David Baker arrested

Regarding abuse or suspected abuse of children I posted this once before but I think its worth posting again.

It's still a great opportunity for churches and parents to re-enforce background checks for all childrens workers, to review and strengthen safety procedures & precautions and to talk to our children and grandchilren about abusive behaviour and what to watch for. They should know they can always come to parents and grandparents whenever things they don't understand happen. Communication with our children and grandchildren is even more important than it has ever been. One child who might be mistreated or abused is too many. Each cases should be examined and safeguards put in place around the country to prevent it from ever happening again in any ministry. I can only hope the threat of serious jail time would act as a deterrent in the future, but I have my doubts.

Every deacon board, church staff and security team should schedule meetings to review their protocals and see where they could be strengthened. Other areas should be reviewed as well, like outside threat and active shooter procedures, fire, tornado and huricane reaction plans, financial safeguards and auditing, church vehicle safety and upkeep, good facility maintenance, and church liability and insurance reviews. Churches should be run decently and in order and ran like a earthly business with a spiritual mission.
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Since he died in 2001 some of you may need to stop obsesing about him.

I run in those circles and rarely hear his name mentioned. I listen to a number of Hammond camp IFB preachers on podcast or online and once again little or no mention of Hyles ever. I get the Sword of the Lord and a few other publications and again not one mention or published sermon.

The only place I hear about him on a regular basis is here.
You should check out Berean Publications, Independent Baptist Online College, old paths guys, anything connected to Dr Bob Gray of Tx (esp twitter/X account). Hyles left the Sword of the Lord back in the 1990s, so not seeing him there would be expected. Priests of Hyles are still out there.
Since he died in 2001 some of you may need to stop obsesing about him.

I run in those circles and rarely hear his name mentioned. I listen to a number of Hammond camp IFB preachers on podcast or online and once again little or no mention of Hyles ever. I get the Sword of the Lord and a few other publications and again not one mention or published sermon.

The only place I hear about him on a regular basis is here.
The Bible does say that this kind of persons infamy will never go away. Sword, if you don't like it you can always scroll past it.....People can talk about what they wish.
I had posted something just a few minutes ago, and for those of you who got to read it, I had some updated information, so I deleted it. It's not my practice to delete, but, in this case I felt I should. Mr. Baker was accused of molestion...this really doesn't surprise me considering the types of people his recovery/restoration ministry (also including Dave Hyles ministering) defends. This is a horrible situation, and many people here in our area are glad things came to light, but, are also sorry that he took his life to escape the courts. So much for the "mannagawd!"
"this is a mess they made themselves" I'm not sure we can pin blame on his wife and children.
I do agree that nobody should ever associate ministries with DH... The man is a charlatan and has never repented.
I don't blame his family . Anytime you have friends like dh we should not be shocked .
I feel sorry for his wife and kids. They will suffer a lot of unwanted notoriety over this, and not for good. So many churches have these wolves in sheeps clothing, yet, we have to say that the congregants also bear some of the blame. If they had checked his background though he was the founding pastor, they would have found problems in the past. Founding a church doesn't guarantee a permanent position. He should have been gone LONG ago!
problems in his "past"? care to elaborate?
I feel sorry for his wife and kids. They will suffer a lot of unwanted notoriety over this, and not for good. So many churches have these wolves in sheeps clothing, yet, we have to say that the congregants also bear some of the blame. If they had checked his background though he was the founding pastor, they would have found problems in the past. Founding a church doesn't guarantee a permanent position. He should have been gone LONG ago!
"this is a mess they made themselves" I'm not sure we can pin blame on his wife and children.
I do agree that nobody should ever associate ministries with DH... The man is a charlatan and has never repented.
the last 10 years of his life, Dr. Hyles didn't even associate with him... at least ministerially. I heard him say that when Everett Farris hired Dave, he warned him against it...
No Jackie boys self preservation tendencies, i dont doubt he said he warned Farris, but i doubt that he actually did it. Why didn't Jack rescind/revoke Dave's ordination? Dave has no business in any leadership position and a real mannagawd would have prevented it. I suspect Dave knew about the secretary scandal.
the last 10 years of his life, Dr. Hyles didn't even associate with him... at least ministerially. I heard him say that when Everett Farris hired Dave, he warned him against
I don't blame his family . Anytime you have friends like dh we should not be shocked .
Correct. His people probably are saying, how were these young people dressed? Were they tempting him? Based on how they were dressed they may hold some of the blame.
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Since he died in 2001 some of you may need to stop obsesing about him.

I run in those circles and rarely hear his name mentioned. I listen to a number of Hammond camp IFB preachers on podcast or online and once again little or no mention of Hyles ever. I get the Sword of the Lord and a few other publications and again not one mention or published sermon.

The only place I hear about him on a regular basis is here.

The only place I hear about Hyles or the ‘old time’ IFB’s is here. I just don’t run in those circles I guess. In my area I do church consulting and do deal with a few IFB churches all Pastored by very young men. They have nothing in common with the past IFB culture which I gather is on purpose.
Since he died in 2001 some of you may need to stop obsesing about him.

I run in those circles and rarely hear his name mentioned. I listen to a number of Hammond camp IFB preachers on podcast or online and once again little or no mention of Hyles ever. I get the Sword of the Lord and a few other publications and again not one mention or published sermon.

The only place I hear about him on a regular basis is here.
No Jackie boys self preservation tendencies, i dont doubt he said he warned Farris, but i doubt that he actually did it. Why didn't Jack rescind/revoke Dave's ordination? Dave has no business in any leadership position and a real mannagawd would have prevented it. I suspect Dave knew about the secretary scandal.
I don't believe Bro Hyles warned Bro Farris . I have great respect for the Farris family. I'll have to hear it from them.
They are asking this question about his daughter?
The point is, this is how these people think. This is their thought process.

If someone is assaulted sexually and they think she is dressed inappropriately she bares some of the blame for dressing this way.
problems in his "past"? care to elaborate?
He had several allegations of financial fraud, and even allegations back then of covering up sexual abuse/covering up abuse cases brought to him as a pastor. There's more, but I am not going to do your homework for you. 😂🤣😂🤣
The point is, this is how these people think. This is their thought process.

If someone is assaulted sexually and they think she is dressed inappropriately she bares some of the blame for dressing this way.
I find it interesting that a minor would be held to any account for dressing provocatively and tempting the pastor in a highly controlled environment. Did parents provide the provocative clothing? Did they allow it to be worn?
I find it interesting that a minor would be held to any account for dressing provocatively and tempting the pastor in a highly controlled environment. Did parents provide the provocative clothing? Did they allow it to be worn?
You’d have to ask them.
They are asking this question about his daughter?

I find it interesting that a minor would be held to any account for dressing provocatively and tempting the pastor in a highly controlled environment. Did parents provide the provocative clothing? Did they allow it to be worn?

Bruh is not stating facts, only what he imagines is going on.

It differs slightly from state to state, but to be charged with 'aggravated' sexual assault, there had to be a modicum of real force (as opposed to mesmerization which is oft cited as force), or the minor had to be truly a child.