HAC chapel preachers & their sermons

prophet said:
Ron Talley:
"Man overboard for the Lord"
About Peter walking on water.
He had to get out of the boat.
I got out of the boat.

earnestly contend

I love that sermon!

I preached a similar one with Bro. Talley's message as inspiration called "Breaking the Worlds Record for Water Walking."
fishinnut said:
patriotic said:
"Everything Rises and Falls on Followship"
Funny..................I heard Bob G TX preach that years ago.

Interesting, huh?

Also interesting to note Lee Roberson was wrong apparently.
"English May Very Well Be the Most Important Subject Taught at Hyles-Anderson  College "
Dr. Jack Hyles
patriotic said:
fishinnut said:
patriotic said:
"Everything Rises and Falls on Followship"
Funny..................I heard Bob G TX preach that years ago.

Interesting, huh?

Also interesting to note Lee Roberson was wrong apparently.
Marine Corps saying: Leaders do not create  more followers . Leaders create more leaders.
BALAAM said:
"A King who dies on a cross must be the king of a rather strange Kingdom"  Dietrich Bonhoffer

I'd like that guy better if I could ever verify to my satisfaction that he believed the Bible, believed the deity of Christ, and believed salvation by grace through faith. I grant him kudos for his courage, but his theology is suspect.
I sat where they sat  Bro Hyles
Tom Brennan said:
BALAAM said:
"A King who dies on a cross must be the king of a rather strange Kingdom"  Dietrich Bonhoffer

I'd like that guy better if I could ever verify to my satisfaction that he believed the Bible, believed the deity of Christ, and believed salvation by grace through faith. I grant him kudos for his courage, but his theology is suspect.

Tend to agree here. I like the guy. He was brilliant etc. but he did study under some extremely liberal theologians.
patriotic said:
"English May Very Well Be the Most Important Subject Taught at Hyles-Anderson  College "
Dr. Jack Hyles

I remember that one well.  We had to purchase the cassette and listen to it for class.
Church sermon:

Bro. Hyles - Will Ye Also Go Away?
Not sure if we are supposed to be posting heretical sermons, hysterical attempts at sermons or sermons that led you to a higher calling.  Just posting as I remember.  One sermon per post, of course.
Every Preacher about mid-way through a semester:

Don't Quit and Go Home
John Olsen:

Get on the Bus and Stay on the Bus

Hey - It had just as much impact as many of the other "sermons" that were preached.
Some Ya-hoo visitor preached in 96:

Incorruptible Seed

He attempted to explain that the KJV is God's true sperm and all other versions are not sperm but empty semen from another father.  Therefore, if you get "saved" through another version, you are a two-fold child of hell.  It was rather disgusting.