Dr. Hyles' Quote of the Day

"Keep on learning; don't ever know."
"You keep climbing to have joy, not to get joy."
The man who gets ahead is the man who works while others sleep
Be kind to everybody because everybody is having a tough time.
"You don't endorse error, you allow it"
"When you leave truth, you have lost your anchor."
"Sorrow is the machine on which joy is tested, to see if it is real."
The reward that out-does all the others is the peace of knowing that you did right.
I like this one!

"Success has failure as part of its recipe; success is just a little farther down the road."
Quiet in the hallways! Quiet in the hallways! We're trying to have church in here!
You can't have wisdom without opinion and zeal without impatience.
"Habit is a wonderful servant, but a horrible master."
Tom Brennan said:
If you are in the wrong crowd you are the wrong crowd.

"You are not going to be what you decide to be; you are going to be
what you decide to be around."
Bless your little pea-pickin heart.