cpizzle said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Jack Schaap:

The Day God Forgot to be God

This was such an odd sermon.  I never understood what he was trying to convey.  God sent depression on him but allowed him to recover....so......what? 

He often spoke of how this sermon helped hundreds of other preachers.  I just didn't get it.
He didn't understand that an evil spirit entered into him at that time.

earnestly contend

Curtis Hutson came to our church in south Florida and we were his host...He loved coffee and I brought my coffee pot over to the office so he had coffee anytime he wanted. He was a gentle giant!!