Can a Christian be a Democrat?

Those are strong statements. You believe that the Democratic party wants to basically eradicate Christianity? I've missed that. Please share with me where you've heard that. I actually know some Christians who are democrats. They believe differently than I do about several things, but I've never heard them say they want to remove Christianity from our society. In fact, they seem to have a strong faith in God.
I personally believe that the modern Progressive movement which has its home in the Democrat Party believes that Christianity is a detriment to their socialist agenda. Christians lead the opposition to the Democrat led move to normalize deviant sexual behavior…what Scripture calls sin.

A person can be your friend, a good neighbor or your relative and say they are a Christian who is a Democrat. IF they are a Democrat….believe in and promote the Democrat Party’s anti-biblical agenda…can they at the same time uphold Biblical principle that opposes what they believe as Democrats?
Personally I don’t think so…both a Christian and a Democrat are defined by what they believe and propagate.
Fifteen GOP members wrote Biden, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, recently about a State Department program implemented last year that "would award grants of up to $500,000 to organizations committed to the practice and spread of atheism and humanism, namely in South/Central Asia and in the Middle East/North Africa."

Can you name one Blue Dog Democrat currently in congress?
That does sound horrible. Our government promoting atheism?

As I thought, there is more to this story in Newsweek.

"A government funding proposal from last year did offer $500,000 grants toward "atheist, humanist, non-practicing and non-affiliated individuals of all religious communities" overseas.

However, as stated within the funding proposal, the money was not intended for atheists alone, nor was its purpose to promote and spread atheism.

Instead, its goal was to "combat discrimination, harassment and abuses" against these various groups, only one of which is atheists, in countries where they face persecution.

Gingrich's tweet mischaracterizes the proposal."
That does sound horrible. Our government promoting atheism?

As I thought, there is more to this story in Newsweek.

"A government funding proposal from last year did offer $500,000 grants toward "atheist, humanist, non-practicing and non-affiliated individuals of all religious communities" overseas.

However, as stated within the funding proposal, the money was not intended for atheists alone, nor was its purpose to promote and spread atheism.

Instead, its goal was to "combat discrimination, harassment and abuses" against these various groups, only one of which is atheists, in countries where they face persecution.

Gingrich's tweet mischaracterizes the proposal."
Do you believe that the Democrat Party Platform is in any way pro biblical?
That does sound horrible. Our government promoting atheism?

As I thought, there is more to this story in Newsweek.

"A government funding proposal from last year did offer $500,000 grants toward "atheist, humanist, non-practicing and non-affiliated individuals of all religious communities" overseas.

However, as stated within the funding proposal, the money was not intended for atheists alone, nor was its purpose to promote and spread atheism.

Instead, its goal was to "combat discrimination, harassment and abuses" against these various groups, only one of which is atheists, in countries where they face persecution.

Gingrich's tweet mischaracterizes the proposal."
The 2021 $500,000 grant, titled “Promoting and Defending Religious Freedom Inclusive of Atheist, Humanist, Non-Practicing and Non-Affiliated Individuals,” marks the first time the U.S. government has channeled taxpayer dollars to an organization promoting atheism and humanism. The United States government should not be giving any money to promote atheism in the name of "discrimination." Vote your conscience but its hard to defend the modern Democratic party that aligns with the Communist party to the point that it is hard to tell the difference between them.
Those are strong statements. You believe that the Democratic party wants to basically eradicate Christianity? I've missed that. Please share with me where you've heard that. I actually know some Christians who are democrats. They believe differently than I do about several things, but I've never heard them say they want to remove Christianity from our society. In fact, they seem to have a strong faith in God.
then you and your friends must live in a fantasy world..... or a gated community that has been protected from the rest of the world for the last 30 years.... . the democrats anti-christian agenda is literally pushed and broadcast everywhere.... in the public schools.... .. in the news... in all forms of mainstream media and entertainment... pushed in all but a few american work places where anti-christian rules and regulations are being invented and enforced.... .it;s even being pushed in the military. ....if you haven;t seen it then you haven;t been paying attention.... .. and no...;s not my job to jump through hoops copying and pasting links to try to get you to see it..... just open your eyes and look around....
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Do you believe that the Democrat Party Platform is in any way pro biblical?
Do you believe that the Republican party is in any way pro Bible? They keep saying that they want to be the party with the "big umbrella 🏖️" welcoming all. The LGBTQ+ agenda is gaining popularity in the ranks. Not all Democrats hate God.
It needs to be remembered that we are not voting for a Pastor in Chief but someone who will lead this country in a different direction allowing for the free exercise of religion and individual freedom. It isn't even worth arguing about at this point. If someone wants to vote for Biden that is their right. Those who oppose Trump can only fall back on digging up dirt about his moral failures not on his policy. Pray for all our leaders including President Biden.

Proverbs 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.
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Do you believe that the Republican party is in any way pro Bible? They keep saying that they want to be the party with the "big umbrella 🏖️" welcoming all. The LGBTQ+ agenda is gaining popularity in the ranks. Not all Democrats hate God.
For he that is not against us is on our part. - Mark 9:40

Joe Biden has weaponized the Justice Department to viciously prosecute pro-life activists,” Trump said of the current president on Saturday during remarks at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s 15th annual Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C.
“I will also create a new federal task force on fighting anti-Christian bias,” Trump later added. “Its mission will be to investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against Christians in America. It’s taking place at a level that nobody can believe. This is not America any more that we are living in.”
Those who oppose Trump can only fall back on digging up dirt about his moral failures not on his policy.

When Trump said the Florida six-week abortion ban went "too far," and when he opposed the Arizona law banning abortions without rape and incest exceptions, were those his moral failures, or his policy?
When Trump said the Florida six-week abortion ban went "too far," and when he opposed the Arizona law banning abortions without rape and incest exceptions, were those his moral failures, or his policy?
it was a compromise..... that he knew the absence of.... as dirty as it is.... would result in a backlash among moderte voters leading to a return of unrestricted abortions up to the say of delivery.... ..... and that would cause the lives of millions more children to be destroyed than would be under those comprimises... .......which...... as ugly as it sounds - would have been destroyed either way.....

are we about saving as many lives as we can?..... or are we about allowing millions to die just to satisfy our own ..and possibly misguided ..personal principles - principles which are often born more of pride than they are of piety......

politics... like warfare.... is a very dirty and ugly business.... which is why those not fit for the trenches hire others to go in there and do it for them....... undermining those we sent in there when they do something we don;t like like or don;t understand.. is something we should never do - and only puts us all as well as the innocent in greater danger... . . .. but it always seems to happen anyway doesn;t it?..... ...
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When Trump said the Florida six-week abortion ban went "too far," and when he opposed the Arizona law banning abortions without rape and incest exceptions, were those his moral failures, or his policy?
Donald Trump isn't perfect anymore than you are. You can bring up any issue for the sake of argument as to why a Christian shouldn't vote for a man like Trump who may be inconsistent in areas of disagreement. You can throw the baby out with the bath water. I believe Marxism is a threat to America and to the religious and individual freedoms God has blessed us with as a nation. I won't argue with you. I will vote for a man who is a sinner in hopes that God will give us time to repent as a nation. Our only hope is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to make things right in a world that is wrong. God bless you.
When Trump said the Florida six-week abortion ban went "too far," and when he opposed the Arizona law banning abortions without rape and incest exceptions, were those his moral failures, or his policy?
They are of course his policy recommendations. I am not happy at all with what many Republicans say about abortion. But as we have stated, politics as it exists in the US often requires a choice between the lesser of evils. We have both done that many times I’d surmise.

The Democrats for the most part now propose no limits on abortion. I’d like a no abortion candidate.
(relocated because i initially posted this in the wrong thread.... sorry....)

one problem is that people spend too much time listening to the main stream media pundits spinning and recapping things.... and not paying attention to what the politicians themselves are actually saying...... .. the democrat national convention in february of 2023 democrats officially declared "white christian nationalism" to be the greatest threat to democracy and also to national security..... ...

that term has been floated around for a long time and many christians believe they are excluded from that identified group because they are either catholic or not a nationalist... or they think the democrats were only talking about extremists... . or... (like me)... they are not white.... ...but when you look at how democrat politicians and their party leadership defines it - you realize it includes every one of us ...and then some.... .

regardless of your color or denomination.... ..... if you believe in the God of the bible - both old and new testaments.... and you oppose the lgbtq-rsp agenda and the left wings push to silence christian voices - and remove christian influence from every institution both public and private... then the democrats are dedicated to cancel and abolish you..... and in the end even make it illegal for you to practice your faith.....
For he that is not against us is on our part. - Mark 9:40

Joe Biden has weaponized the Justice Department to viciously prosecute pro-life activists,” Trump said of the current president on Saturday during remarks at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s 15th annual Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C.
“I will also create a new federal task force on fighting anti-Christian bias,” Trump later added. “Its mission will be to investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against Christians in America. It’s taking place at a level that nobody can believe. This is not America any more that we are living in.”
Not all Pubs back godly initiatives. And there are many Pubs who are against religion. As I told Tar, don't be so obtuse.