Can a Christian be a Democrat?

In the final analysis, those who smite their chests in their recognition of their estates as sinners, and beg God (not other men) for mercy, go away justified.

Those who don't recognize their sin, and think they behave better than those other hypocritical worshippers, do not receive mercy.
This idea that nonchristians are better people is not based in truth, but rather a root of bitterness.
This idea that nonchristians are better people is not based in truth, but rather a root of bitterness.
Since it’s not based in truth, do you have a chapter and verse to credit what you’ve said? Meaning, there must be something in scripture that states bc of my claims
(my experience) against the churches we’ve attended I must be bitter.
I can only speak about what we’ve experienced in the past at IFB churches and the church we attend now. That is, what I’ve already explained. Again, no one is rude. Kinda like going to Walmart, no one is rude, beyond that the greeter at Walmart says, glad you came and when you leave they say something like, hope to see you soon.

I do believe there are Catholics that are born again. I do not believe a catholic “church” is a true church according to the Bible. Simply put, all Catholic Churches teach, that a priest can help forgive sin in the confessional booth.

:) bruh,
did you speak up at this other ifb church... (or churches).... and tell them what you were unhappy about?..... did you give them what i would call - an informed chance to change and improve before you left?...... . and more specifically - - did you talk to this church leader you use to work for and tell him what it was that bothered you about his words vrs actions etc... and the way he treated you?.... did you give him a chance to change or explain himself?.... .... it;s very important to have done that first before taking that problem or complaint somewhere else...

i never cared one way or the other about ammenities and social niceties in a church...(greetings at the door - hugs all around etc.. ..i actually avoided all that).... . but i do care about doctrine and following scripture.... and i know what it;s like to leave a church due to that church going way off doctrine and even becoming apostate... ... but i did tell them what i saw that i thought was wrong before i left and begged them not to go down the new path they had chosen.... so did a lot of other people who felt the same way i did..... .... that was several years ago and it was a church i had practically grown up in from my early teenage years... was hard to do - but it had to be done....
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did you speak up at this other ifb church... (or churches).... and tell them what you were unhappy about?..... did you give them what i would call - an informed chance to change and improve before you left?...... . and more specifically - - did you talk to this church leader you use to work for and tell him what it was that bothered you about his words vrs actions etc... and the way he treated you?.... did you give him a chance to change or explain himself?.... .... it;s very important to have done that first before taking that problem or complaint somewhere else...

i never cared one way or the other about ammenities and social niceties in a church...(greetings at the door - hugs all around etc.. ..i actually avoided all that).... . but i do care about doctrine and following scripture.... and i know what it;s like to leave a church due to that church going way off doctrine and even becoming apostate... ... but i did tell them what i saw that i thought was wrong before i left and begged them not to go down the new path they had chosen.... so did a lot of other people who felt the same way i did..... .... that was several years ago and it was a church i had practically grown up in from my early teenage years... was hard to do - but it had to be done....
Yes I did talk to him and self righteous people refuse to even ponder the thought that they may be even a little bit wrong.

The IFB churches….(sigh) where do I begin :)
  • TRUTH!
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Since it’s not based in truth, do you have a chapter and verse to credit what you’ve said? Meaning, there must be something in scripture that states bc of my claims
(my experience) against the churches we’ve attended I must be bitter.
There are many, actually, and one that actually uses my verbatim. I 'll leave that one for you to look up. But there are two others that come immediately to mind:

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. - John 15:19​
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. - 2 Timothy 3:12​
If I feel more at home with the world than with Christians, it may be cause for some self examination. It could be an indicator that I'm the one that's not in the faith.

And isn't it interesting that this topic came up in a thread about whether or not Christians should align themselves with the party of Sodom?
There are many, actually, and one that actually uses my verbatim. I 'll leave that one for you to look up. But there are two others that come immediately to mind:

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. - John 15:19​
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. - 2 Timothy 3:12​
If I feel more at home with the world than with Christians, it may be cause for some self examination. It could be an indicator that I'm the one that's not in the faith.

And isn't it interesting that this topic came up in a thread about whether or not Christians should align themselves with the party of Sodom?
Wow! Ok :)

I’ll play along.

You said, rooted in bitterness. I take ur accusation as say, Ive had these experiences because I’m bitter? Therefore, it’s impossible for Gods people to treat others, on a surface level, which is my basic claim ie. my Walmart example.

All I’m saying is there’s more to Christianity than, hey brother sure is good to see you -slap on the back- hope to see you again, HEY, praying for ya (insert smile)

We have no issues hanging out with or being around Gods people. It’s kinda like Walmart….all surface level.

Because this is our experience doesn’t mean we’re bitter. It just means this has been our experience.
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By the way, the answer to the OP’s question is still NO, Joe.
Hogwash. You've still got head in bottom disease. The Bible NOWHERE addresses what party people need to be. It gives guidance on how to live and who to associate with, but, it's still up to each flawed individual. I know many Democrats who are a site better than many Republicans in their lives.
Mom is a lifelong straight-ticket Democrat, and a Christian for over 60 years. Her party left her long ago, and I’ve heard many other Democrats say the same, though most of them still vote for the donkey.
My unsaved biological father is a life long Democrat. He's NEVER even supported a Republican, and has run for Harrison County, Indiana sheriff 3 times. He's got several neighbors that are Christians who are lifelong Dems as well. They don't support much of the parties platform, but they do support some of its initiatives over that of Republicans.
Hogwash. You've still got head in bottom disease. The Bible NOWHERE addresses what party people need to be. It gives guidance on how to live and who to associate with, but, it's still up to each flawed individual. I know many Democrats who are a site better than many Republicans in their lives.
Joe you are a professional point misser.
The answer is NO!

in years past it was a lot more possible for many of us to be christians and still support democrats... was easier then to focus on the things most important to each of us in a party platform, while ignoring the rest of it... .... .. but the more you know about something the harder it is to ignore or pretend not to see what it;s really all about..... and these days what democrats are all about is all over the news - and embedded into everything in society that the government has anything to do with...... it requires going through life with both eyes closed and our ears plugged not to know about it.. .. or to live out in the woods somewhere under a rock.... . ..

their plans and their agenda is massive... but in short the democrats have declared war on christianity and have actually pledged... "by any means necessary".. to wipe it out... and to erase all christian influence not only on society... but also to root it out of each individual christian family and make it both illegal and impossible for us to practice our faith.... .

but then.... ..i also understand.. (and some of the comments on this forum in recent months bear this out)... . that there are some who believe christians can only be at their best and right with God if they are being persecuted... and some seem to actually desire to live in that kind of world..... this might be the election cycle where they get their wish......
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All I’m saying is there’s more to Christianity than, hey brother sure is good to see you -slap on the back- hope to see you again, HEY, praying for ya (insert smile)
No, that's not all you're saying.

You said:
I’m sorry, but my experience tells me lost men are more Christ like than the men I’ve interacted with at church.

Lost men who’ve become my friends have been there for me and my family way more than church people.

You were given the opportunity to cite specific examples, you chose instead to equivocate and retreat to your generalities.

Your testimony is you have better fellowship with nonchristians than with Christians. Applying the verses I cited above, I'd say you're the problem, not the churches.
No, that's not all you're saying.

You said:


You were given the opportunity to cite specific examples, you chose instead to equivocate and retreat to your generalities.

Your testimony is you have better fellowship with nonchristians than with Christians. Applying the verses I cited above, I'd say you're the problem, not the churches.
I stand corrected I’m say more than that.

But I’m not a Democrat!
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in years past it was a lot more possible for many of us to be christians and still support democrats... was easier then to focus on the things most important to each of us in a party platform, while ignoring the rest of it... .... .. but the more you know about something the harder it is to ignore or pretend not to see what it;s really all about..... and these days what democrats are all about is all over the news - and embedded into everything in society that the government has anything to do with...... it requires going through life with both eyes closed and our ears plugged not to know about it.. .. or to live out in the woods somewhere under a rock.... . ..

their plans and their agenda is massive... but in short the democrats have declared war on christianity and have actually pledged... "by any means necessary".. to wipe it out... and to erase all christian influence not only on society... but also to root it out of each individual christian family and make it both illegal and impossible for us to practice our faith.... .

but then.... ..i also understand.. (and some of the comments on this forum in recent months bear this out)... . that there are some who believe christians can only be at their best and right with God if they are being persecuted... and some seem to actually desire to live in that kind of world..... this might be the election cycle where they get their wish......
Those are strong statements. You believe that the Democratic party wants to basically eradicate Christianity? I've missed that. Please share with me where you've heard that. I actually know some Christians who are democrats. They believe differently than I do about several things, but I've never heard them say they want to remove Christianity from our society. In fact, they seem to have a strong faith in God.
Those are strong statements. You believe that the Democratic party wants to basically eradicate Christianity? I've missed that. Please share with me where you've heard that. I actually know some Christians who are democrats. They believe differently than I do about several things, but I've never heard them say they want to remove Christianity from our society. In fact, they seem to have a strong faith in God.
Fifteen GOP members wrote Biden, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, recently about a State Department program implemented last year that "would award grants of up to $500,000 to organizations committed to the practice and spread of atheism and humanism, namely in South/Central Asia and in the Middle East/North Africa."

Can you name one Blue Dog Democrat currently in congress?