David Baker arrested

Bruh is not stating facts, only what he imagines is going on.

It differs slightly from state to state, but to be charged with 'aggravated' sexual assault, there had to be a modicum of real force (as opposed to mesmerization which is oft cited as force), or the minor had to be truly a child.
I looked up aggravated sexual assault and you are correct that definitions differ by state; the common thread is that the aggravated label denotes, in part, vulnerability of the victim, whether adult or child, under the care or influence of the perpetrator. This can be parent, caretaker, even clergy.

I realize the talk in this thread about someone saying the victim had responsibility is pure speculation. My comment was directed at the mindset that would cause someone to make such a ludicrous statement.
Yes, I'm aware of your bias. The woman is never responsible 🙄.

But it's not a ludicrous statement if the minor is not a child. It's only ludicrous in this instance.
A scan of the complaint, signed by the judge in this case, is publicly available. One of the news articles following this story includes it in their report. The name and relationship of the victim are blocked out and the dates of the alleged abuse are between 2013 to 2015. This would corroborate what @Starlifter is saying.

Baker's suicide in the wake of these allegations makes a presumption of innocence until proven guilty very difficult.
Bruh is not stating facts, only what he imagines is going on.

It differs slightly from state to state, but to be charged with 'aggravated' sexual assault, there had to be a modicum of real force (as opposed to mesmerization which is oft cited as force), or the minor had to be truly a child.
You are correct. Im only going off their track record.
Yes, I'm aware of your bias. The woman is never responsible 🙄.

But it's not a ludicrous statement if the minor is not a child. It's only ludicrous in this instance.
How is the woman ever responsible for rape or any kind of sexual assault?

I had this conversation a few years back with some people and it was literally my wife and myself against, at least 10 people that said the woman if dressed inappropriately had some blame to take for the sexual assault.
How is the woman ever responsible for rape or any kind of sexual assault?

I had this conversation a few years back with some people and it was literally my wife and myself against, at least 10 people that said the woman if dressed inappropriately had some blame to take for the sexual assault.
Who said she was?
Since he died in 2001 some of you may need to stop obsesing about him.

I run in those circles and rarely hear his name mentioned. I listen to a number of Hammond camp IFB preachers on podcast or online and once again little or no mention of Hyles ever. I get the Sword of the Lord and a few other publications and again not one mention or published sermon.

The only place I hear about him on a regular basis is here.
I hear about him all the time. And not here. I have a friend who graduated from HAC in 1985 I think. He's old now, but if I mention some passage or some doctrine, he'll say "Oh yeah, Brother Hyles preached a message on that once."

And he constantly mentions "my mentor", without saying a name. I think that he thinks I forget that he told me years ago that Dave Hyles is his mentor.

My point is that Hyles is revered in those circles, at least by some people.
I hear about him all the time. And not here. I have a friend who graduated from HAC in 1985 I think. He's old now, but if I mention some passage or some doctrine, he'll say "Oh yeah, Brother Hyles preached a message on that once."

And he constantly mentions "my mentor", without saying a name. I think that he thinks I forget that he told me years ago that Dave Hyles is his mentor.

My point is that Hyles is revered in those circles, at least by some people.
Yes, I do as well...and we have several HAC pastors here in our area. I used to go to a church that was pastored by a HAC supporter, and his asssistant was a HAC grad. That pastor has since pastored three or four other churches since quickly leaving the church here in Murfreesboro. The other one was the youth pastor at a church we visited several years ago, and he's now the pastor. When I asked him about his positions on Hyles, he was an avid believer in the Hyles doctrine. We didn't join that church. It seems that Tennessee is littered with them. We often hear friends talk about Hyles preaching this, or writing that....IT LIVES!
You said,Yes, I'm aware of your bias. The woman is never responsible 🙄.
I was responding to the boldened text in his post and his desire to absolve women of all moral responsibility if the guy she was misbehaving with filled a pulpit.

I wasn't talking about this case.
I was responding to the boldened text in his post and his desire to absolve women of all moral responsibility if the guy she was misbehaving with filled a pulpit.

I wasn't talking about this case.
Question. If a woman is ever sexually assaulted in any way shape or form is there any way possible she can bare some of the blame?
The point is, this is how these people think. This is their thought process.

If someone is assaulted sexually and they think she is dressed inappropriately she bares some of the blame for dressing this way.
Think of the most provocative manner of dress or behavior that a woman could conduct herself with a minister.

There is still no excuse for that minister to engage with her in a sinful manner.

In fact, THAT'S precisely supposed to set a real minister apart from others. It's the RESISTING of the temptation that is truly virtuous. I pray today that all true ministers of the gospel will prepare their heart for the spiritual warfare that will certainly find them in their journey.
He had several allegations of financial fraud, and even allegations back then of covering up sexual abuse/covering up abuse cases brought to him as a pastor. There's more, but I am not going to do your homework for you. 😂🤣😂🤣
I realize that this is small stuff, but it stuck with me the past few years. My best friend heard of the "Red Barn" ministry of Dave Hyles and sent a donation of $100 to Dave Baker's Church, who was acting as a repository for donations. The church cashed the check. My friend called the church many times in an attempt to discuss his donation with someone. He could NEVER get anyone to even answer the phone. Obviously he never gave again.

But that is very poor business practice. It's an embarrassment to anything related to God and His church. It left a bad taste in my friend's mouth and in mine. And before anyone says my friend should have known better, he did indeed. But he's a generous soul. It should have been handled differently.
The only place I hear about Hyles or the ‘old time’ IFB’s is here. I just don’t run in those circles I guess. In my area I do church consulting and do deal with a few IFB churches all Pastored by very young men. They have nothing in common with the past IFB culture which I gather is on purpose.
Neither do I. Retrospectively, the IFB movement that I knew in the seventies and early eighties, wasn't nearly as big a deal as we thought. I mean 99% of Americans today would have no idea who Jack Hyles was, or what an Independent Baptist was.