Lets start a list of churches you would leave your current successful church to "pastor"!
1. We can start the list with Jack Wilkerson from FBLB for FBCH and HAC
What church would you accept a position if they came calling?
Now I know some of you wouldn't, because you actually have a calling and duty to those you've labored among many years! I applaud you for it. Your ambition for success hasn't overridden your love and care for the sheep of your pastor! I can give a good example. Bobby Roberson has been pastoring GLBC since 1956! I'm sure he's had opportunity to find something else. Even opportunity.
1. We can start the list with Jack Wilkerson from FBLB for FBCH and HAC
What church would you accept a position if they came calling?
Now I know some of you wouldn't, because you actually have a calling and duty to those you've labored among many years! I applaud you for it. Your ambition for success hasn't overridden your love and care for the sheep of your pastor! I can give a good example. Bobby Roberson has been pastoring GLBC since 1956! I'm sure he's had opportunity to find something else. Even opportunity.